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WELCOME. Self Study of Vedas By Er. Subodh Kumar. ॐ. ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: ! तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि,धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात् !!. Recap of Introduction. What are Vedas Vedas are infinite

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  1. WELCOME Self Study of Vedas By Er. Subodh Kumar

  2. ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: ! तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि,धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात् !!

  3. Recap of Introduction • What are Vedas • Vedas are infinite • Interpreting Vedas , Yask, various Bhasyas, Sayan, Max Muller, Western scholars • Topics-subjects of Vedas • Para,Apara, Upaasanaa

  4. Role of Devtas Devata represents an excellent perfect quality/ attribute/ force in function/ in operation producing results on the physical / spiritual plane. Role of Dewata can be said to be limited to presenting an ideal to guide and motivate the forces in pursuit of achieving the goals set for by Supreme God in Vedas.

  5. Who are Dewtas? • अयं त एमि तन्वा पुरस्ताद्विश्व देवा अभि मा यन्ति पश्चात् ! • यदा मह्यं दीधरो भागमिन्द्रा SSदिन्भया कृणवो वीर्याणि !! ऋग्वेद 8‌/100/1 • “मैं” (अविनाशी आत्मा) सब से पहले इस शरीर में प्रकट होता हूं. उस के पश्चात विश्व के सारे देवता मेरी ओर चले आते हैं. • जैसे उदाहरण के लिएइन्द्रमेरे सौभाग्य के लिए मुझ में बहुमुखि पौरुष, अदीनता, निर्भयता से आत्मबलधारण कराता है.

  6. Devatas in our life • इन्द्र आसांनेताबृहस्पतिर्दक्षिणा यज्ञः पुर एतु सोमः ! • देवसेनानामभिभञ्ज्तीनां जयन्तीनां मरुतो यन्त्वग्रम्‌ !! यजु 17.40 • Indra Brihaspati as entrepreneurs obtain Victories in all yagyas – the efforts – campaigns • Soma – Is the commander in Chief –The intellect guiding all the actions. • Maruts – Are the Microbes that lead by pervading entire environment.

  7. INDRA • Indra represents ideal- highly self motivated -physical action oriented enterprising spirit on every plane. • Indra achieves complete success in each one of his ventures. • Indra destroys all his adversaries • Achieves complete victory over them

  8. इंद्र कौन हैं • इन्द्र कौन है यह भी वेद में समझाया गया है. प्र सु स्तोमं भरत वाजयंत इन्द्राय सत्यं यदि सत्यमस्ति ! नेन्द्रो अस्तीति नेम उ त्व आह क ई ददर्शं कमभि ष्टवाम !! ऋग्वेद 8/100/3 • हे सम्पन्नता के अभिलाषी मनुष्यो यदि इन्द्र सचमुच में कोई शक्तिवान है तो अवश्य उस की स्तुति कहो. परन्तु (नेम) तर्कशील बुद्धि तो यह कह्ती हैकि इन्द्र कर के कोई नही है. और यदि है तो किस ने इसे देखा है ? यदि नही है तो हम किस की स्तुति करें ?

  9. Prosperity by Indra • अर्वाञ्चमिन्द्रममुतो हवामहे यो गोजिद् धनजिदश्चजिद् य: ! • इमं नो यज्ञं विहवे शृणोत्वस्माकमभूर्हर्यश्व मेदी !! अथर्व 5/3/11 • इंद्र से प्राप्त सामर्थ्य से हम गोधन, सम्पन्नतासेयुक्त होने के यज्ञ मे प्ररित रहें. हमें हर्यश्व प्राप्त हों

  10. Agni in Vedas Agni literally means Fire. But symbolically It represents all forms of energy in every action taking place in nature, in our body, in all phenomenon to bring about a physical change every where. (Potential- Kinetic Energy ) Agni as light also shows us the path a head.

  11. SOM • Som:सोम जीवात्माको वेदोक्त कल्याण मार्ग मे उत्तम ज्ञान से प्रेरित करने वाला , स्वाध्याय, अनुसंधान, प्रशिक्षण से उत्पन्न होने वाला ज्ञान विज्ञान है. • Som has been a very misunderstood term. Som also represents a herbal mind invigorating preparation, often misconstrued as an intoxicating drink. Som is not Sura- Wine. • Vedic Som is called Pawmaani Som पावमानी सोम,this represents knowledge based on R & D acting as motivating force for human intellect.

