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MORE COLD WAR. MORE COLD WAR. MORE COLD WAR. Samantha Stevens. Serena -->. Jeanie. Sister Jeanie. The Two Khrushchevs. Hard Liner?. Reformer?. The Friendly Khrushchev. DOMESTIC POLICY De-Stalinization * 20th Party Congress * “the Secret Speech” * Denounced Stalin!

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  4. Samantha Stevens Serena -->

  5. Jeanie Sister Jeanie

  6. The Two Khrushchevs Hard Liner? Reformer?

  7. The Friendly Khrushchev DOMESTIC POLICY • De-Stalinization * 20th Party Congress * “the Secret Speech” * Denounced Stalin! * Stalin’s body removed from red square

  8. The Friendly Khrushchev DOMESTIC POLICY B. REFORMS * Dismantled Gulags * Rehabilitation * Liberalized government.

  9. The Friendly Khrushchev FOREIGN POLICY A. “Peaceful Coexistence” * Competition between Systems. * Visited U.S. * “the Kitchen Debate” Ok, there IS no B : (

  10. The Friendly Khrushchev FOREIGN POLICY A. “Peaceful Coexistence” * Competition between Systems. * Visited U.S. * “the Kitchen Debate” Ok, there IS no B : (

  11. The OTHER Khrushchev “We will crush you!” Third World Revolution

  12. The OTHER Khrushchev “We will crush you!” Third World Revolution Technology: Sputnik - Space Race

  13. Sputnik! The Space Race

  14. The OTHER Khrushchev “We will crush you!” Third World Revolution Technology: ICBMs - Missile Gap Sputnik - Space Race

  15. I.C.B.M.sThe Missile Gap!!!

  16. I.C.B.M.sThe Missile Gap!!! THE REALITY: US – 300 ICBMs , - Polaris Fleet USSR – 10 ICBMs, - 100s short range

  17. The OTHER Khrushchev “We will crush you!” Third World Revolution Technology: ICBMs - Missile Gap Sputnik - Space Race

  18. Don’t Forget This . . . Old Guard - Hard Liners “Too Much Too Fast!” Precarious Position. He’s got to watch his back. Sometimes . . . It’s not about us.

  19. Berlin Wall AUGUST 13, 1961

  20. Cuban Missile Crisis October 14, 1962 Recon Planes Report October 22, 1962. Blockade, DEFCON 3 OCTOBER 28, the Soviets “blink”

  21. EASTERN EUROPE Poland / Hungary / Czechoslovakia

  22. Poland 1956 • Popular Uprising Poznan Hardliner Polish Government Represses • Gomulka becomes Party Secretary Promises Reforms “Polish Way toward Socialism” Gomulka Communist leader 1956 - 1970

  23. III. Soviet Response? A. Troop Maneuvers on the border B. A “visit”

  24. III. Soviet Response? Khrushchev Gomulka Gomulka Backs down, Khrushchev backs off

  25. Hungary 1956 I. New Reform Government (late October) II. Popular Movement (inspired by Poland)

  26. HUNGARY 1956 Imry Nagy /NAHJD/ New Hungarian Communist leader 1953-55, 1956 (Prime Minister) Reform Minded: - appointed non-communist ministers - abolished one-party rule - political prisoners released

  27. HUNGARY 1956 Imry Nagy /NAHJD/ New Hungarian Communist leader 1953-55, 1956 (Prime Minister) The Last Straw 11/01/56 - U.N. suggested neutrality - out of the Warsaw Pact

  28. Soviet Response? Soviet Tanks Roll in 11/04/56

  29. 11/04 to 11/10 2,500 killed

  30. Nagy’s Fate? Arrested, Tried, Hanged 1958 “Rehabilitated” in ‘89

  31. WHY Didn’t We do something? Gammel Nasser EGYPT 1. Aswan High Dam 2. Suez Canal Crisis Egypt vs England / France

  32. Czechoslovakia1968

  33. 1964: Khrushchev is ousted Leonid Breznev Old Guard Stagnation. Military Spend ing

  34. Alexander Dubcek 1st Secretary of the Communist Party Action Programme “Socialism with a human face” Free Press, Consumer Goods

  35. Alexander Dubcek 1st Secretary of the Communist Party Action Programme “PRAGUE SPRING” Democratization De-Centralization

  36. Soviet Response? 200,000 - 600,000 Warsaw Pact troops

  37. Brezhnev The Brezhnev Doctrine?

  38. 1968 to 1989Stasis . . . And then all heck breaks loose

  39. TWO factors contributed to the “Velvet Revolutions” of ‘89

  40. I. Gorbachev

  41. II. Tiananmen Square Massacre100,000 March5,000–ish killed

  42. 1989: First Wave • Poland: • April: Solidarity Legalized / participate in elections Lech Walesa Solidarity

  43. 1989: First Wave Pope John Paul II Lech Walesa Solidarity

  44. 1989: First Wave • Poland: • April: Solidarity Legalized / participate in elections • June: 99/100 seats and the Presidency • New Non-Communist Government???

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