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Towards a french -Science ?. e. Results of the e-Biogenouest project (2012-2014) Coordination : Olivier Collin – Yvan Le Bras (IRISA). -Test an e-Science approach in Life Sciences. Goals. -Propose an e-Science structuration in Western France. My profile. Translation
Towards a french -Science ? e Results of the e-Biogenouest project (2012-2014) Coordination : Olivier Collin– Yvan Le Bras (IRISA) -Test an e-Science approach in Life Sciences Goals -Propose an e-Science structuration in Western France
My profile Translation Integration Systemicscale
Break silos Challenge: -eachdomainisspecific! but digital… Solution: -have a digital point of view of the data!
Kahn. On the future of genomic data. Science (2011) vol. 331 (6018) pp. 728-9 Optimize / Standardize Challenge: -computing, storage, network optimisation Solution: -focus on interoperability, use ontologies -focus on code / algorithmsenhancement
Analyzes People paradox Sequencing Cost switch UsingClouds for Metagenomics: A Case StudyWilkening et al. IEEE cluster 2009 More automation More needs for human, for expertise Challenge: -lackshumanresources, change the uses Solutions: -mutualization, collaboration -citizen science approach
ICT A system of system Scientificdomain An e-Science « tool »: the Virtual ResearchEnvironment
Don’treinvent the wheel Avoid silos VRE on existing open source tools Guided by Communities Infrastructure & Human Optimization, a goal! Mutualisation Fromregional to national ? Western eScience centre for life sciences (CeSciGO) French Bioinformatics Institute (IFB) ? An oriented VRE e-Science approach -a software connection -an infrastructure connection
Thankyou for your attention Symbiose IRISA/INRIA group GenOuest-Dyliss-Genscale GenOuestBioinformaticscorefacility Cyril Monjeaud Oliver Collin eBGO HUB (collaboration) http://www.e-biogenouest.org/ EMME portal (data management)http://emme.genouest.org/ Galaxy instance (data analysis)http://galaxy.genouest.org/
Waste management? • Nordic eScience Globalisation Initiative (NeGI) • Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) Welldone! UK National eScience Center $ for infrastructure Human Resource Tools / Virtual laboratories NSF office of cyberinfrastructure • Swedish Research Centre (SERC) -science over the world Washington e-Science Institute Proprietary software New developments • Denmark eScience Center Silos lackoptimization • Finland, Iceland, Norway Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) AustralianNational eResearch Collaboration Tools & Resources (NeCTAR) e