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This guidebook outlines the purpose of 4th-grade reading projects, emphasizing comprehension, oral presentations, and time management. It provides tips on choosing the right texts, maintaining reaction journals, and parental involvement. The guide also includes project ideas, grading tips, and sample projects across various genres like mystery, realistic fiction, historical fiction, and science fiction/fantasy. It aims to foster a love for reading and enhance students' literary skills.
Book Project Information! 4th Grade Reading Projects September 13, 2012
Purpose of Reading Projects • Develop comprehension skills through exposure to a variety of texts. • Discuss reactions to and information gained from reading experiences with adults and peers. • Learn, with parental support, how to handle long term projects. • Plan and deliver effective oral presentations.
Genres Covered • There will be four reading projects during fourth grade • Mystery – Pumpkin Character • Realistic Fiction – Video DVD Box • Historical Fiction – Choice of… Spend a Day, Story Quilt, Comic Strip • Science Fiction / Fantasy – Cereal Box and Commercial
Choosing the Right Text • Appropriate Reading Level • What is appropriate will vary from student to student • Length (10 Chapters or more) • Appropriate Content • Please make sure the content is something you are comfortable with your child reading. • Students should choose a book that is interesting to them.
Students are urged to use a calendar format or their agenda to outline the components of the project. Time Management Students do not need to follow this exact calendar – this is just a recommendation for how they might manage their time.
Reaction Journal • What is a reaction journal? • Students should be reacting to their reading. • Each night that students have time, until they have finished the book, they are expected to read for at least 15 minutes and then write down (or type) their reaction to what they have read in a journal. A reaction journal can include a summary of what was read, but also needs to include a reaction to what was read.If necessary, students may dictate and parents may type.
Ideas for Reaction Journal Entries (these are reactions – not just summaries)
Example of a Journal Entry 04/05/09 – Chapter One (page 1-16) “I feel bad for Harry because it was his twelfth birthday and the Dursleys didn’t even notice. I would be so sad if no one cared about my birthday. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Mason are coming over and Harry has to pretend he’s not even there, because the Dursleys don’t want the Masons to know anything at all about Harry. I predict Harry might make a big noise in his room and ruin the dinner party for the Dursleys.”
Example of a Journal Entry Chapter 12 (Intelligence) 11/23/06 “Nora talks with Mrs. Bryne about the grades. Mrs. Bryne said she found out that Nora got 126 on her academic placement test, which is like a 16 ½ year old. Nora is going to go to the counselor’s room again. I don’t know why yet, but I think she will have a pretty good talk with the counselor.”
How to Help Your Child • Encourage your child to get an early start and possibly keep a calendar. • Give your child positive feedback throughout. • Allow your child to vocalize reflections before writing them down. • Assist your child in providing more details and elaborating on important events in the story. • Parents may help with this reading/writing task. You may find that you help more at the beginning of the year. Your child should become more independent with each project
Tips for the Presentation • Speaker • Eye Contact • Voice Level • Preparedness (note cards) • Expression • Audience • Focused on speaker • Asks relevant questions
October Project • Decorate a pumpkin to represent a character from the book. • Real Pumpkin • Styrofoam Pumpkin • Cardboard Pumpkin (on poster board)
Mystery Book Suggestions (October Genre) • Hardy Boys • Nancy Drew • Encyclopedia Brown • A-Z Mysteries • Boxcar Children • Series of Unfortunate Events • 39 Clue Series
4th Grade Book Projects at a Glance… • Mystery – Pumpkin Character(September/October) • Realistic Fiction – Video DVD Box(November/December) • Historical Fiction – Spend a Day, Story Quilt, Comic Strip(January/February) • Science Fiction / Fantasy – Cereal Box and Commercial(April/May)
Sample Projects (Comic Strip and Story Quilt)Historical Fiction Genre