  12. Vedic Terminology • Yagna यज्ञ को संसार केकल्याण हेतु एक विशेष लक्ष्य को सिद्ध करने वाले कर्म के रूप मे देखा जाताहै. • Action alone is the Supreme Duty • यज्ञो वै श्रेष्टतमकर्मः

  13. Ashwinau_ Principle of Parity- Duality • Ashwinau : are symbolically dipoles in nature, pairs of opposites. • All +ve actions emanate from Dipoles. • Light & Darkness, Health & Disease, Male and Female, Day and Night, Virtue & Evil, Rich & Poor. From technical angle ,in magnetism North Pole and South pole , in Electricity Positive and Negative etc.

  14. Some Vedic Terms-1 • Ashwa: Literally means a horse, but it represents Energy. In all forms. Ved also talks about हर्यश्व- ‘a green horse’ This is Green Energy in technology. • Gau; Literally means just a cow. But it represents provider of food, health, provider of brain power, temperament modifier like a true mother , destroyer of pathogens/ diseases. Cow maintains the Carbon and Nitrogen cycle of the environment. Cow is embodiment of all our wealth. • कृष्टि Technology • कुत्स Farmer

  15. More Vedic Terms-2 • अश्न A Demon who subsists on devouring people and society प्रजा कोखा जाने वाला दुष्ट • व्यंस A Demon who creates methods to cause troubles and pains in Society विविध प्रजापीडक उपायों वाला दुष्ट • रधिक्र Administrative Government system to prevent crime and establish rule of law प्रजाओं को पाप से रोकने वाला नियम औरव्यवस्था स्थापितकरने वाला प्रशासन तंत्र होता है. • दधिक्रा One who guides towards proper conduct in life सन्मार्ग पर चलाने वालागुरु, राजा,माता, पिता ,पितर

  16. More Vedic Terms-3 • दृभीकA dangerous Demon who causes immense hardshipsप्रजा कोत्रास देने वालाभयंकर प्राणी है • पिप्रुं A Demon who fills his own belly at the cost of society समाज मेअपना ही पेट भरने वालास्वार्थी पुरुष है . • पणि Represents in modern times a trader. Vedas in the first place praise the role of Panis as a class of people who store and preserve any surplus product for use of the society when required. On the other hand Vedas also point out the improper conduct of Panis when they indulge in hording a commodity, create artificial shortage to exploit the needy people. Vedas also warn of Panis indulging in unfair practices for selfish motive by using wrong methods to exploit unknowing masses.

  17. Self Study of Vedas -1 Knowledge of Sanskrit, Vedic Terms , सन्धिविच्छेद. • Vedas being shruti Vedic language is based what you hear. In any spoken language , words are often combined and some times used individually in speech. This is true of Vedic language also. Later this became a subject of study in Vedic grammar called sandhiwichhed संधिविच्छेद . • Brahmins while memorizing the Vedas, to ensure correctness of the mantras, used padapath पदपाठ . In padapath the individual words are given as they were in the original and not as they are actually heard.

  18. Hints for Vedas self study -2 • In a Sookt many Mantras have common refrains- repeated rhymes, lines, or words. Such mantras become easier to understand and interpret. • As an example, consider my presentation of Rig Ved 2.14. The first eleven of its 12 mantras begin with अध्वर्यो and are addressed to अध्वर्यु. It forced me to look for deeper meanings of अध्वर्यु. Concentrating on the wider meaning of the word अध्वर्यु the deeper meaning of the entire Sookt showed itself as the Vedic Road map for the President/ Prime minister of a nation to establish an prosperous environmentally sustainable society .

