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Daily PE: it works out

Daily PE: it works out. Healthy Active Children Policy Recommendations and End of Grade Proficiency for Grades 3-5. FBS Interns – Summer 2012. Research Question. How does daily Physical Education (PE) affect End of Grade test proficiency for North Carolina students in Grades 3-5?.

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Daily PE: it works out

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  1. Daily PE: it works out Healthy Active Children Policy Recommendations and End of Grade Proficiency for Grades 3-5 FBS Interns – Summer 2012

  2. Research Question • How does daily Physical Education (PE) affect End of Grade test proficiency for North Carolina students in Grades 3-5?

  3. Healthy Active Children Policy • Developed by SBE in 2003 (amended in 2005) • Implemented in 2006-07 school year • Requires LEAs to have School Health Advisory Councils (SHAC) • Primary tenets • Recommends 30 minutes daily PE with specialist • Mandates 30 minutes daily physical activity

  4. Data Collection • 2010-11 survey data • Identifies LEAs meeting HAC recommendations • EOG Data • % proficient (level 3 or higher) by grade and subject for each school • Final Total of 8,976 data points • Derived from NC School Report Card for 2011

  5. Methodology • Used a statistical model to measure variation in EOG proficiency across LEAs based on HAC compliance • Other factors: • Racial-composition • Student-teacher ratio • Percent FRL

  6. Findings • Percentage point change in proficiency attributable to HAC compliance: * shows significance at the 10% level, ** shows significance at the 5% level

  7. Findings: Other Factors • Demographic and financial factors • Potential proficiency gains may offset losses due to racial and FRL composition at the school level • Greatest gains for schools with high % FRL

  8. Policy Recommendation • SBE should mandate the current HAC recommendation of 150 minutes per week with a certified PE teacher throughout the school year for elementary students

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