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When Animals Become Human: Tunica Noun Gender in the Revitalization Process

When Animals Become Human: Tunica Noun Gender in the Revitalization Process. Patricia Anderson & Raina Heaton Tulane University. Tunica Language. Tunica Language Project. Tunica Gender-Number Suffixes. Noun suffixes takohkuku tawishihch ( i ) tanintosiniman

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When Animals Become Human: Tunica Noun Gender in the Revitalization Process

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  1. When Animals Become Human: Tunica Noun Gender in the Revitalization Process Patricia Anderson & Raina Heaton Tulane University

  2. Tunica Language

  3. Tunica Language Project

  4. Tunica Gender-Number Suffixes Noun suffixes takohkukutawishihch(i)tanintosiniman ta-kohku-kuta-wishi-hch(i) ta-ninto-sinima-n the turtle the water the minnows

  5. determining prefixes: • ta- • pronominal prefixes (indicating possession)

  6. tashihpartosusahkun ta-shihpari-tosusahkun det-bean-seed one "the one bean seed" Number + Suffix can be used for emphasis unisar’ilinv.uhk’ɔkatohk’il’unima u-nisar-ili-nuhk-ɔkatohku-ili-unima 3MS-daughter-two 3MS-child-two-MD suffix his two daughters his two children/boys (if gender is known)

  7. Default Noun Pattern

  8. Noun Animacy Inanimate Gender of inanimate nouns is lexically conditioned shikuri "knife" m. echara"palmetto" f. chika"belly button" f? rihkuta'ukini"bench" m? koru "bay" g? ciput'e"pomegranate" g? hichuka"dew" f? also given as m.

  9. Noun Animacy Animate Human Animate Non-Human

  10. h-hch, takohkukukohkueinihkunmariwihch (Disc. Marker) the-turtle-masc. turtle three pickup-masc. 3rd sing. Sem.-then sinkalin’uhkeni. Katanhin’uhkihch fem. 3rd pl.-put-masc. 3rd sing.-quot. where mark-3rd. masc. sing.-then hotushtakohkusahkunuhkalin’uhkeni. end-at (loc) the-turtle(s) one masc. 3rd sing-put- masc. 3rd sing-quot. “Now Turtle picked up three turtles and dropped them off. He left each turtle at points he had selected along the way.”

  11. Determining Animacy • What are considered animates? • What is the division between human and non-human animates? “Animals, birds, and, in short, everybody and everything could change into human beings at night and talk, but not in the daytime” ~Swanton

  12. H-hch   toniseman                  taheirit’ekichun      uk’eraseman (Disc. marker) the-people-masc.3rd. pl.   the-boat-in (loc) sat (uki)-watched (hera)-masc. 3rd. pl. Seihitihch    tawishkichun,      potahch    hotun Next day-then  the-water-in (loc)   look-masc. 3rd. pl. sem.   all       toniseman  ahkish   hipuna’araseman the-people-masc. 3rd. pl. rest     dance-masc. 3rd. pl. nin’ateihpun on’ateihpun    sinpir’akeni. fish-half            people-half     fem. 3rd. pl-turn into- sem.-quot. “The next day when the people in the boat looked (out) in the water, all of the rest of the people who had been dancing had turned into half fish and half people.”

  13. Philosophy of Revitalization

  14. Changes made for Revitalization 1) Level Inanimate Nouns all nouns take the default paradigm

  15. 2) Personified animals marked as human animates 3) Non-human animates -shi (m.) -nuhchi (f.)

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