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Principles of Design

Principles of Design. Unity Balance Emphasis Contrast Pattern Movement Rhythm. Bell Work 8/11. Elements of Art. Line Shape Form Value Color Space Texture.

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Principles of Design

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  1. Principles of Design Unity Balance Emphasis Contrast Pattern Movement Rhythm Bell Work 8/11 Elements of Art Line Shape Form Value Color Space Texture

  2. Principles of design: How did the artist organize the composition on the picture plane?Composition: The act of organizing the elements of art onto the picture plane to create a unified whole Picture Plane: The flat surface or plane that the artist organizes the picture in.

  3. Unity • A sense of wholeness from the combination of the elements of art

  4. Balance The Arrangement of elements to create stability in a composition • Radial; radiates from the center • Asymmetrical A felt sense of equal weight • Symmetrical Same on each side of a center axis

  5. Emphasis: To place special importance on one element Placement: Contrast: Color Shape Value texture Direction: Line of sight

  6. Contrast Element s that are different

  7. Pattern:repetition of lines or shapes in a controlled way.

  8. Rhythm: The regular repetition of elements in a composition to create a visual beat

  9. Movement: The visual suggestions of action created by the placement of elements

  10. Frida Kahlo1907-1954 Write a paragraph about this painting Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird 1940 "I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best."

  11. Objective: Students will create a poster that is bases on the assigned principal of design Due: 8/15 Contrast Balance Emphasis Movement Pattern Rhythm Unity • Requirements: • Border showing the principle • Title • Definition • Pictures showing the principle • Words explaining the principle • Creative designs

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