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Welcome. to. Jeopardy!. Another. Leah Lencowski. Presentation. Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Jeopardy!

  2. Another Leah Lencowski Presentation

  3. Directions: • Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). • Enter in the categories on the main game boards. • As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. • When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. • Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. • Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. • Continue until all clues are given. • When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

  4. FinalJeopardy Round 1 Round 2 JUNIORS SENIORS Sophomores

  5. Careers Employ Docs Interview Pay Taxes Credit Round 2 Final Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  6. $100 Occupation to which you’ve made a long-term commitment

  7. $100 CAREER Scores

  8. $200 A good way to experience a job without being paid

  9. $200 VOLUNTEER Scores

  10. $300 A natural talent for learning some skills over another

  11. $300 Aptitude Scores

  12. $400 Your principles, standards you live by

  13. $400 VALUES Scores

  14. $500 Website we used to find our “perfect” career

  15. $500 www.careercruising.com Scores

  16. $100 Tells employer where you heard about the position

  17. $100 COVER LETTER Scores

  18. $200 Gives employers names of people who will say good things about you

  19. $200 Reference Sheet Scores

  20. $300 Should be no longer than one page

  21. $300 RESUME Scores

  22. Daily Double

  23. $400 Shows employers you can follow directions

  24. $400 JOB APPLICATION Scores

  25. $500 Final document, can be typed or handwritten

  26. $500 THANK YOU Scores

  27. $100 How early you should arrive

  28. $100 10-15 Minutes Scores

  29. $200 Gesture used to greet the interviewer

  30. $200 Handshake Scores

  31. $300 Speaking without words at an interview

  32. $300 Body Language Scores

  33. $400 Do not wear this type of clothing to ANY interview

  34. $400 Jeans Scores

  35. $500 Something you should request from the interviewer to get his/her address and phone number for future communications

  36. $500 Business Card Scores

  37. $100 Employee who may work more than 40 hours in one week for no extra pay

  38. $100 Salaried Scores

  39. $200 The money you take home to spend

  40. $200 NET PAY Scores

  41. $300 Hours in a year if one works 40 hours per week

  42. $300 2080 Scores

  43. $400 Hours worked X Hourly Wage

  44. $400 GROSS PAY Scores

  45. $500 Given to hourly employees after 40 hours of work in one week

  46. $500 OVERTIME Scores

  47. $100 The form that tells employers how much to withhold from your paycheck for taxes

  48. $100 W4 Scores

  49. $200 Records wages and taxes withheld for the year from each employer

  50. $200 W2 Scores

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