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Module 2 Organizing Safety Messages & Training Content

Module 2 Organizing Safety Messages & Training Content. Safety Communication & Training Techniques – For Small Business –. Module Objectives. Identify 4 components (action, behavior, condition, and degree) of a performance objective. Write performance objectives for a training program.

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Module 2 Organizing Safety Messages & Training Content

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  1. Module 2Organizing Safety Messages & Training Content Safety Communication & Training Techniques – For Small Business – Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  2. Module Objectives • Identify 4 components (action, behavior, condition, and degree) of a performance objective. • Write performance objectives for a training program. • Recognize reasons for testing in performance-based training. • Identify Federal, State, and Safety Industry resources for safety information. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  3. Module Objectives (cont.) • Recognize steps for writing a content outline. • Create a short content outline using the steps provided for outlining content. • Identify 2 actions to implement at your workplace and potential barriers/how to overcome them. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  4. Performance Objectives Why are performance objectives important to safety communication and training efforts? Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  5. Performance Objectives (cont.) Specific, measurable, short-term statements that clearly describe what a learner will be able to do (new or different) as a result of training. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  6. Characteristics of Performance Objectives • Should define measurable and observable behaviors of participant (results-oriented) • Foundation upon which to build lessons and assessments you can prove meet overall goals • Ensure learning is clearly focused so participants and facilitator are clear about learning path Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  7. 4 Parts of a Performance Objective A = Audience B = Behavior C = Condition D = Degree Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  8. Example: Incident Investigation Newly hired safety managers will rate the quality of an incident investigation report using a 7-item measurement tool with 100% accuracy in 20 minutes. Newly hired safety managers will rate the quality of an incident investigation report using a 7-item measurement tool with 100% accuracy in 20 minutes A = B = C = D = Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  9. Activity: Performance Objectives • Identify 4 parts of Objectives 1 and 2 and note the A-B-C-D. • Share your answers with the class. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  10. Tips for Creating Performance Objectives • Action (Behavioral) Verbs • Verbs to Avoid Using • Types of Conditions • Standards of Performance (Degree) Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  11. Activity: Writing Performance Objectives • Work in pairs to develop a performance objective for a topic. • Record a brief summary of your work. • Present your results to the class. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  12. Process of measuring whetherlearners met performance objectives. Testing on Performance Objectives Types of Tests • Knowledge-based • Skills-based/application • Attitudinal tests/scales Testing Tools • Pre-tests • Review tests • Post-tests Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  13. Resources for Safety Information • Federal/National • State • Safety Industry References • Federal Publications • ASSE Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  14. Outlining Training Content • Identify actions the learner must take to achieve goals/objectives AND related topics the learner must know to accomplish actions. • Training points, content, or topics andsub-topics (topic outline or lesson plan). Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  15. Steps to Outlining Training Content (cont.) • Select an objective. • Identify actions the learner must take to achieve an objective AND related topics (points and skills) they must know to accomplish the actions. • Sequence all training content in appropriate order and estimate amount of time for each point. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  16. Activity: Outlining Training Content • Create a training content outline to ensure the learner will achieve the objective. • Be prepared to make a brief presentation of your content outline. • If you need help, ask a facilitator for assistance. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

  17. Planning for Your Small Business • Identify 2 actions you will take when you return to your worksite. • Identify potential barriers you might encounter in taking these actions. • List ideas for overcoming the barriers. Safety Communication & Training Techniques

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