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SAR moderation: Equality and Diversity

SAR moderation: Equality and Diversity. A tale of two journeys. Moderation (1). Rationale for PRD Using the SAR in peer reviews Different perspective as a reviewer What did it tell me? What didn’t it tell me? What was the evidence? Recognising the shortcomings in my own SAR.

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SAR moderation: Equality and Diversity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SAR moderation:Equality andDiversity A tale of two journeys

  2. Moderation (1) • Rationale for PRD • Using the SAR in peer reviews • Different perspective as a reviewer • What did it tell me? • What didn’t it tell me? • What was the evidence? • Recognising the shortcomings in my own SAR

  3. Sharing my SAR • UGH! Oh no! • Trust , confidence and support • Critical friend • Requirement to justify and explain • Improving self assessment skills • Value of a balanced group • Use of real exemplars

  4. Next steps • Rewriting my SAR wearing the reviewer hat • Robust approach • Based on evidence • Formalising moderation within the PRD group • Reviewing the SAR to take account of new CIF

  5. Equality and diversity (2) • Context of Bullwood Hall, an exclusively foreign national prison • Making E&D real; laying bricks or making them? • Implications for SAR- a live document • What we do already • Across strands

  6. Equality and diversity • How effectively does the provider activelypromote equality and diversity, tackle discrimination and narrow the achievement gap? • Integral, not a bolt-on • What would you look for in a SAR?

  7. Activity • In pairs/ groups, make a list of what you would expect to see in a SAR • Feedback • Review a case study-does it include the key expectations?

  8. E&D in the SAR • Information about policies and procedures within the organisation and how they are communicated to staff and stakeholders • Defined responsibility for the promotion of and monitoring of E&D • How EO is promoted and monitored • Staff development, training and awareness of E&D • When and how learners receive EO information • How EO is reinforced on an ongoing basis • How data is collected and used to monitor the performance of different groups of learners • Examples of good practice or changes/initiatives introduced

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