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Warm-Up. What contribution does your school library media program make to student achievement?. http://english.arizona.edu/index_site.php?id=82. Advocating for School Libraries:. Making the Most of the NJ Study. New Jersey Association of School Librarians Conference November 30, 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-Up • What contribution does your school library media program make to student achievement? http://english.arizona.edu/index_site.php?id=82

  2. Advocating for School Libraries: Making the Most of the NJ Study New Jersey Association of School Librarians Conference November 30, 2012 Long Branch, NJ

  3. Presenters • Mary Moyer, School Library Media Specialist Delsea Regional HS NJASL Legislative Chair GCEA Congressional Contacts Chair Past President, NJASL • Peg Lawlor, NJASL Government Relations Consultant

  4. NJ Study of School Libraries -Purpose: Answer questions What does a good school library look like? What is role of SL in educating students? - Phase 1 Comprehensive picture of state of school libraries in NJ -Phase 2 Common factors of impact of library programs on student learning

  5. Findings from StudySchool library media specialists…. Empower learners and learning. http://www.southerncompany.com/ learningpower/

  6. Findings from StudySchool library media specialists…. Help students master information literacy competencies.

  7. Findings from StudySchool library media specialists…. Foster reading for learning. http://hmjds.com/in-the-classroom/october-2012-15/

  8. Findings from StudySchool library media specialists…. • Set stage for • student-initiated inquiry. http://csr.cisco.com/casestudy/21st-century-schools-initiative

  9. Findings from StudySchool library media specialists…. Collaborate with teachers to prepare students to be productive citizens in digital, knowledge-based global world. http://doug-johnson.squarespace.com/storage/wordlenewteacher.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1217260538523

  10. Advocacy Tips Over-reliance on National Studies, Statistics http://www.sermoncentral.com/pastors-preaching-articles/

  11. Build Relationships • Personalize your message • Why are you committed to the goal? • Connect your goal to what matters to students. • Tell decision makers why they should care and support the school library program. http://smallbiztrends.com/2011/01/better-business-goals-2011.html

  12. Advocate for library users • Advocate for students. • Use examples of student learning and achievement. • Tell stories. • Highlight activities that focus on student engagement. http://www.mohigh.com/library-advocacy.html

  13. Make your own case • You are the best person to tell your story. No one else has same commitment or passion. http://ynpnnyc.org/2012/04/26/stand-up-for-yourself-and-your-sector-an-introduction-to-nonprofit-advocacy/

  14. Advocacy is ongoing • According to Tim Staal, “Advocacy is a process and a journey.” • What have you done to advocate for your library today? http://www.worksmartmompreneurs.com/blog/personal-growth/success-a-journey-a-destination-or-an-attitude/

  15. Activity – How do they advocate… http://smallbites.andybellatti.com/qa-roundup-6/question-mark-2/

  16. Sharing of stories and strategies Enter answers at WallWisher – http://wallwisher.com/wall/NJASLCONF-Advocacy http://civicedproject.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/citizenship-in-a-global-age/

  17. Resources Johnson, Doug. Library Media Connection March/April 2012. p. 98. Dr. Ross J Todd, Dr. Carol A Gordon, Dr. Ya-Ling Lu. The New Jersey Study of School Libraries: One Common Goal – Student Learning 2011 Phase 2 Report. http://cissl.rutgers.edu/ http://www.njasl.info/cissl-study/ http://njasl.memberlodge.org/AdvocacyResources http://njasladvocacy.pbworks.com/ Tweet – share your tweets regarding this event at #NJASL2012conf

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