  19. वेदार्थकीकसौटियां1 . 1. वेदमेंसार्वभौमनियमोंकाप्रतिपादनहोनाचाहिये. • 2. किसीदेशयाजातिविशेषकासम्बन्धउसमेंनहोनाचाहिये. • 3. ईश्वरकेगुण,कर्मतथासृष्टिनियमोंकेविरुद्धनहो. • 4.’सर्वज्ञानमयोहिस:’ वेदसबसत्यविद्याओंकापुस्तकहै, उससेयहअवश्यविदितहो. • 5.. मानवजीवनकेप्रत्येकअङ्गपरप्रकाशडालताहो,अर्थातमानवकीज्ञानसम्बन्धीसभीआवश्यकताओंकोपूराकरता हो.

  20. वेदार्थकीकसौटियां2 • 6.. न्यायादिशास्त्रोंकेनियमोंकेविपरीतनहो, दूसरेशब्दोंमेंतर्ककीकसौटीपरठीकउतरे, अर्थाततर्कसम्मतहो. • 7..जिसमेंकिसीव्यक्तिविशेषकाइतिहासनहो. • 8..त्रिविधअर्थोंकाज्ञानकराताहो. • 9..आप्तसम्मतहो,ऋषिमुनियोंकीधारणाएंभीजिसकेअनुरूपहों. • 10.. जिसकीएकआज्ञादूसरीआज्ञाकोनकाटतीहो.

  21. Corruption in Governance Atharv Ved 5.18

  22. Sage Counsel • नैतां ते देवा अददुस्तुभ्यं नृपते अत्तवे ! • मा ब्राह्मणस्य राजन्य गां जिघित्सो जनाद्याम् !! अथर्व 5/18/1 • O King the wise counsel by the learned has not been given to you be treated like fodder.

  23. Power Blind Rulers • अक्षद्रुग्धो राजन्य: पाप आत्मप्राजित: ! • सा ब्राह्मणस्य गामद्यादद्य जीवानि मा श्व: !! अथर्व 5/18/2 • Kings/Rulers overpowered by their personal desires, who ignore the wise counsel by the learned are self defeated, they may have the present but they have no future.

  24. Birth of “ Naxalism” as reaction • आविष्टिताघविषा पृदाकूरिव चर्मणा ! • सा ब्राह्मनस्य राजन्य तृष्टैषा गौरनाद्या !! अथर्व 5/18/3 • Such wise counsel ignored is like deadly poisonous reptiles in a leather pouch. These reptiles are blood thirsty, and once they start escaping due to hunger , from their hideouts they are impossible to hunt down

  25. Naxalism parallel • Can we not see the failures of our Indian rulers in proper handling of problems of deprived tribal people Forest Wealth, Mineral Wealth and the present ‘Naxalite’ situation? • Exploiting the poor land owning farmers in acquiring their fertile land for Urban & Industrial development. • Denying infrastructure growth in Rural areas.

  26. Strength of Public Voice • निर्वै क्षत्रं नयति हन्ति वर्चोSग्निरिवारब्धो वि दुनोति सर्वम् ! • यो ब्राह्मणं मन्यते अन्नमेव सा विषस्य पिबति तैमातस्य !! अथर्व 5/18/4 • Rulers who believe in physical force, corner all wealth for personal gains, kill sane voices thinking that they are not physical threat. • Banish wise counsel . • What they eat as food for their existence, is but a deadly potion that engulfs the entire nation in fire of an inferno. Such rulers earn hatred of every body.

  27. Amassing personal wealth • य एनं हन्ति मृदुं मन्यमानो देवपीयुर्धनकामो न चित्तत् ! • सं तस्येन्द्रो हृदयेSग्निमिन्ध उभे एनं द्विषो नभसी चरन्त्म् !! अथर्व 5/18/5 • Greedy rulers who give importance to money, ignore and smother truth and the sane voices that oppose corrupt practices involved in illegal amassing of personal wealth. • Ignoring sane voices considering them as soft and weak, they do not realize that they are stoking great violent fires.

