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Key concepts. Unconditioned stimulus ?Unconditioned response Conditioned responseconditioned stimulus ?. Why does Classical conditioning occur?. Temporal ArrangementsSimultaneous conditioningTrace conditioningShort-delayed conditioning. Phases of Classical conditioning. AcquisitionExti
1. Classical Conditioning Key author/researcher: Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov was a physiologist studying digestion; he gathered saliva from dogs.
2. Key concepts Unconditioned stimulus ?Unconditioned response
+ Conditioned response
conditioned stimulus ?
3. Why does Classical conditioning occur? Temporal Arrangements
Simultaneous conditioning
Trace conditioning
Short-delayed conditioning
4. Phases of Classical conditioning Acquisition
Extinction - decrease in CR occurs when CS alone
Stimulus generalization: Watson and Rayner’s Little Albert
Stimulus discrimination
In real life, CC helps to explain/treat phobias
5. Operant Conditioning B.F. Skinner is the key author
Basic theory:
Stimulus ? Response
The response is either reinforced or punished.
7. Schedules of reinforcment Continuous
most effective for acquiring new responses.
more resistant to extinction.
4 types
fixed ratio/ variable ratio
fixed interval/ variable interval
8. Disadvantages of physical punishment It usually occurs out of rage.
The recipient responds with fear, anxiety, rage.
The effects are temporary.
Difficult to follow immediately.
Conveys little information.
The attention may reinforce.
9. Suggestions in using physical punishment Use as a last resort.
Discuss the reasons for the punishment.
Only use enough to be effective
Offer an opportunity for positive behavior.
10. Principles of Reinforcement Defined after the response.
Individually specific; what works for person A may not work for person B.
Changes within the individual.
It should be given immediately. The longer the delay the slower the change in behavior.
11. Social Learning theory or Observational learning. Albert Bandura is the key researcher/ author.
Learning occurs through imitation/ modeling.
For learning to occur, the individual must pay attention, retain the information, reproduce the behavior and have motivation. (ARRM)