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B. C. **. **. **. **. A. D. 5% O 2. 20% O 2. S. 0.1Gy. 0.1Gy+4Gy. 4Gy. 5% O 2 + NAC. pLKO.1. E. S 0.1Gy 0.1Gy+Blm Blm. GFP-SOD1. pLKO.1. SOD1. DAPI g H2AX. SOD1. β-actin. Lall et al. Suppl. Fig. 1.
B C ** ** ** ** A D 5% O2 20% O2 S 0.1Gy 0.1Gy+4Gy 4Gy 5% O2 + NAC pLKO.1 E S 0.1Gy 0.1Gy+Blm Blm GFP-SOD1 pLKO.1 SOD1 DAPI gH2AX SOD1 β-actin Lall et al. Suppl. Fig. 1
** ** ** ** B A D C Normal Medium Low glucose 2-DG 0.1Gy Sham Lall et al. Suppl. Figure 2
5% O2/0.1Gy 0.5% O2 5% O2 HIF-1α DAPI GLUT-3 DAPI Lall et al. Suppl. Figure 3
A B Lall et al. Suppl. Figure 4
Supplemental figure legend Supplemental Figure 1. A. Human lymphocytes were cultured in a conventional CO2 incubator (20% O2) and pretreated with a dose of 0.1Gy or sham-treated, after 12 h, followed by a 0 or 4.0Gy-treatment. The cells were harvested 8 h later and subjected to apoptotic assays. The numbers are mean ± SD from 3 independent experiments, *<0.05, **<0.01. B. Lymphocytes, maintained at 5% O2 condition, were treated and analyzed as in A. C. Lymphocytes, maintained at 5% O2 were treated with NAC (10mM) for 1 h before being irradiated and analyzed as in A. D. Human fibroblasts were infected with either control retroviral vector (pLKO.1) or SOD1. The cells were treated with the radioadaptive regimen and harvested 1h after last IR-treatment for immunostaining with gH2AX or DAPI. E. Human fibroblasts were either sham or 0.1Gy-pretreated. 12 h later the cells were treated with bleomycin (20mg/ml) for 1 h and harvested for immunostaining. A clear reduction of bleomycin-induced gH2AX by 0.1Gy-pretreatment can be seen. Supplemental Figure 2. A. Human fibroblasts were either sham-treated (S) or irradiated at 0.1Gy and 12h after the treatment, images of cell cultures were taken. Human lymphocytes were cultured in normal media (25mM glucose) (B) in low glucose (2 mM) media (C). The cells were pretreated with a dose of 0.1Gy or sham-treated. 2 h later they were followed by a 0 or 4.0Gy-treatment. The cells were harvested 8 h later and subjected to apoptotic assays. The numbers are mean ± SD from 3 independent experiments, **<0.01. D. Lymphocytes were treated with 2-DG 1 h before 4Gy irradiation and subject to the treatment and analysis as in B. Supplemental Figure 3. A. Human fibroblasts were cultured under 5%O2 either sham or 0.1Gy-irradiated or under hypoxia (0.5%O2) condition. The cells were harvested 12h later for immunostaining with either HIF1a or its target gene product GLUT-3. Supplemental Figure 4. A. Human fibroblasts maintained at 5%O2 were irradiated with the indicated IR dose and subjected to colony formation assay. The numbers are mean ± SD from 3 independent experiments. B. Human fibroblasts were transfected with the indicated siRNA. The corresponding mRNA was measured by qRT-PCR 48h later.