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Warm-Up. Correct these sentences-12 errors: (apostrophe, colon, periods , comma, words often confused, homophone ) d erricks father carried the dog home at 930 AM and then he began to bathe it n aomi please get off of that table and set hear by the window

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-Up • Correct these sentences-12 errors: (apostrophe, colon, periods, comma, words often confused, homophone) • derricks father carried the dog home at 930 AM and then he began to bathe it • naomi please get off of that table and set hear by the window *Don’t forget your homework is due Friday!

  2. Literary Narrative • Using your cross finish your introduction • Make sure your foldable has your name on it, put the prompt inside and • TURN IT IN!

  3. My Mother Pieced Quilts • The speaker uses images of quilts and quilting to show connections both to her mother and to her heritage as a Mexican American • We’re going to read the poem aloud • Put a * to signal striking or interesting images • A ? To signal a line that is puzzling or to note a question in the margin • A ! To indicate a personal connection to the poem

  4. My Mother Pieced Quilts • Read the poem again to yourself • draw an illustration for one stanza which you will then share with a partner • partner discussion: Why is this memory significant to the speaker? How does the poet use imagery to convey the significance of the memory?

  5. My Mother Pieced Quilts • Identify: • Topic of the poem • Purpose of the poem • Occasion

  6. My Mother Pieced Quilts • You need yellow, green & orange highlighters • Reread the poem • Identify the following in the stanza you are assigned: • Nouns—yellow • Verbs—green • Adjectives—orange

  7. My Mother Pieced Quilts • Choose three of the words you highlighted • Using these words give 3 synonyms for each (you may use a thesaurus) • With a partner explain why you think Acosta chose the particular word she did rather than one of the synonyms • Explain how the poem would be affected if Acosta had used one of the synonyms

  8. My Mother Pieced Quilts • Pick the most significant word in the poem regardless of its part of speech, and discuss why you think this one word is so important • Answer questions 3-4 on page 9 with your partner

  9. Academic Vocabulary • Vocabulary section of your notebook • Divide it in half • Left side=word • Right side=definition

  10. Your own quilt piece • Brainstorm a list of significant experiences from your childhood that SYMBOLIZE who you are as a person • Choose one to develop • Be sure the one you choose captures the essence of your character • It needs to be neat and colorful • These will be hung on the wall to create a Class Quilt!

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