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Explore the Christian belief in justice, equality, and the fight against prejudice and discrimination. Topics include racism, religious prejudice, women's roles, and wealth and poverty.

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  1. Christianity Justice and Equality

  2. Contents • Prejudice and Discrimination • Racism • Religious Prejudice • Role of Women • Wealth and Poverty

  3. Prejudice and Discrimination • Prejudice means to form an opinion of someone before meeting them based on something you know about them (e.g. they are from a particular country) • Discrimination is acting on your prejudice – putting those opinions into practice. • Christian denominations are universally against prejudice and discrimination. • They believe in justice – fair treatment for everyone.

  4. Prejudice and Discrimination • Christians believe that all people are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27) • ‘there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free men, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus.’ (Galatians 3:28) • James 2:1-9 – do not treat people according to their outward appearances. • Christians try to follow the example of Jesus in caring for all people. They might remember the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10 where the Samaritan took care of the injured man even though they were meant to be enemies.

  5. Racism • Prejudice because of race is illegal in the UK. • It usually is based on the colour of a person’s skin – but not always. • The Church of England says that governments should make laws that protect the rights of those from other races.

  6. Religious Prejudice • Religious prejudice often comes from the fact that people of different religions do not understand each other. • However there is also the problem that usually people of one religion think they have the ‘truth’ where people of other religion also think this. • The Good Samaritan teaches us that we must care for everyone – whoever they are – there were religious differences between the Samaritans and the Jews.

  7. Role of Women • Men dominated society in Jesus’ time – although they respected women highly – the woman’s role in the family was immensely respected. • Some Christians believe that this approach should still be maintained; others believe that this is too old-fashioned for today. • ‘there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free men, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus.’ (Galatians 3:28) • Many Christians believe that men and women have different skills and roles, but are of equal value.

  8. Role of Women • There is some debate about whether or not women should be allowed a significant role in church. • 1 Corinthians 14:34 – ‘The women should keep quiet in the meetings. They are not allowed to speak… they are not to be in charge.’

  9. For women priests: As long as a person can lead a church it doesn’t matter what gender they are. Jesus’ world was very different to our own. Women are actually better than men at some aspects of the job e.g. empathy. Against women priests: Jesus chose men, not women to carry on the faith as apostles. When a priest is at the altar he is representing Jesus, a man. Role of Women If you believe the priest’s job is to lead worship, women can become priests… if you believe it is to represent Christ, then it is harder to argue for women priests.

  10. Wealth and Poverty • 20% of the world’s population use 86% of the world’s resources. • Christians believe that this is not fair – and work to bring justice to the world. • They might support the work of a Christian Organisation that fights poverty such as Christian Aid. • They might campaign in a non-violent way or write to their MPs to ask for policies to change. • They would pray about the issue. • Christians are not against well-paid jobs as long as the money is earned fairly and honestly – and as long as the person is prepared to use the money for the good of others.

  11. Wealth and Poverty • The parable of the Sheep and the Goats in Matthew 25 teaches us that we need to care for those in need as if they were Jesus. If we don’t we might go to hell. • The parable of the Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 warns the rich that if they treat the poor badly then they will go to hell. It offers hope to the poor that they can go to heaven. • The parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12 tells us to make sure we pile up our riches in heaven, not on earth – that we should not be concerned by material things. • The Good Samaritan tells us to love our neighbour – whoever they are. True love puts everyone first.

  12. Summary • Christians oppose any form of prejudice or discrimination. We are all made in God’s image and so need to show each other the respect we deserve. • There are valid arguments both for and against women priests, but they depend on your view of what a priest is. • Christians think that poverty is unacceptable and that those who can should use their money to bring justice to those who need it.

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