  28. Rulers should promote Virtues • न ब्राह्मणो हिंसितव्यो3ग्नि: प्रियतनोरिव ! • सोमो ह्यस्म दायाद इ न्द्रो अस्याभिशस्तिपा: !! अथर्व 5/18/6 • Knowledge and Wisdom are like a beating heart in human body, and sustain the very life of a Nation. • Ruler is duty bound to protect and promote growth of knowledge and think tanks. (Perform Som Yagya)

  29. Self destruction of corrupt • ष्ठां शतापा नि गिरति तां न शक्नोति नि:खिदन् ! • अन्नं यो ब्रह्मणां मल्व: स्वाद्वद्मीति मन्यते !! अ‍थर्व 5/18/7 • These fools ( the short sighted rulers) who feast to enjoy at the expense of public interests, do not realize that what they swallow down are not sweets but poisons with hundreds of barbs, that will tear them down

  30. Voice of people is all-powerful • जिह्वा ज्या भवति कुल्मलं वाङ्नाडीकादन्तास्तपसाभिदिग्ध: ! • तेभिर्ब्रह्माविध्यतिदेवपीयून्हृद्बलैर्धनुर्भिर्देव्जूतै: !! अथर्व 5/18/8 • The tongue of the voice less public becomes like bow from which are shot the destructive arrows of public speech • Destructive arrows are sharpened by the teeth of the public whose voice is ignored

  31. Curse of people is never wasted • तीक्ष्णेषवो ब्राह्मणा ब्राह्मणाहेतिमन्तो यामस्यन्ति शरव्यां3 न सा मृषा ! • अनुहाय तपसा मन्युना चोत दूरादव भिन्दन्त्येनम् !! अथर्व 5/18/9 • The invisible missiles of the curse of ignored sane voices of the learned persons forming opinion, never goes astray. • They annihilate to shatter the insensitive rulers, from behind.

  32. Fate of blind rulers • ये सहस्रमराजन्नासन्दशशता उत ! • ते ब्राह्मणस्य गां जग्ध्वा वैतहव्या: प्राभवन् !!अथर्व 5/18/10 • There were thousands of rulers among them hundreds that usurped public wealth and turned deaf ears to wise counsel, they have all met with their fate.

  33. Self destruction • गौरेव तान्हन्यमाना वैतहव्याँ वैतहव्याँ अवातिरत् ! ये केसरप्राबन्धायाश्चरमाजामपेचिरन्‌ !! अथर्व 5/18/11 • Such rulers are ultimately destroyed by their own deeds under public pressures. • When public feels gravely hurt , ignored and exploited.

  34. History is witness • एकशतं ताजनता या भूमिर्व्यधूनत्‌! • प्रजां हिंसत्वाब्राह्मणीमसंभव्यं पराभवन् !! अथर्व 5/18/12 • Hundreds of such rulers who deprived people and exploited their lands are known to finally meet their tragic end by their own deeds.

  35. Spirited public action • अग्निर्वै न: पदवाय: सोमो दायाद उच्यते ! • हन्ताभिशस्तेन्द्रस्तथा तद्वेधसो विदु: !! अथर्व 5/18/14 • Only remedy lies in highly organised intellectually driven positive public force to get mobilized in to action .

  36. END Presentation on Corruption • Atharv 5.18

  37. Nation’s Planning • Rig Ved 2.14 • Dewataa Indra • Rishi Gritsamad

  38. Vedic Planning Commision RV 2.14 • Adhwaryu Supreme Planner of Yagyas • Yagyas are not just Agnihotras • All Postive actions are Yagyas • At National Level Adharyu is Chairman Planning Commision

  39. 1st PRIORITY: EDUCATION • Creation of excellent education system to provide the society with self motivated, selfless, creative talent for honest R&D SOMA for all round welfare and progress. • अध्वर्यवो भरतेन्द्राय सोममात्रेभि: सिंन्चता मद्यमंध: ! • कामी हि वीर: सदमस्य पीतिं जुहोत वृष्णे तदिदेष • वष्टि. !!, ऋग्वेद 2/14/1

  40. 3rd Holes in OZONE Layer • Calamities (like Sunami) that have immense destructive force to toss and smash onto ground even cows are caused by holes in theworn out garment cover in the space अध्वर्यवो योदृभीकं जघान यो गा उदाजदप हि बलं व: तस्मा एतमन्तरिक्षे ना वात्मिन्द्रं सोमैरोर्णुत जूर्न वस्त्रै: !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/3

