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Fitness Jeopardy

Fitness Jeopardy. This method of training involves doing combinations of different activities like biking, running, swimming for muscle fitness. Cross Training. Set point occurs during training when your fitness level does this... .

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Fitness Jeopardy

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  1. Fitness Jeopardy

  2. This method of training involves doing combinations of different activities like biking, running, swimming for muscle fitness. • Cross Training

  3. Set point occurs during training when your fitness level does this... • Reaches your personal level of optimum fitness. After this fitness improvement slows or plateaus.

  4. Strength is best described as the ability to ... • Move a weight or resistance.

  5. During exercise to avoid dehydration it is recommended that you drink water at this rate... • ½ cup of water every 10 minutes

  6. Doing a hamstring stretch to improve the flexibility of the hamstring over time is an example of: • Specificity of training

  7. 10% of our diet should contain this source of energy. • Protein

  8. Proteins are found in what food sources... • Meat, Fish, Legumes

  9. T or F – Proteins are a primary source of energy. • False – while proteins have about as much energy as a carbohydrate they are primarily used to help build tissues in the body. • Proteins usually get used as energy only after all carbs and fats are used up, such as during fasts or starvation.

  10. In exercise the measure of how hard you work the muscle is called this. • Intensity

  11. An example of muscle endurance could be ... • Doing lots of bicep curls with light weights or • Repeated muscle contractions at moderate to light resistance without fatigue

  12. This type of exercise might be doing 6 – 200 meter sprints with one minute rests in between. • Interval

  13. The body’s ability to respond and adapt to exercise by becoming stronger, bigger, more flexible in fitness is called. • Training effect

  14. The ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system to deliver oxygen to the muscles is called ? • Cardio Vascular Fitness

  15. Stroke volume is a term to describe the heart’s ability to do this. • The amount of blood the heart can pump in one contraction or beat.

  16. As you get in better CV shape what happens to stroke volume and why? • Stroke volume increases because as you get fitter the heart muscle gets larger and stronger able to push more blood in a single beat. (the heart can double its size in a fit adult).

  17. Max V0 2 Uptake is a measure of … • The maximum amount of Oxygen your heart, lungs and circulatory system can deliver to the muscles in one minute

  18. 220 – Your age = ?? • Max Heart Rate

  19. How do you calculate Target Heart Rate (THR)? • (220 – age) X 60% for lower level • (220 – age) X 80 % for upper level

  20. How can THR be used to train? • THR (Target Heart Rate) is how fast the heart has to beat (work) during an aerobic workout in order for an improvement to occur in CV fitness. You also need to keep the THR in the range for over 15 minutes about 3 to 5 times a week to see improvement.

  21. The length of time it takes your HR to return to pre exercise rates following aerobic activity is known as • Recovery time

  22. The resting HR drops as a result of improved CV fitness due to an increase of this... • Stroke volume

  23. As stroke volume increases due to improved CV fitness the Resting HR will ? • DROP - Just checking to see who was paying attention…

  24. The F in FITT Principles refers to this. • Frequency/How often we exercise

  25. The T in FITT principles refers to: • The amount of Time you spend during the workout or • The Type of exercise you focus on

  26. Our heart rate while we sleep is referred to as our ... • Resting Heart Rate or RHR

  27. Max HR X 60% to 80% = ??? • Target Heart Rate. The HR needed during exercise to achieve CV fitness

  28. How long (minimum) do you need to work at THR to achieve a training effect? • 15 minutes approximately and probably minimum 3 to 4 times a week.

  29. Weight training is also called this • Resistance training

  30. An example of this fitness component could be a sprinter leaping out of the starting blocks at the gun. • Power

  31. Working out or exercising a muscle beyond its normal limits is called... Overload

  32. Touching your toes is an example of this type of fitness... • Flexibility

  33. A shin splint from running too much can be an example of this ... • Chronic Exercise Injury

  34. The principle of rest and recovery states the muscles need this amount of time to repair and recharge. • 24 to 48 hours

  35. When these repair after overloading a muscle fiber we get stronger. • Micro tears

  36. Our HR as we sit in class, or do our routine daily activity, is also called this name. • Ambient HR

  37. Dehydration in sport results in this dropping off ... • Performance

  38. By the time this happens in sport, you are already dehydrated. • You get thirsty

  39. The best fuel for our body to use for energy production are found in these... • Carbohydrates

  40. Carbohydrates are usually found in abundance in these food groups. • Fruits and Vegetables

  41. What foods contain the most vitamins and minerals? • Fruits and Vegetables. Recommended to eat a regular variety of Fruit (3cups) and Veggie servings (5 cups) each day to meet your dietary needs.

  42. Two factors that can result in a decrease in our fitness levels during training are ... • Over training, stress, illness, aging, poor nutrition

  43. Anaerobic exercise uses energy created without... • Oxygen

  44. Aerobic exercise creates energy with ... • Oxygen

  45. During the first 2 to 3 minutes exercise is Aerobic? Anaerobic? • Anaerobic - without oxygen

  46. When lactic acid accumulates around the muscle, what happens? • The muscle fatigues and won’t be able to contract effectively

  47. True or False: Lactic acid builds up during aerobic exercise. • False, lactic acid occurs during phase 2 of the anaerobic cycle when energy is produced without oxygen.

  48. During a run, the first 2/3 minutes energy is anaerobic before switching over to aerobic. At what point, or under what conditions, would it become anaerobic again? • If you broke into a sprint and the energy demand exceeds your ability to provide oxygen for energy, the system gets the extra energy anaerobic alactic. • This is known as crossing the Anaerobic Threshold – when you exceed the CV system ability to provide energy aerobically.

  49. Which Energy Phase does this formula describe? ADP + PC > ATP + C • Anaerobic Alactic, which last only for about 10 seconds until the stored ADP and PC in the muscle is used up.

  50. What is this? C6H12O6 • Glucose – energy stored in the muscles

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