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Expanding the Nation

Expanding the Nation. Hodge Podge. Chapter 11. Chapter 12-1. Chapter 12-2. Chapter 12-3. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500.

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Expanding the Nation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Expanding the Nation Hodge Podge Chapter 11 Chapter 12-1 Chapter 12-2 Chapter 12-3 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from Chapter 11 The Supreme Court’s decision in this court case concerned the powers given to the Supreme Court by the Judiciary Act of 1789.

  3. $100 Answer from Chapter 11 What is Marbury v Madison?

  4. $200 Question fromChapter 11 Republicans gave the name “_________ judges” to Federal judges who received their appointments only hours before John Adams left office.

  5. $200 Answer from Chapter 11 What are Midnight Judges?

  6. $300 Question fromChapter 11 Even through Federalists had opposed it, this President decreased military spending by reducing the size of the army and navy.

  7. $300 Answer fromChapter 11 Who is Thomas Jefferson?

  8. $400 Question from Chapter 11 Thomas Jefferson sent these two men to the Louisiana Purchase to learn about theWest and find a river route to the Pacific Ocean.

  9. $400 Answer fromChapter 11 Who is Lewis and Clark?

  10. $500 Question fromChapter 11 Lewis and Clark crossed the Great Plains with the help of this Native American.

  11. $500 Answer fromChapter 11 Who is Sacagawea?

  12. $100 Question fromChapter 12 Due to the North’s growing population, these states in 1819 had equal power in the Senate and less power in the house.

  13. $100 Answer fromChapter 12 What are slave states?

  14. $200 Question from Chapter 12 This man believed that internal improvements such as roads and canals would make trade easier and connect the regions of the country.

  15. $200 Answer fromChapter 12 Who is Henry Clay?

  16. $300 Question fromChapter 12 This war began when General Jackson and his troops invaded Florida without Presidential authorization.

  17. $300 Answer fromChapter 12 What is the First Seminole War?

  18. $400 Question fromChapter 12 This doctrine protected Latin American Governments from European powers.

  19. $400 Answer fromChapter 12 What is the Monroe Doctrine?

  20. $500 Question fromChapter 12 The construction of this canal was funded by the taxpayers of New York.

  21. $500 Answer fromChapter 12 What is the Erie Canal?

  22. $100 Question fromChapter 12 This group opposed protective tariffs because their region had little industry and relied heavily on imported goods.

  23. $100 Answer from Chapter 12 Who are Southerners?

  24. $200 Question fromChapter 12 This is the practice of forcing subjects to serve in the army or navy.

  25. $200 Answer fromChapter 12 What is impressment?

  26. $300 Question from Chapter 12 More white men gained the right to do this in the 1820’s and 1830’s because many states eliminated property ownership as a qualification.

  27. $300 Answer fromChapter 12 What is the right to vote?

  28. $400 Question fromChapter 12 Supporters of these rights believed that the power of the federal government is strictly limited by the Constitution.

  29. $400 Answer fromChapter 12 What are states’ rights?

  30. $500 Question fromChapter 12 This president’s supporters thought that his election was a victory for the common people.

  31. $500 Answer fromChapter 12 Who is President Andrew Jackson?

  32. $100 Question fromChapter 12 Jackson rewarded some of his supporters with Government jobs, in a practice known as this.

  33. $100 Answer fromChapter 12 What is the spoils system?

  34. $200 Question fromChapter 12 Jackson veto legislation to renew the Charter to this government ran entity because he believed that it was too powerful.

  35. $200 Answer fromChapter 12 What is the Second Bank of the US?

  36. $300 Question fromChapter 12 This is a public meeting to select a political party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates.

  37. $300 Answer fromChapter 12 What is a nominating convention?

  38. $400 Question fromChapter 12 This was the name given to Jackson’s Cabinet.

  39. $400 Answer fromChapter 12 What is the kitchen cabinet?

  40. $500 Question fromChapter 12 After the government ordered the removal of all American Indians from Illinois, this tribe fought until they ran out of supplies.

  41. $500 Answer fromChapter 12 Who are the Sauk?

  42. $100 Question fromHodge Podge This is the banning of trade.

  43. $100 Answer from Hodge Podge What is an embargo?

  44. $200 Question from Hodge Podge Belief that the power of the federal government regarding the states is strictly limited.

  45. $200 Answer from Hodge Podge What is states’ rights?

  46. $300 Question from Hodge Podge This was a dispute over South Carolina’s right to cancel an unpopular tariff.

  47. $300 Answer from Hodge Podge What is the nullification crisis?

  48. $400 Question from Hodge Podge Allows the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional.

  49. $400 Answer fromHodge Podge What is judicial review?

  50. $500 Question from Hodge Podge When this state passed a resolution claiming Nullification of the 1828 and 1832 tariffs, President Jackson threatened to send US Troops to enforce federal laws.

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