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A Latent Growth Curve Analysis of Prosocial Behavior Among Rural Adolescents

A Latent Growth Curve Analysis of Prosocial Behavior Among Rural Adolescents. Authors : Gustavo Carlo and Lisa J. Crockett Brandy A. Randall Scott C. Roesch Journal of Research on Adolescence, 17(2), 301–324 . Impact Factor : 1.493.

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A Latent Growth Curve Analysis of Prosocial Behavior Among Rural Adolescents

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  1. A Latent Growth Curve Analysis of Prosocial Behavior Among Rural Adolescents Authors:Gustavo Carlo and Lisa J. Crockett Brandy A. Randall Scott C. Roesch Journal of Research on Adolescence, 17(2), 301–324 . Impact Factor:1.493

  2. A Latent Growth Curve Analysis of Prosocial Behavior Among Rural Adolescents

  3. Abstract • The present study was designed to investigate stability and changes in prosocial behavior and the parent and peer correlates of prosocial behavior in rural adolescents. Participants were from a rural, low SES community in the Eastern United States. The participants were in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades at Time 1 and 10th, 11th, and 12th grades at Time 4, and completed measures of prosocial behavior and quality of parent and peer relationships. Latent growth curve modeling revealed that despite moderate stability in individual differences in prosocial behavior and slight increases in quality of peer and parent relationships, level of prosocial behavior declined until late high school with a slight rebound in grade 12.

  4. Furthermore, increases in the quality of peer relationships predicted decreases in prosocial behavior for girls but not boys. Discussion focuses on continuity and change in prosocial behavior and the gender-based relations between quality of parent and peer relationships and prosocial behaviors in adolescence.

  5. 摘要 • 本研究考察的是农村青少年亲社会行为的稳定性和变化特点,以及亲社会行为与父母和同伴的关系。被试来自于美国东部郊区低收入社区。第一次测量的被试是7年级、8年级和9年级,到第四次测量时,被试分别是10年级、11年级和12年级,研究中要求被试完成亲社会以及亲子关系质量与同伴关系质量的测量。

  6. 摘要 • 潜增长曲线模型揭示尽管亲社会的个体差异表现出中等的稳定性,同伴关系和父母关系的质量有略微的增长,但是亲社会的水平有所下降,到高中快结束的12年级有略微反弹。 • 我们进一步发现同伴关系质量的增长能够预测女孩的亲社会行为的下降。重点讨论亲社会行为的连续性和变化性,以及不同性别亲子关系的质量、同伴关系的质量与青少年亲社会行为的关系。

  7. 引言Instruction • 青少年亲社会行为的变化和稳定性 Change and stability in prosocial behavior during adolescence • 父母教养在青少年亲社会行为发展中扮演的角色 The role of parenting in prosocial behavior • 同伴在亲社会行为发展中所扮演的角色 The role of peer in prosocial behavior • 亲社会行为中的性别差异 Gender difference in prosocial behavior

  8. Method方法 • Participants and Context 被试与背景 • Procedure 步骤 • Measures 测量方法 • Attrition Analyses and Missing Data Analysis 被试损失分析与缺失数据的分析

  9. Participants and Context被试与背景 • Time 1, 313 girls and 344 boys participated; • There were 286 girls and 304 boys present at both Times 1 and 2; • 249 girls and 267 boys present at Times 2and 3; • 225 girls and 231 boys present at both Time 3 and Time 4; • The cohort-sequential longitudinal design allowed us to examine prosocial development across the three-grade-cohorts from junior through senior high school.

  10. 结果Results • Descriptive Analyses and Stability Coefficients

  11. Descriptive Analyses and Stability Coefficients

  12. Latent Growth Curve Analysis (LGCA)

  13. A series of models was tested in the following sequence (see Table 3 above). • First, to determine the developmental growth trajectories and variability around these trajectories an unconditional linear growthwas initially fit to each primary variable over time (Models 1a–c in Table 3 are also referred to as fixed time scores models). • In addition, models freely estimating the time scores for each unconditional growth model were also tested to de-termine if significant nonlinearities emerged for the target study variables across time (Models 2a–c).

  14. Next, a conditional growth model was tested predicting the latent intercept and slope for parent relationships, peer relationships, and prosocial behaviors, respectively, with gender included as a predictor (Models 3a–c). • All models were tested in the overall sample as well as in each gender group (Models 4a–c).

  15. 讨论Discussion • The results suggest that there was an overall decline in prosocial behaviors until grade 11 (particularly for boys), after which prosocial behaviors rebounded slightly. • In contrast, quality of peer and parent relationships increased slightly during this same period.

  16. For girls, decreases in prosocial behaviors were associated with increases in the quality of peer relationships. However, for boys, changes in level of prosocial behavior were not associated with changes in either parent–child or peer relationships. • Furthermore, there was evidence of relative stability in individual differences in prosocial behaviors from early to middle adolescence.

  17. Instruction empathy移情 sympathy同情 nurture教养 interpersonal closeness人际亲密 emotional expressiveness情感表达 supportive parenting支持性的教养 self-disclosure自我表露 intimacy characteristic亲密特征 preschool学前的 Terms

  18. peer networks同伴关系网络 • peer acceptance同伴接纳 • peer status同伴地位 • gender differences性别差异 • early and middle adolescence青少年早期和青少年中期 • relatively stable相对稳定 • be positively associated with与……有正相关 • census data人口普查数据 • middle to low income中低收入

  19. Participant • recruite招募 • longitudinal study纵向研究 • median中数 • cohort出生队列 • mother’s highest level of education 母亲的最高受教育水平 • a seven-point scale 一个7点量表 Procedure • survey questionnaires调查问卷 • numeric codes数字编号

  20. Method • the Family Relations subscale家庭关系的子量表 • Parent–child relationships亲子关系 • Peer Relations subscale同伴关系子量表 • Self-Image Questionnaire for Young Adolescents (SIQYA) 亲社会行为测量问卷 • Cronbach’s α coefficients科伦巴赫α系数 • reliability and validity信度和效度 • The Primary Prevention Awareness, Attitudes and Usage Scale (PPAAUS) 亲社会行为的问卷

  21. Results • Descriptive Analyses基本统计量描述 • Stability Coefficients稳定性系数 • means 平均数 • the Family Relations subscale 家庭关系的子量表 • standard deviations标准差 • bivariate correlations双变量相关 • cohort-sequential (or accelerated) designs 加速设计

  22. intercept and slope截距和斜率 • Latent Growth Curve Analysis潜增长曲线分析 • the maximum likelihood estimation procedure 极大似然估计程序 • theχ2likelihood ratio test似然比卡方检验 • the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) 标准化残差均方根

  23. primary indices of individual model fit 单个模型拟合的基本指数 • nested models嵌套模型 • unconditional linear growth models 非条件线性增长模型 • conditional growth models with gender 以性别为预测变量的条件线性增长模型

  24. Discussion • meta-analysis元分析 • age trends年龄趋势 • masculine stereotype男子气的刻板印象 • relational aggression关系攻击 • altruistic personality利他人格 • personality characteristics人格特征 • self-reports自我报告

  25. 谢谢!

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