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The War of 1812 and American Independence statement

Explore the causes, results, and significance of the War of 1812, a defining moment in American history that showcased the country's determination and set the stage for future diplomacy.

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The War of 1812 and American Independence statement

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  1. When U.S. defeated Britain in the War of 1812 (AKA the 2nd War of American Independence),the US made a statement, not only to Britain but also to the rest of the world. What do you think this statement was? Crash Course: War of 1812http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMXqg2PKJZU

  2. WAR OF 1812 http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6583679/the-war-of-1812-the-movie -James Madison became President in 1808 -British continue harassment of U.S. trade and settlers in the west - impressment -giving guns to natives Tecumseh involved: -US declares war on Britain: Madison asks Congress to declare war against British. (Mr. Madison’s war) -U.S. fails to invade Canada-we have small army/navy, British beat us…. http://www.history.com/topics/war-of-1812/videos#americans-and-british-face-off-in-war-of-1812 • Most important Indian leader of the early 19th c. • He led a group to fight against the US • Led his confederation into an alliance with Britain during War of 1812. • 1813, the British and Indians were defeated by Americans, Tecumseh was killed, and the surviving Indians withdrew from the alliance.

  3. WAR OF 1812 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcZKkZO7CTI -British burn parts of Washington, 1814 Pres. and wife flee! -Star Spangled Banner: our determination. -Hartford Convention(dec 1814) debates New England’s part in war – NE wants to secede – Federalists look stupid -Treaty of Ghent:1814 - ends War of 1812 (no land was exchanged) pointless…  -US wins battle of New Orleans(8 v 700) Andrew Jackson becomes hero (MORALE) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt3cYpFLJiM(hendrix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GeHW75RefM (alicia)

  4. Federal Powers --Powers expanded -growth of the national governments powers -Implied Powers and the National Bank -Judicial Review—Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v Maryland- state vs federal national bank IS allowed b/c of nec. and prop. clause Gibbons v Ogden-state vs federal Congress has power to regulate interstate commerce.

  5. Foreign Affairs -end of the war of 1812 Era of Good Feelings: northern border with Canada established 49th parallell-1846, US/England agreed that it would be the dividing line between the American Pacific NW and the British territory of Canada -Florida becomes part of the US, 1819 Adams-Onis TreatyU.S. gained Florida, defined western border of the Louisiana Territory, gave Oregon Territory to the U.S., but gave up claim to Texas 1815-1825: lack of partisanship -- we are getting along (not worrying about other countries, but ourselves)

  6. Friday 10/17 TOTD: What future president became a national hero b/c of the Battle of New Orleans? Agenda: • Complete page 12 notes • Half sheet DUE • Choice Assignments • (work on TODAY/due by Wednesday) • Terms to know

  7. SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation. • Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states. • Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark. • Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the development of a national identity. • Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the development of the nation’s infrastructure. • Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.

  8. War of 1812: The Causes • President James Madison declared war on Great Britain for FOUR main reasons • Britain was making it difficult for the US to trade with France • British ships were stopping US ships and impressing thousands of Americans into the British navy • “War hawks” in Congress were calling for action because of suspected British military support to western American Indians • Beating Britain (again) would get them out of North America (Canada) altogether • Was Mr. Madison wise to declare war on Britain?

  9. War of 1812: The Results • During the war, the British burned the White House and the Capitol building • America won little victories on Lake Erie and an ironic victory in New Orleans • Led by General Andrew Jackson in New Orleans • This would be the last time the US and Britain ever fight and the US won respect as a worthy opponent • Nationalism rises as a result of the end of the war • Why does nationalism rise after this war?

  10. ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS • national mood of the US from 1815- 1825 • 1st time American citizens could afford to pay less focus on military affairs and other countries and more time to FOCUS on OURSELVES! • WE will call later this: ISOLATIONISM

  11. Written Response: Thomas Jefferson’s presidency is defined mostly by the Louisiana Purchase James Madison’s presidency is defined mostly by the War of 1812 • Which one was the better president? Explain what you do like about one, while also explaining what you don’t like about the other one.

  12. Describe the causes of a rise in American nationalism. (1) Which president made the Louisiana Purchase? (2) What did the purchase do to the size of the United States? (3) Who did the president send to explore the Louisiana Territory?

  13. Describe the causes of a rise in American nationalism. • What is nationalism? • What does it mean to be nationalistic?

  14. ILLUSTRATE TO UNDERSTAND • CONSEQUENCES OF THE WAR OF 1812: • Create a bubble chart of the 5 consequences (in own words) • Next to each bubble create an illustration of each consequence. • Show me when completed: put behind page 13

  15. A-O Treaty (1819)-p36 • b/w US and Spain. Spain was not  • Signed by Adams (sec of state) and Onis (Spanish minister) • Had 3 effects: • Gave us all of FL • Delineation (defined)of border b/w Louisiana purchase and rest of Spanish claims in North America were settled. • We gave up lands in Texas to the Spainish

  16. Abigail Adams • Wife of 2nd pres. John Adams • Mother of 6th pres. John Q. Adams • Letters written to and from hubby • Topics of equality, suffrage, women’s rights. (1776) • Spoke her mind. 

  17. Monroe Doctrine -James Monroe became President in 1816 -U.S. is still a fragile nation in the world arena -attempts to claim part of the world as our own “neighborhood” -Monroe Doctrine – stay out of western hemisphere states that Europeans should not interfere with this hemisphere

  18. Missouri Compromise -slavery had not been an issue since the Constitutional Convention -abolitionist movement was beginning to grow – against slavery -1820-there were an equal number of free and slave states -Missouri applies for statehood

  19. Missouri Compromise -Missouri and Maine will enter at same time to keep balance -line is drawn at Missouri to determine future of slavery 36, 30 Missouri Compromise- 36,30 http://www.history.com/topics/missouri-compromise/videos

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