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SUGAR UP. QUESTIONS Or Review to Chapter 6 Honors BiologyTest. Respiratory System. 1. nostril 2. nasal cavity 3. Pharynx 4. Epiglottis (flap) 5. Larynx (voice box). 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. Respiratory System (cont). 6. Esophagus (to stomach) 7. Trachea 8. R. lung

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  1. SUGAR UP QUESTIONS Or Review to Chapter 6 Honors BiologyTest

  2. Respiratory System • 1. nostril • 2. nasal cavity 3. Pharynx 4. Epiglottis (flap) 5. Larynx (voice box) 1. 2. 3. 5. 4.

  3. Respiratory System (cont) 6. Esophagus (to stomach) 7. Trachea 8. R. lung 9. Pleura (lining) 6. 7. 8. 9.

  4. Respiratory System (cont) • 10. bronchi • 11. bronchioles • 12. diaphragm 10. 11. 12.

  5. Respiratory System (cont) To the heart: pulmonary vein • 13. alveoli • 14. pulmonary artery • 15. capillary bed • 16. alveolar duct • 17. alveolus From the heart 14. 13. 16. 15.

  6. Respiratory System • What is another name for the trachea? Where is it? • Windpipe and located below epiglottis

  7. Where is the L. pulmonary artery?R. Pulmonary vein • L. pulmonary artery is 3 • R. pulmonary vein is 4

  8. Label and describe what is going on here: • Answer next slide

  9. What electron carriers are at “D” and at “E”?

  10. “D” = NADH“E” = FADH2 + NADH

  11. What waste gas leaves at “H”?

  12. H = Carbon Dioxide

  13. What processes are at A, B, C?

  14. A (glycolysis) B (Krebs cycle) C (ETC and chemiosmosis)

  15. What is at “I” “F” “G”? __I

  16. “I” = 2 ATP, “F”= 2 ATP, “G” = 34 ATP?

  17. 18. Which process is the anaerobic one in yeast? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: alcoholic fermentation

  18. 19.Which is the movement of H+ ions across ATP synthase? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: chemiosmosis

  19. 20. Which is the splitting of glucose into two 3-carbon compounds? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: glycolysis

  20. 21. Which is also called the citric acid cycle? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • G. TCA cycle • ANSWER: Krebs cycle and TCA

  21. 22. Which is the movement of electrons from high energy to low? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: ETC

  22. 23. Which is the anaerobic process in animals’ muscles? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: lactic acid fermentation

  23. 24. How many carbons are in each pyruvic acid molecule? • 2 3 6 34 38 40 • ANSWER: 3

  24. 25. How many ATP’s are formed when one molecule of glucose break down (net) in glycolysis only? • 2 3 6 34 38 40 • ANSWER: 2 (net)

  25. 26. What is the number of FADH2 formed per pyruvate molecule in glycolysis? • 0 • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 6 • ANSWER 0

  26. 27. How many ATP’s are formed during the ETC and chemiosmosis? • 2 3 6 34 38 40 • ANSWER: 34

  27. 28. How many net ATP’s are formed from the breakdown of one glucose molecule TOTAL from cellular respiration (Krebs + ETC/chemiosmosis) and glycolysis? • 2 3 6 34 38 40 • ANSWER: 38

  28. 29. How many ATP’s are needed to get the glucose in glycolysis to start breaking down? • 2 3 6 34 38 40 • ANSWER: 2

  29. 30. How many ATP are made in the Energy Payoff Phase of Glycolysis? • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • ANSWER: 4

  30. HEY!!!!! • 1 NADH = __________ ATP • 1 FADH2 = _________ ATP • 3 • 2

  31. 31. Where does FERMENTATION occur? • A. Cytoplasm • B. Matrix • C. Inner membrane of mitochondrion • D. Intermembrane space of mitochondrion • ANSWER: cytoplasm (fermentation and glycolysis)

  32. 32. Where does Krebs CYCLE occur? • A. Cytoplasm • B. Matrix • C. Inner membrane of mitochondrion • D. Intermembrane space of mitochondrion • ANSWER: matrix

  33. 33. Where does ETC occur? • A. Cytoplasm • B. Matrix • C. Inner membrane of mitochondrion • D. Intermembrane space of mitochondrion • ANSWER: inner membrane

  34. 34. Where do H+ ions collect before they pass through the ATP synthase? • A. Cytoplasm • B. Matrix • C. Inner membrane of mitochondrion • D. Intermembrane space of mitochondrion • ANSWER: intermembrane space

  35. 35. Where is the ATP synthase located?? • A. Cytoplasm • B. Matrix • C. Inner membrane of mitochondrion • D. Intermembrane space of mitochondrion • ANSWER: inner membrane

  36. 36. How is the ETC different than burning glucose with a flame? • ETC breaks down glucose gradually • A flame burns glucose all at once •  34% of energy captured (ETC), rest is lost as heat

  37. 37. Which electron carrier(s) (is) are in glycolysis? • FADH NADH • NADH • Which electron carriers are in Krebs cycle? • BOTH NADH and FADH2

  38. 38. What is the final electron acceptor of the ETC? • A. oxygen • B. NAD+ • C. FAD • D. JiminLeeeeee • ANSWER: oxygen

  39. 39. Where do each of these come from to form water in cellular respiration? • H+ • NADH and FADH2 • Oxygen • Breathing in • Electrons • NADH and FADH2 (released to ETC)

  40. 41.What is the difference? • Between calorie and Calorie? • calorie = heat it takes to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius • Calorie = 1000 calories • Calorie = 1 kcal

  41. So… 1 Calorie = 1000 calories • 50 calories • 0.05 Calories • 0.05 kcal • 1 Calorie = 1000 calories = 1 kcal • 1 calorie = .001 Calorie = .001 kcal

  42. 42. What is another name for… • The Krebs Cycle? • A. Calvin Cycle • B. Lactic Acid Cycle • C. Citric Acid Cycle • D. Pyruvic Acid Cycle • E. TCA cycle • ANSWER: C + E

  43. 43. Which enzyme… • Grooms pyruvic acid so it can enter the Krebs cycle? • A. Lactase • B. Coenzyme A • C. Coenzyme K • D. Protease • ANSWER: B

  44. 43. What is cut off… • Pyruvic acid so it can enter the Krebs cycle? • A. oxygen • B. nitrogen • C. hydroxide • D. carbon dioxide • ANSWER: D

  45. 44. What is formed at the end of glycolysis (3-C molecule)? • Carbon dioxide • Pyruvate • G3P • NADH • ANSWER: pyruvate (pyruvic acid)

  46. 45. What is the product at the end of ETC/chemiosmosis with H+ and with oxygen? • Pyruvic acid • ATP • Water • Carbon dioxide • ANSWER: water

  47. 46. What product forms with ethanol (ethyl alcohol) in yeast fermentation? • ATP • Water • Carbon dioxide • Ethanol • ANSWER: carbon dioxide

  48. 47. What product forms at the end of anaerobic fermentation in muscles of animals? • Carbon dioxide • Water • Pyruvic acid • Lactic acid • Ethanol • ANSWER: lactic acid

  49. 48. What is an intermediate formed at the end of the Energy Investment Phase of glycolysis? • Pyruvate • G3P • OAA • Citric acid • ANSWER: G3P

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