  41. 4th Green House Gases • Act against killers (999) who cause damage to this protective covering by enrolling trillions of hands helped by Indra (rains) –promote greenery • अध्वर्यवो य उरणं जघान नव चख्वांसं नवतिं च बाहून् ! • यो अर्बुदमव नीचा बबाधे तमिन्द्रं सोमस्य भृथे हिनोत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/4

  42. 5th Global Warming Food Security Destroy Demons Rudhikra– cause floods, Namuchi – exploit public during famines who promote dry deserts, stop rains to cause draught and obstruct efforts to prevent loss of food production अध्वर्यवो य: सवश्नं जघान य: शुष्णमशुषं यो सम् ! य: पिप्रंनमुचि यो रुध्रिकां तस्मा इन्द्रायान्धसो जुहोत !! ऋ 2/14/5

  43. 6th Promote environmental action Shambar is an asur styled Avartan –one who removes a covering. (punches holes in protective Ozone layer) Shambar’s Fortress is broken to smithereens by Indra to release rains for human अध्वर्यवो य: शतं शम्बरस्य पुरो बिभेदाश्मनेव पूर्वी: ! यो वर्चिन: शतमिन्द्र: सहस्रमपा वपद्भरता सोमस्मै !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/6

  44. 7th Food Safety and Security • War like constant preparedness to help thousands of farmhands and protect food from pests Kutsa demons who harm Ayu - health and Atithigva – food hospitality- such as harmful killer pests अध्वर्यवो य: शतमा सहस्रं भूम्या उपस्थेअवपज्जघन्वान् ! कुत्सस्यारतिथिग्वस्य वीरान्यवृणग्भरता सोममस्मै !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/7

  45. 8th Responsible Journalism Media Handle confidential matters with maturity do not encourage hearsay. (on the role of media not to give premature publicity to mere conjectures. Contribute towards the development healthy attitudes for positive constructive actions) अध्वर्यवो यन्नर: कामयाध्वे श्रुष्टी वहन्तो नशथा तदिन्द्रे ! गभस्तिपूतं भरत श्रुतायेन्द्राय सोमं यज्यवो जुहोत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14./8

  46. 9th Pollution Waste treatment • Waste water treatment strategy by root zone , solar treatment, and energy crops similar to NASA scientist Dr Wolverton technique of growing Fresh Water –same as yaju 17.6 अध्वर्यवो कत्तर्ना श्रुष्टिमस्मै वने निपूतं वन उन्नयध्वम् ! जुषाणो हस्त्यमभि वावशे वा इन्द्राया सोमं मदिरं जुहोत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/9

  47. Grow Fresh Water Yaju 17.6 • उपज्मन्नुप वेतसे Sवतर नदीश्वा ! अग्ने पित्तमपामसि मण्डूकि ताभिरागहि सेमं नो यज्ञं पावकावर्ण शिवंकृधि !! यजु 17.6अग्ने पित्तमपामसि ---- pitta and agni ie fever in water is polluted water • मण्डूकि ताभिरागहि ----marine life like frogs & fish family, get at that • उपज्मन्नुप वेतसे Sवतर नदीश्वा ---growing plants of cane reed family which are secondary crops ( crops not fit for human consumption, but use as biomass and if fit cattle fodder etc.) in the beds of streams of such water . • सेमं नो यज्ञं पावकावर्ण शिवंकृधि ---may provide us with means to purify the polluted water for our welfare.

  48. 10th Prebiotic Probiotic BioTech Researches on Cows • This mantra gives a Futuristic strategy for researches in Biotechnology by exploring higher quality production prebiotics and probiotics By research on enzymes in Cow rumens अध्वर्यव: पयसोधर्यथा गो: सोमेभिरीं पृणता भोजमिन्द्रम् ! वेदाहमस्य निभृतं मा एतद्दित्सन्तं भूयो यजतश्चिकेत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/10

  49. 11th Develop Sustainable Prosperity • Clear role of society and media for the development of transparency and proper mental attitudes in society is stressed in this mantra अध्वर्यवो यो दिव्यस्य वस्वो य: पार्थिवस्य क्षम्यस्य राजा ! तमूर्दरं न पृणता यवेनेन्द्र सोमेभिस्तदपो वो अस्तु !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/11

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