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Journey to the Stars

Therefore, the ship moves in the opposite direction with all the force of a nuclear ... AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER ...

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Journey to the Stars

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    1. Journey to the StarsBrought to you by LITTLE BOY and FAT MAN

    2. Journey to the StarsBrought to you by LITTLE BOY and FAT MAN The facts about Nuclear Pulse Propulsion

    3. What is Nuclear Pulse Propulsion? Nuclear pulse propulsion (NPP) is a type of spaceship engine. NPP harnesses the explosive power of a nuclear bomb to propel a ship forward. It can potentially reach speeds faster than any other (declassified) spaceship engine. The way it works is really quite simple.

    5. Important For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction The tubular design forces all of the power of the nuclear bomb in one direction. Therefore, the ship moves in the opposite direction with all the force of a nuclear explosion!!!

    6. WHY????? Using NPP would allow us to reach the stars without waiting for a “warp drive” to be invented, and all the technology needed to make it a reality has been around since the 1950s. Pound for pound, nukes are a far more efficient fuel source than rocket fuel, so a ship can go farther without refilling. (That’s good because there’s not a lot of gas stations in space). When reaching for the moon, NASA developed many new devices that are now common in our lives, imagine what they would develop if they reached for the stars.

    7. If it’s so easy and great, why hasn’t somebody already done it? It’s illegal! It’s expensive! It’s dangerous and Radioactive!

    8. Bibliography General Atomics Division of General Dynamics Corporation. (1964). NUCLEAR PULSE VEHICLE STUDY CONDENSED SUMMARY REPORT (NASA contract # NAS 8-11053). HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA :NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Dyson, G (2003). Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship. New York City: Macmillan Darling, D. Daedalus, Project . Retrieved 3-08-2008 from http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/D/Daedalus.html Thaine W. Reynolds. (1972). EFFECTIVE SPECIFIC IMPULSE OF EXTERNAL NUCLEAR PULSE PROPULSION SYSTEMS . (NASA TN 0-6984) . Cleveland, Ohio 44135: Lewis Research Center Anzueto, E. Nuclear Propulsion . Retrieved 3-08-2008 from http://aerospacescholars.jsc.nasa.gov/has/Students/finalGall.cfm?id=4837

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