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Awakening the Gifts of Character: Creating a Culture of Caring & Compassion

Join us for an introduction to The Virtues Project™ and discover the power of awakening virtues - our gifts of character. Learn the Five Strategies™ and how to infuse them into your personal and professional life. Be part of transforming the culture of homes, schools, organizations, and communities.

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Awakening the Gifts of Character: Creating a Culture of Caring & Compassion

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  1. WELCOME “AWAKENING THE GIFTS OF CHARACTER Creating A Culture of Caring & Compassion An Introduction to The Five Strategies™ of The Virtues Project™

  2. HOUSEKEEPING Bathrooms Refreshments Lunch Cell Phones- Can Download Reflection & Educator Cards

  3. WHO ARE THE PRESENTERS? Terry Rahn Bobbie Lotz Bonnie Hansen Facilitators of The Virtues Project™

  4. What is The Virtues Project? A global grassroots initiative that is transforming the culture of homes, schools, organizations and communities, through awakening virtues, our gifts of character using five simple strategies!

  5. What are virtues? They’re what is good in us The gifts of our character The qualities of our spirit Our inner strengths

  6. Virtues: The Gifts of Character Integrity Joyfulness Justice Kindness Love Loyalty Moderation Modesty Orderliness Patience Peacefulness Perseverance Purposefulness Reliability Respect Responsibility Self-discipline Service Tact Thankfulness Tolerance Trust Trustworthiness Truthfulness Understanding Unity Assertiveness Caring Cleanliness Commitment Compassion Confidence Consideration Cooperation Courage Courtesy Creativity Detachment Determination Diligence Enthusiasm Excellence Flexibility Forgiveness Friendliness Generosity Gentleness Helpfulness Honesty Honor Humility Idealism

  7. Perfect in Potential

  8. We look like this,with all the virtues inside!!!

  9. Yale Infant Mental Health • Moral Life of Babies by Paul Bloom (2010) (Psychology Professor at Yale) • Babies possess certain moral foundations — the capacity and willingness to judge the actions of others, some sense of justice, gut responses to altruism and nastiness. Regardless of how smart we are, if we didn’t start with this basic apparatus, we would be nothing more than amoral agents, ruthlessly driven to pursue our self-interest.

  10. Moral Molecule by Paul ZakOXYTOCIN INCREASES- • Trust, Trustworthiness • Empathy, Generosity Inhibiting Oxytocin- Increases Stress Decreases Nurturing

  11. Amy Cuddy- Body ImageFake it until you BECOME it! Increases Testosterone & Decreases Cortisol (Increases Assertiveness & Confidence & Peacefulness) Increases Stress & Anxiety Decreases Testosterone & Increases Cortisol – Decreases Assertiveness & Confidence

  12. Our human physiology is designed to help us grow virtues so we can live in society!

  13. Based on Four Key Principles • The parent is the primary educator of the child. • Children are born in potential. Their natural qualities can develop into positive or negative traits depending on how they are educated in the early years. • Character develops as children learn to make responsible, moral choices. • Self-esteem is a natural outcome of living by virtues.

  14. Every Child Is Born In Potential

  15. Is it ever too late? NO!! It is NEVER too late to begin and it’s NEVER too early…

  16. For Teachers -Is this an add on curriculum? NO! This is not one more thing to add to your tightly scheduled day. You INFUSE these strategies into what you are already doing to strengthen your tools and achieve enhanced results!

  17. OUR GOALS FOR THIS WORKSHOP To awaken your virtues To teach you to see these gifts in others To have you experiencethe Five Strategies™ To inspire you to apply these strategies in your professional and personal lives

  18. What are our expectations? • Give your best to each activity • Follow the directions for each exercise • Finish activities within allotted time frame • Follow the boundaries that we establish

  19. The A.R.T. of Boundaries Assertiveness Do what is right for you Respect Be deeply present without advising, interrupting, rescuing, criticizing, teasing Trust Be worthy of trust. What we say here stays here.

  20. INTERACTIVE INTRODUCTION 1. Pick one partner. 2. Choose who will be partner 1. 3. Partner 1 ask partner 2 all the questions, listening for their virtues. 4. Partner 1 acknowledge partner 2 for virtues you saw and heard. Write virtue on name tag. Switch VIRTUE + EXAMPLE = VIRTUES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

  21. WRITE the virtues you saw on the Gem Tags!

  22. What did you appreciate about this activity?

  23. What do you hope to gain from this workshop?


  25. Speak the Language • Recognize Teachable Moments • Set Clear Boundaries • Honor the Spirit • Offer CompanioningTM

  26. CONGRATULATIONS! You have already practiced all five strategies!!

  27. Dr. Dan PopovLinda Kavelin-PopovJohn Kavelin

  28. THE HISTORY • Launched in1991 • Three people • Response to school shooting and youth violence in the US 1989 • Began as a parenting program • Virtues the common thread • Soon discovered universal application


  30. SPEAK VIRTUES LANGUAGE Words are powerful Virtues Words speak straight to the heart Focus on virtues, the intent of the behavior we want.

  31. Speak the Language - Acknowledge

  32. Speak the Language - Guide

  33. Speak the Language - Correct

  34. Speak the Language Exercise • Work in groups of 4-5

  35. Name a Virtue Encourage Mastery Encourage Meaning

  36. A Rainbow of Respect Create Visual Symbols

  37. Whisper Circle !!

  38. ACT With TACTTM Make a virtues “positivity sandwich”


  40. Rename - Reframe • Behavior that CHALLENGES you • Rename the behavior as a VIRTUE • What is the Virtue you want?


  42. TEACHABLE MOMENTS ARE OPPORTUNITIES TO… help virtues grow see virtues in any situation virtues that need to be practiced virtues that are happening remember, there is always a virtue

  43. In Teachable Moments Stop Shaming Start Naming Virtues

  44. What Destroys Conscience? • Shaming • Name-calling • Beating or hitting • Over-protecting • Over-punishing • Ignoring effort • Lack of clear boundaries

  45. What Builds Conscience? • Naming virtues • Clear boundaries • The opportunity for • reparation • Acknowledging effort

  46. The A.R.T. of Boundaries Assertiveness Do what is right for you Respect Be deeply present without advising, interrupting, rescuing, criticizing, teasing Trust Be worthy of trust. What we say here stays here.

  47. DARKEST MOMENT/SHINING HOUR • Describe one of your darkest moments personally or professionally. What virtues were needed? • Describe one of your shining hours. What virtues were involved? • Give your partner a virtues acknowledgement.

  48. What did you appreciate about this activity?

  49. Summary • Connect virtues with academic & life lessons. • Catch the doing it right & acknowledge effort. • Use virtues, not labels • Use time out constructively to have child focus on virtue needed. • Help people learn which virtues balance each other – ex: Truthfulness & Tact • Recognize teachable moments • Involve the family –send home Virtues Acknowledgments

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