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auraszentagotai@psychology.ro Consultatii: vineri 10-12, Str. Republicii 37

auraszentagotai@psychology.ro Consultatii: vineri 10-12, Str. Republicii 37. TEMATICA CURSURI – Sem II. Motivatia Emotiile Personalitatea Inteligenta Stresul Sanatate emotionala si psihopatologie Influenta sociala Cognitia sociala EXAMEN: 7 puncte examen scris 3 puncte proiect.

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auraszentagotai@psychology.ro Consultatii: vineri 10-12, Str. Republicii 37

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Presentation Transcript

  1. auraszentagotai@psychology.ro Consultatii: vineri 10-12, Str. Republicii 37

  2. TEMATICA CURSURI – Sem II Motivatia Emotiile Personalitatea Inteligenta Stresul Sanatate emotionala si psihopatologie Influenta sociala Cognitia sociala EXAMEN: 7 puncte examen scris 3 puncte proiect

  3. PROIECT DE SEMESTRU Propuneti un proiect de cercetare care sa investigheze impactul emotiei asupra cognitiei sau comportamentului. 1. Introducere 2. Obiective si ipoteze 3. Design 4. Metoda - Participanti - Masuratori Procedura Analiza datelor 5. Rezultate asteptate 6. Bibliografie

  4. Bibliografie obligatorie Smith, E. E., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., & Loftus, G. R. (2005): Atkinson & Hilgard. Introducere in psihologie (Ed. V). Bucuresti: Editura Tehnica. Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L. L., & Woolf, N. J. (2011). Psychology. From inquiry to understanding. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.


  6. De ce facem ceea ce facem?

  7. MOTIVATIA Factori care: Energizeaza comportamentul Directioneaza comportamentul

  8. A. TEORIILE PULSIONALE“Drive” = pulsiune, impuls Sigmund Freud

  9. A. ABORDARILE PULSIONALE Clark Hull (1884-1953): Drive Reduction Theory (1943) Deprivare Nevoie Pulsiune Comportament Scopuri ! HOMEOSTAZA

  10. Clark Hull sEr = (sHr x D x K x V) - (sIr + Ir) +/- sOr sEr = reaction potential sHr = habit strength (numarul de intariri) D = drive strength (perioada de deprivare) K = valoarea de recompensa a stimulului V= masura a legaturii sIr = inhibitory strength (nr. non-intariri) Ir = reactive inhibition (efort) sOr = random error

  11. Pulsiunile si nivelul de activare Legea Yerkes-Dodson (1908)

  12. B. TEORIILE STIMULENTELOR ANTECEDENT - COMPORTAMENT - CONSECINTE Consecinte: 1. Reduc rata comportamentului – pedepse 2. Cresc rata comportamentului – intariri - Intariri pozitive vs. intariri negative - Intariri naturale vs. intariri artificiale


  14. SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY (Deci & Ryan) Motivatia autonoma (autonomous) sanatate emotionala performanta in sarcini complexe persistenta crescuta in sarcina Motivatia controlata (controlled)

  15. SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY (Deci et al.) 3. Diferente interindividuale Orientare cauzala: 1. Autonoma (toate cele 3 nevoi) 2. Controlata (autonomia problema) 3. Impersonala (toate cele 3 problema) Aspiratii si scopuri de viata 1. Aspiratii intrinseci (ex. afiliere, dezvoltare personala etc.) 2. Aspiratii extrinseci (ex. statut, bani etc.)

  16. Autonomie si mindfulness The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgementally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment” (Kabat-Zinn, 2003) “Self regulation of attention so that it is maintained on immediate experience, therefore allowing for increased recognition of mental events in the present moment… adopting a particular orientation toward one’s experience that is characterized by curiosity, openness and acceptance ” (Bishop et al., 2004)

  17. Autonomie si mindfulness Strategie de control atentional + Acceptare Atitudie non-evaluativa (non-judgemental) Compasiune

  18. Stimuli Invatare Dorinte constiente MS Atractie comportamentala Placere constienta Nevoi Pulsiuni

  19. MOTIVATIA STIMULATIVA Dorinta versus Placere Dorinta = anticipatorie Placerea = prezenta – sistemul dopaminergic – endorfinele


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