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Cuddling with your SOUIEEE-TEE: A bad case of the flu Travis Kibota BEDROCK Workshop Eugene, OR 10/23/2004. Central Question What is the relationship of the Spanish Influenza Virus of 1918 to other influenza viruses?. Motivation. 1:00 AM Can’t sleep 8:00 AM Nice breakfast and conversation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cuddling with yourSOUIEEE-TEE:A bad case of the fluTravis KibotaBEDROCK WorkshopEugene, OR 10/23/2004

  2. Central QuestionWhat is the relationship of the Spanish Influenza Virus of 1918 to other influenza viruses?

  3. Motivation 1:00 AM Can’t sleep 8:00 AM Nice breakfast and conversation 9:00 AM Engaging presentation/activity involving West Nile Virus 12:00 PM Hearty lunch 2:00 PM Interesting, if not hopeful, presentation on Spotted Owl 3:30 PM Mid-afternoon lull 4:30 PM PANIC...

  4. Hemagglutinin Influenza A Virus RNA Fragments Neuraminidase

  5. Influenza A Recombination Bird Pig Human

  6. Procedures Searched PubMed for protein sequences of 1918 influenza virus Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase (H1N1). Used Biology Workbench to perform Blast search of GenBank Viral Sequence Database. Identified the swine and avian influenza viruses with highest sequence similarity to 1918 Influenza A virus. Used CLUSTALW function to align selected sequences with the 1918 proteins.

  7. Results

  8. Neuraminidase Swine Swine Swine Swine Swine Swine Duck Duck Gull Hawk Duck Duck

  9. Hemagglutinin Duck Duck Duck Swine Swine Swine Swine Swine Swine

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