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Web Services for Central Database Integration

This paper discusses the use of web services for integrating the central database in the processes for production, dissemination, and exchange of statistical data. It covers the technical view of web services, use cases, and the benefits of web services for usability and accessibility.

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Web Services for Central Database Integration

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  1. Web-services for integrating the central database in the processes for production, dissemination and exchange of statistical data Ernst Schrey , Dirk Hollmann Division IT-Userservice, Statistical and Geografical-Information Systems E-Mail: ernst.schrey@destatis.de, dirk.hollmann@destatis.de Meeting on MSIS Geneva 8. -10.5.2007

  2. Agenda1. Central Database GENESIS2. Web Services (technical view) 3. Use Cases 4. How to use Web Services5. Benefit of Web Services for usability and accessibility

  3. Sex male Year female 2002 2001 2000 „Land“ SHL Ha Br Ns NRW . . . • wages per hour and per month • Sex • Länder • 2000 till 2002 GENESIS ...... a data cube

  4. Content 2: wages per hour. • Content 1: wages per month. • value • flags • - quality e = estimated • - disclosure • - default value Wages per hour Wages per month 2391 ; e ;;0.00 14.50 ; e;;0.00 Data celland content(s) (value, flags)

  5. Hierarchical list of subjects

  6. How a table is defined and access to it

  7. Presentation of a table

  8. Java- Client (GUI) Java-Client (Applet) Web- server XML- Client Menue driven interface different clients - identical server GENESIS ... HTML- Client ? Integration von GENESIS-Tabellen UNIX LINUX GENESIS GENESIS Middle- ware Middle- ware NATURAL NATURAL Adabas Adabas

  9. ConclusionGenesis was designed that all user needs like - Retrieval of data and metadata- Design of special views to data - Access to data objects (table, cube, catalogues, quality flag, date of last update, …)for internal and external users are provided by different Clients (Java, HTML, …) all seems nice, but… You ever need a human being to use the clients

  10. 2. Web Services (technical view) • “Automated service handling between applications on the Internet” • Components: • -SOAP “Business language” • -WSDL “language of services offered” • -UDDI “yellow pages

  11. UDDIhttps://www-genesis.destatis.de/genesisWS/webExportService (wsdl) (see paper)DatenExport TabellenExport sodi GEOMISService (wsdl)GetRecords RechercheService (wsdl)DatenKatalog ErgebnisKatalog MerkmalsKatalog StatistikKatalog TabellenKatalog ZeitreihenKatalog

  12. SODI- method</wsdl:message>- <wsdl:message name="sodiRequest"> <wsdl:part name="statistic" type="xsd:string" /> </wsdl:message>- <wsdl:message name="sodiResponse"> <wsdl:part name="sodiReturn" type="xsd:string" /> </wsdl:operation>- <wsdl:operation name="sodi" parameterOrder="statistic"><wsdl:input message="impl:sodiRequest" name="sodiRequest" /> <wsdl:output message="impl:sodiResponse" name="sodiResponse" /> </wsdl:operation>

  13. Infrastructure

  14. 3. Use cases (I)-Geo portal Federal Portal for geo-coded data search engine- University Halle / Commercial data providersAccess to a lot of tables or cubes every month (same structure but updated data or depending of date of update)- SRW Access to data from an interface the user is familiar with (e.g. EXCEL)- EurostatSDMX open database Interchange (SODI)

  15. Use cases (II)- DESTATISapplication integrationof database GENESIS with -tools for analysis and reporting (SAS) used by subject matter statisticians-Intranet search engine

  16. 4. How to use Web Services (I)(Java)

  17. How to use Web Services (II)(EXCEL VBA)

  18. How to use Web Services (III)(Pearl) Code #!/opt/bin/perl use strict; use SOAP::Lite +trace => qw(debug); my $kennung="TestIt"; my $pw="geheim"; my $server=""; my $proxy=""; $ENV{HTTP_proxy} = "http://$proxy"; # unsere Firewall my $soap = SOAP::Lite -> uri("http://$server/genesisWS/web/ExportService") -> proxy("http://$server/genesisWS/web/ExportService"); my @params = ( SOAP::Data->name(kennung => $kennung), SOAP::Data->name(passwort => $pw),

  19. 5 Usability and accessibilityThe use of Web Services for GENESIS allows - automation of access without human interaction, depending of a lot of parameters (time, update of database,…) - building process chains or application integration (SOA), - “hiding” of GENESIS access in software the user is familiar with, so that the user needs no training effortthe result is a win in usability and accessibility for GENESIS and the integrated systems

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