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Welcome. Common Core State Standards in Mathematics Standards -Based Assessment and Grading. CCSS in Mathematics. Standards define what students should understand and be able to do. Common Core: Overview of Mathematics. Standards for Mathematical Content 50%

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  1. Welcome Common Core State Standards in Mathematics Standards-Based Assessment and Grading

  2. CCSS in Mathematics Standards define what students should understand and be able to do.

  3. Common Core: Overview of Mathematics Standards for Mathematical Content 50% K-8 presented by grade level Organized into domains that progress over several grades Grade introductions give 2-4 focal points at each grade level Standards for Mathematical Practice 50% Carry across all grade levels Describe habits of a mathematically expert student

  4. CCSS Domain Progression

  5. Habits of a Mathematically Expert Student The Common Core proposes a set of Mathematical Practices that all teachers should develop in their students: • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

  6. Common Core/STEM Connection View the standards through a lens of inquiry-based instruction Focus on cross-curricular connections, problem solving, & content area literacy Real-world application and analysis of content knowledge Student-centered learning environment

  7. 6 Instructional Shifts in CCSS Math Focus Coherence Fluency Deep Understanding Application Dual Intensity

  8. Rigor The CCSSM Require a Balance of: • Solid conceptual understanding • Procedural skill andfluency • Application of skills in problem solving situations This requires equal intensity in time, activities, and resources in pursuit of all three.

  9. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Higher-Order Thinking: Creating Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of action Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging Analyzing Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships Comparing, organizing, deconstructing interrogating, finding

  10. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Applying Using information in another familiar situation Implementing, carrying out, using, executing Understanding Explaining ideas or concepts Interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining Remembering Recalling information Recognizing, listing, describing, retrieving, naming finding

  11. Traditional Grading versus Standards-Based Grading

  12. Traditional Grade Book Final Grade is based upon the following: Homework Quizzes Tests Projects Participation

  13. Standards-Based Grading Grading that references student achievement to specific topics within each subject area. Standards-referenced system

  14. Formative Assessment Student achievement will be positively affected if standards-based reporting is rooted in a clear-cut system of formative assessment.

  15. Formative Assessment

  16. Tasting the Soup

  17. Formative Scores vs. Summative Scores Formative Scores =scores that are recorded in the interest of providing information to students and teachers about the progression of learning. Summative Scores = scores that are derived at the end of a grading period and represent a student’s final status at a particular point in time. Instructional Feedback =assessments may be scored but are not recorded and are used to help inform students about areas of improvement and teachers about the progression of individual students or an entire class.

  18. The Need for a New Scale 75% or 4,3,2,1

  19. Consider the Following Points for Section A: ____ Points for Section B: ____ Points for Section C: ____ Total: ____

  20. Assume: A particular student has exhibited the following pattern of scores: he or she answered all the items correctly in section A, two of the four items in B correctly, and neither of the two items in section C.

  21. Rubric-Based Approach “rubrica terra” or red earth Today the term rubricusually applies to a description of knowledge or skill for a specific topic.

  22. Designing a Scale Identify a learning goal Identify simpler and more complex content A scale is an attempt to create a continuum that articulates distinct levels of knowledge and skill relative to a specific topic.

  23. A Generic Scale

  24. Science – Learning Goal 1: Students will be able to differentiate heritable traits from non-heritable traits in real-world scenarios.

  25. Science – Learning Goal 1

  26. Student Friendly Scale

  27. Science – Trimester Grade Standard 1: 2.5 Standard 2: 2.0 Standard 3: 3.0 Standard 4: 3.5 Science Grade = 2.75

  28. Ms. Westbrook’s First Grade Class

  29. Resources Common Core State Standards-Math http://www.k12.wa.us/Mathematics/Standards.aspx For Families and Communities http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/Families/default.aspx Parent Roadmaps to the CCSS-Mathematics http://www.cgcs.org/Page/244 The Mathematics Standards-How they were developed. (You Tube video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnjbwJdcPjE&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL913348FFD75155C6

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