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Unit4 Sharing( 共享) Pre-reading and Reading A Letter Home

Unit4 Sharing( 共享) Pre-reading and Reading A Letter Home. The reading passage is a letter from a young Australian woman, Jo, who worked as a volunteer in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. Do you know where PNG is? Please look at the photos about PNG.

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Unit4 Sharing( 共享) Pre-reading and Reading A Letter Home

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  1. Unit4 Sharing(共享) Pre-reading and Reading A Letter Home

  2. The reading passage is a letter from a young Australian woman, Jo, who worked as a volunteer in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. Do you know where PNG is? Please look at the photos about PNG.

  3. 【简况】   位于太平洋西南部。西与印度尼西亚的伊里安查亚省接壤,南隔托雷斯海峡与澳大利亚相望。属美拉尼西亚群岛。全境共有600个岛屿。主要岛屿包括新英格兰,新爱尔兰,曼纳斯,布干维尔和布卡等。巴新是发展中国家,资源丰富,经济落后,相当一部分人民迄今仍过着原始部落自给自足经济生活。近40%的人口挣扎在国际贫困线以下。2002年联合国开发计划署人类发展指数显示,巴新在174个国家中列第133位,居南太岛国之末。矿产、石油和经济作物种植是巴新经济的支柱产业。

  4. 巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人”。 16世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见当地 居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚,故称之 为新几内亚. 巴布亚新几内亚国旗和国徽(极乐鸟 )

  5. Mountains in PNG cook hut

  6. The people of PNG

  7. farming

  8. Pre-reading Look at the photos and answer the questions.

  9. 1.What was Jo’s job in PNG? Jo was a teacher in PNG. 2. What kind of students were in her class? Boys who were as young as we are. 3. What were the classrooms like? The classrooms are very poor, made from bamboo and grass.

  10. 4. What can you say about the village? The village was a place full of natural beauties. There are more trees and bamboos. 5. What can you say about life in the village? People in the village lived a simple life

  11. New words and expressions 1. Be dying to 2. come across 3. relevant adj. 4.stick out 5. adjust v. 6. doorway n. 7. platform n. 8. grill n. 9. leftover n./ adj. 10. privilege n.

  12. Reading Scanning and try to find the names referred in the passage to fill in the blank 1)______is a young Australian woman. 2) _________ was dying to hear all about Jo's life in Papua New Guniea. 3) ____________ visited a village that was the home of one of the boys,Tombe. Jo Rosemary Jenny and Jo

  13. Kiak Mukap 4) _______started crying "ieee ieee" to welcome them. 5) _______led us to a low bamboo hut. 6)______ was going to share the platform with jenny and jo. 7)_________ softly talked to each other in their languages Jo didn't understand. Kiak Tombe’s family

  14. Reading carefully Read the passage carefully to complete the tables below!

  15. Table 1 (about the school) Not equipped Equipped

  16. Go to college or work Return to the villages Yes No Yes No Many Few

  17. Table 2 (about the life in the village) bamboo and grass a reletive of each other.

  18. stones put them in an empty oil drum with kau kau, corn and greens. Cover them with banana leaves and leave them to steam.

  19. newly made platform ,the mother usually sleep in her own hut.

  20. Kau kau, corn a few tin plates and cups and a couple of pots. Digging up peanuts with primitive tools; grow kau kau, corn and greens

  21. there are evil spirits that are usually attracted by leftover food

  22. Homework Write a summary about the reading text. Think about this question: If you will be a teacher in the future, are you willing to teach in such a school as Jo? Why?

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