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California’s Efforts for Mitigating the Global Climate Impacts of MAC Systems

2008 Mobile Air Conditioning Summit June 13, Scottsdale. California’s Efforts for Mitigating the Global Climate Impacts of MAC Systems. Alberto Ayala California Air Resources Board. California’s GHG Reduction Targets

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California’s Efforts for Mitigating the Global Climate Impacts of MAC Systems

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  1. 2008 Mobile Air Conditioning Summit June 13, Scottsdale California’s Efforts for Mitigating the Global Climate Impacts of MAC Systems Alberto Ayala California Air Resources Board

  2. California’s GHG Reduction Targets 2020: Emissions at 1990 levels, 28% below business as usual. Reduction of 173 million tons. 2050: Emissions at 80% below 1990 levels.

  3. California 2004 GHG Emissions (480 MMTCO2E) GHG Emissions by Sector Transportation (182 MMTCO2E/yr)

  4. Vehicle Technology Vehicle Use Fuels Transportation GHGs GHG Mile + GHG Gallon + VMT ~ ~ Climate Change Transp. & Land Use Strategies AB 1493 Regulation Low-Carbon Fuel Standard Transportation Overarching Strategies for Transportation • Vulnerability of infrastructure and operations* • Widespread and costly impacts* *Transportation Research Board Special Report 290, Potential Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Transportation, NRC 2008

  5. CO2 HFC Methane Nitrous Oxide HFC CO2 Engine A/C compressor Transmission First-in-the-world motor vehicle GHG emissions regulation (AB1493-Pavley) Mandates the reduction of GHG emissions from passenger vehicles. Expected reductions ~ 30 MMTCO2E by 2020

  6. California GHG Standards Much More Effective Nationally Nationwide GHG cumulative reductions by 2020 http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/ccms/reports/pavleycafe_reportfeb25_08.pdf

  7. Regulatory Drivers for MAC Improvements in California • Pavley Regulation (1493) • New motor vehicle labeling regulation • New regulation for HD and off-road vehicles • Cool cars (cool paint and window glazing) • Pavley II • New regulation for DIY cans • I/M Smog Check leak check and new “fix it” requirement • New requirements for professional servicing • EOL recovery/recycling • New rule for refrigerated shipping containers • Commercial refrigeration specification program

  8. Emerging Opportunities (Non-Kyoto GHG control) 2004 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  9. Implications of Climate Change for Air Quality and Public Health Protection “ significant synergies and co-benefits are possible through a concerted consideration of air quality and climate change policies” Williams, M.L.,”UK air quality in 2050-synergies with climate change policies,” Env.Sci.&Policy, 2006

  10. California has a role on this Global Issue California produces roughly 1.4 % of the world's and 6.2 % of the total U.S. greenhouse gases

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