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Fifth Annual Meeting of the WG: Objectives and Agenda

Fifth Annual Meeting of the WG: Objectives and Agenda. Jennifer H. Madans U.S.A. Summary of work to date. 1 st meeting (Washington, DC, Feb 2002): Agreed to develop short and long sets of internationally comparable disability measures using the ICF as a framework. Census questions priority.

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Fifth Annual Meeting of the WG: Objectives and Agenda

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  1. Fifth Annual Meeting of the WG: Objectives and Agenda Jennifer H. Madans U.S.A.

  2. Summary of work to date • 1st meeting (Washington, DC, Feb 2002): Agreed to develop short and long sets of internationally comparable disability measures using the ICF as a framework. Census questions priority. • 2nd meeting (Ottawa, Canada, Jan 2003): Established link between purpose and aspects of measurement via matrix. • 3rd meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Feb 2004): Equalization of opportunities selected as purpose of general measure.

  3. Summary of work to date 4th meeting (Bangkok, Thailand, Sept 2004) • Draft of general measure agreed upon conceptually; revisions and statement of rationale to be completed • Workgroup formed to develop implementation protocols to test and field general measure • General measure to be pre-tested in as many countries as possible • Workshops planned to inform local countries about the WG general measure and the planned pre-testing

  4. Summary of work to date • Two extended sets to be proposed • Purpose: assessing equalization of opportunities • Module that will go into existing national surveys • Set 1: Additional questions to be developed in the area of basic activities • Set 2: Will examine aspects of participation that are and are not covered in current surveys and how environmental factors are to be included • A new workgroup on methodological issues formed to address full population coverage and other issues

  5. Major accomplishments since Bangkok • Draft implementation protocols developed: • Objectives and evaluation plan for testing • Cognitive test plan • Translation guidelines • Enumerator training protocol • Sample design issues • Plan for tabulation, analysis and report writing • Two regional workshops successfully implemented • June 20-22, 2005 / Nairobi, Kenya • September 19-20, 2005 / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  6. Major accomplishments since Bangkok • 15 countries offered funding to conduct pre-tests • $5000.00 for Kenya, Gambia, and Vietnam to conduct cognitive and field tests • $1000.00 for India, Philippines, Seychelles, Lesotho, Malawi, Congo, Mauritius, Uganda, Egypt, South Africa, Palestine, and Tanzania to conduct cognitive portion of the pre-test • 7 countries have submitted test plans • South Africa can conduct the full pre-test without WG funding

  7. Plan for 5th meeting • Each session has specific objectives • Presentation of draft position papers will be followed by focused discussion that will address specific session objectives • There will be products and a work plan following each session

  8. Meeting and session objectives Workgroup on general measure • Present questions recommended for pre-testing, the accompanying rationale, and the Q by Q specifications • Identify potential areas for revision • Discuss potential use of the general measure as a screener

  9. Meeting and session objectives Workgroup on implementation • Present the implementation protocols currently in use • Discuss lessons learned from the workshops about the protocols • Identify potential areas for revision

  10. Meeting and session objectives Report on the regional workshops • Present proceedings and outcomes of the regional WG workshops in Africa and Brazil • Present the results of the UNESCAP/WHO pre-tests • Discuss plan for future pre-tests and workshops

  11. Meeting and session objectives Conceptual issues related to disability measurement • To examine what it means to use the ICF as a framework for disability measurement • To discuss the meaning of words that we use to describe and measure disability and identify areas where terminology lacks sufficient clarity / specificity • To clarify how the proposed general measure captures basic activities and identifies a population at high risk of participation limitations

  12. Meeting and session objectives Workgroup on extended measures • Present alternative proposals for 1st extended set • Present proposal for 2nd extended set • Discuss purpose of extended sets, data needs, and relationship to general measure • Discuss timing of WG activities related to development of extended sets • Develop priorities for work to be accomplished

  13. Meeting and session objectives Workgroup on methodological issues • Discuss issues of proxy and non-response and mode of survey administration in relation to health questions • Identify the impact of excluding the institutionalized population from disability surveys • Discuss methods to estimate and control bias in disability statistics • Discuss other methodological challenges related to collecting national data on disability

  14. Meeting and session objectives UNSD report • Introduce international data and metadata on disability related to the Demographic Yearbook system and present available results of pre-testing • Discuss how different approaches to measurement impact disability prevalence

  15. Meeting and session objectives Strategic Issues • Review country reports for planning purposes • Discuss other international efforts related to WG work • Review use of WB DGF and plan for future funding • Discuss WG governance issues Next steps

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