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Journey to the motherland. By: John McCain, Adrianna, Kaelyn. Ethipopia. Has a rainy season of June to September, and a dry season of October to July. With the hottest time of the year being march. Etiquette.
Journey to the motherland By: John McCain, Adrianna, Kaelyn
Ethipopia • Has a rainy season of June to September, and a dry season of October to July. With the hottest time of the year being march.
Etiquette In the Ethiopian culture meeting etiquette consist of a much lighter handshake than here in the west, and direct eye contact. If relationship is close same sex may kiss three times on the cheek, cross gender greetings men must wait for women to extend their hand first. In dining must always be punctual and eat with the right hand http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/ethiopia.html
Currency • The currency in Ethiopia is a birr • 100 birr=$5.50 USD • 2000 birr=$109.60 USD • 1000000 birr=$5479 USD • http://coinmill.com/ETB_USD.html
Language • In Ethiopia the most commonly spoken language is English, but speak other languages such as Amharic, Oromo, Hebrew, and Ge’ez • Words in Amharic • Hello=salam\ • My name is=
Senegal • Senegal has a pleasantly tropical climate ranging a temperature on average of 78.8 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit has a rainy season of June to October and dry season of November to may.
Language • The primary language in Senegal is French. Other languages spoken are Mandingo, diola, serer, bassari, and alpuurlar • Hello=salut • Ok=d’accord • Here=ici • My name is= je m’appelle • Very well=tres bien • http://www.french-at-a-touch.com/Words-Phrases/basic_phrases_links.htm
Currency • In Senegal they use the African franc • 2000 franc=4 us dollars • 200 franc=40 us cents • 1000000 franc=2000 us dollars • http://www.wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/africa/senegal/currency-senegal/index.htm
Etiquette • In Senegal they have extended slight hand shakes, it is very common to ask about the well being of ones self and family; although they consist of many Muslims cross gender touch does happen • When dining one must wait to be seated and wash hands, when seated men and women are seated at separate tables and must sit with legs crossed http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/senegal.html
Egypt • Weather in egypt is very hot. Reaches all the way up to 109 degrees fahrenheit. Winter season (which really isnt winter) of november to april and summer from may to october.
Language • The languages spoken mostly in Egypt are mostly Arabic, English and French • Hello=Al salaam a'alaykum • My name is=Ismi • Algebra=talc • Syrup=admiral • http://www.ipl.org/div/hello/arabic.html
Etiquette • Handshakes only given to those of same sex • Hand shakes are somewhat limped and prolonged • In dining one would remove their shoes, don’t salt food, wait for host to eat first
Currency • The currency used is in Egypt is the Egyptian pound • 200 pounds=32 USD • 500 pounds=81 USD • 1000000=162148 USD • http://www.google.com/?source=search_app#hl=en&safe=strict&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=egypt+currency+converter&oq=egypt+currency+co&gs_l=serp.3.2.0l4.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=c44fa22d597bf242&bpcl=40096503&biw=1034&bih=875
Madagascar • Hot and subtropical climate, colder in the mountains, with south and west regions particularly dry. Monsoons bring storms and cyclones to the east and north from December to March. Rainy season is November to March. Dry season April to October. • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_climate_and_weather_of_Madagascar
Language • The primary language spoken is Malagasy. Other languages include Comorian, English, French, Maore, and Madagascar sign language • Welcome=Tonga sao! • Bye=Veloma • My name is=no anarako • I understand a little=Mahazokelyaho • http://www.wildmadagascar.org/people/malagasy-english.html • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_languages_are_spoken_in_Madagascar
Etiquette The men and the elders of the family eat first during dining, the men and women tend to eat in separate groups. http://www.everyculture.com/Ja-Ma/Madagascar.html#b Men and women do shake hands with right hand and place left hand under the elbow http://www.culturecrossing.net/basics_business_student_details.php?Id=7&CID=123
Currency • The form of currency is the Malagasy Ariary. • 2,000 ariary=$0.88 USD • 10,000 ariary=$4.40 USD • 1,000,000 ariary=$440 USD • http://coinmill.com/MGA_USD.html
Friends Of Our Journey • While in Madagascar we met Joseph Berlioz Randriamihaja, a two time Olympic 110m hurdler who holds the current national record. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/countries/8662716/Madagascar-London-2012-Olympics.html • When we were in Egypt we met the president Mohamed Morsi, who is also the commander of the armed forces and head of state. He was elected into office June 30th 2012. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=serp&pq=athletes%20in%20madagascar&cp=14&gs_id=2r&xhr=t&q=president+of+egypt&pf=p&safe=active&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=president+of+e&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=edf8435073bcf94&bpcl=40096503&biw=1600&bih=799 • When we were in Senegal we met Mackey sall the a former prime minister, who is now running in the race to be Senegal's new president. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-17339452 • Finally when in Ethiopia my friends and I met maisaleem who is an egyptian singer. He started her career in the year 2000, and has very successful albums. http://www.fanoos.com/society/mai_saleem.html
Artifacts • While in Egypt we saw the ancient pyramids saw the hieroglyphics • In Senegal we visited Dakar and got to see some of the 7000 year old jewelry and pottery found there http://atlantablackstar.com/2012/09/05/ancient-artifacts-discovered-in-senegal-after-flood/ • In Madagascar we saw the sunset moth which is believed to be the most beautiful of all Lepidoptera (flying scaly winged insects) https://blog.hmns.org/2009/12/100-years-100-objects-madagascar-sunset-moth/ • During our stay in Ethiopia we had a chance to see hand written scrolls from the 4th century, describing the Ethiopian Christian faith
Similarities and differences • Egypt: Differences; has many pyramids, doesn’t snow, Egyptians are less strict on personal space • Similarities; have a verity of different cultures, economy is down, democratic government • Ethiopia: Differences; consume 99.72% less oil, has a higher infancy death rate, people make 98.06% less money • Similarities: has a president, legal age for marriage is 18, Christianity is a practiced religion • Madagascar: Differences; use 99.63% less electricity that US, 83.33% less likely to have aids, 10 hours ahead of US • Similarities; has various ethnic groups, drive on right side of the road, members of the United Nations • Senegal: Differences; 5.2 times more unemployment, isn’t a constitutional government, over 300,000,000 less population of people • Similarities; has a republican government, part of the United Nations, practice Christianity