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„ Active Ageing “ in Germany

„ Active Ageing “ in Germany. Tasks and Projects Vilnius May 2012. Overview. 0. Preliminary Remarks Organisational structure and political aims of the program in Germany Funded Projects – Examples. Preliminary Remarks. Active Ageing is a governmental strategy

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„ Active Ageing “ in Germany

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  1. „ActiveAgeing“ in Germany Tasks and Projects Vilnius May 2012

  2. Overview 0. PreliminaryRemarks • Organisational structure and political aims of the program in Germany • Funded Projects – Examples Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  3. PreliminaryRemarks Active Ageing is a governmental strategy Motivation and purposes? Solution ofdemographicalproblems „fixing a hole“ Interested in qualityoflife answering needsanddemands Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  4. PreliminaryRemarks narrow political strategy: • demographical change leads to an aged societyand • older people today are comparatively competitive, healthy etc. relocation of duties within the society: from the younger to the group of competitive older people Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  5. PreliminaryRemarks Ex.: opening of the new “Bundesfreiwilligendienst” (Federal Service of Volunteers) for seniors former alternative, non-militaryserviceforyoungmen Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  6. PreliminaryRemarks Risksand Problems: • focussed are only the “competitive” • not focussed are the “non-competitive” (too poor, too diseased, too weak, too little skills) • not focussed is the growing cohort of the 75+ agers • danger of loss of professionalism especially in professions of care and social work Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  7. Organisation, structure, and aims Responsible for the implementation of the program in Germany: german government in overall charge by the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (Kristina Schröder) Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  8. Organisation, structure, and aims Primary objectives: • to improve conditions of labour to the end that older people can take part in the labour market • to encourage greater social involvement and participation in society, and to support healthy ageing • to support solidarity between generations Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  9. Organisation, structure, and aims Support andexecutionoftheprogram: agency consisting of • a nationwide union of senior-organisations(Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen e.V. (BAGSO)) • a society for research in the field of gerontology(Forschungsgesellschaft für Gerontologie e.V. (FfG)) Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  10. Organisation, structure, and aims General aimsofthe German government: • Sensibilisation for the value of active ageing • Stimulation of a debate on active ageing and intergenerational solidarity • Exchange of informations between EU-member states and actors on all levels to learn from each other • Support of activities which contribute the struggle against age-based discrimination, preconceptions and stereotypes with regard to older people Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  11. Main Topics 1 Vision or imaginations of age and limitations of age new model of aged people passivity and weakness vs. activity and strength Comm.: struggle against stereotypes is always right, but here it’s only about painting a picture of the elderly as useful contributors for economic and social purposes What is the question? The predominant image – • does it harm the elderly? • causes it disadvantages for economy? Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  12. Main Topics 2 Capabilities of the older for civil society, social involvement and participation change of view of age: away from a person who is taken care of towards a person who takes care for someone Comm.: empirically home care is done by old people to very old people Is this mormatively rational, too? → closed circle of age intergenerational solidarity? Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  13. Main Topics 3 Potentials of aged people for economy Improvement of conditions of work, development and marketing of innovative products and services Comm.: older people as workers and clients emphasizing prolongation of life work time without radical changes (necessary technical improvements and the whole system of social insurance) → increase and aggravation of poverty in old age ! females and their specific employment biographies! Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  14. Main Topics 4 Independent living for older people Adjustments in homes, living environment and infrastructure Comm.: focusses the quality of life, indepemdence, autonomy older people are in the subject-role, demanding • innovative politics for aged • improvement of life quality by running-down barriers • development and distribution of age-appropriate products and services Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  15. Main Topics 5 Compatibility of care and employment, care and family Comm.: “Law on compatibility of care and employment” („Gesetz zur Vereinbarkeit von Pflege und Beruf“) reduction of working hours for two years, costs by the employee • too short • shift of earnings, no balancing or reconciliation Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  16. Funded Projects – Examples For funding of projects the ministry provides 800.000 € 300 applications for funding 45 have been granted mainly great organisations have been funded, the “usual suspects” about 80% conferences, seminars, speeches etc. Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  17. Funded Projects 1 Bei der Zivilgesellschaft zuhause: Bundesweite Aktionstage Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen Projektträger Forum Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen e.V. www.fgw-ev.de At home in civil society: Nationwide Action for joint living Actor: Forum Joint Living directed to all projects for joint living and all groups and institutions which are interested in founding such projects Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  18. Funded Projects 1 continous activity 3 action days in whole Germany become acquainted with just running projects share information and know-how networking new image of age give new ideas for engagement in the civil society emphasize the political dimension of joint living Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  19. Funded Projects 2 • "Kultur-Koffer" – ein neuer Kultur-Besuchsdienst • Projektträger • Degerlocher Frauenkreis e.V. • www.degerlocherfrauenkreis.de/ “Culture-Box” – a new cultural visiting service Actor: club of women in Degerloch applies both to employed and retired persons focus on civil engagement and culture Notker Schneider - FH Köln

  20. Funded Projects 2 focus on training courses for volunteers participation in cultural life combination with professional trainings addressing both the volunteers and the client group more intergenerational linking is possible Notker Schneider - FH Köln

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