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الصف السادس _ توزيع مادة الدراسات ت2-2016-2017

توزيع مادة الدراسات الاجتماعية _ الفصل الدراسي الثاني2016/2017 م المرحلة الابتدائية

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الصف السادس _ توزيع مادة الدراسات ت2-2016-2017

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ff . TVU{,}ti ' -,2 ,r"rordf odJuJldFo elltlgo[cli : *T1:"Y I '"'| 'i' '"1 & $;b &t!a3J" &Y! ,J*J.IJI I . . . - ^. i . .' 4".Jr$l'L?-': o- Hi--l, *:--' : - - i rr. ,.-r' nitl .....ltll ai.tP,., ./..'1., - 6,4 #l.ftlu: fuYl ga$l i*.1.t':tllJl : .ll&ll 9*1'tll t*t .+lt egrtl : &Jtill g4rll q$""Olr iSll :' glll txrll

  2. . p*rti{t6 Grdf'6.1flifi" . i$o@DXI cLd,jdl.i{@ r#$e ; l*'J.il' i.litd,, {bll6*jJf rFl+1*ll qr+ll otai. : fuYI.u{rJl gdrtiJl ,l'irl, Y.. ! V-J*h! . : *+ +tlc,, { -.,;,ra. qr! ;:,p)trll1gpf iliUt, irrgt ; liliJ! 1.1ai.............. agl+l : .lliJl. cxrJl J.rL-.tt : y'gll6sgll ff.\V,giL' .f ,r's Llar{tgtdi : ;ti$ g[r]l ',, I "". | . : .: , Cltstg eiErll : iiIUJl -cri-dl , jrr " . - U O+]SL Cx .Lcrl:,.tjYl g*_;.Jl ' ., . .: (.l*+*rVU l,g13hlt i4.l!)';e* cx . jr 'LJe'tt+-e..-"-.:r" ,. . r.q+-UJ| cr# .i.d!t, c'.,Bll'cr{rJl .: . :.._ (l.r+Erfu+Jt) :ctcii et1l1i{ ; iitglr,, 6.5$fl .: : .'.:-tt. ', .: . .r+fCYt gcJl'61ra : ''llLitl ,+;'r1i ' ' : {llr) -lLi OlJi i. iluu'i Clllll o,.rrll j i a,nir,ll49.lli* C '..:..' - jrl : i-- -.,. , ' illil.ll drrJl .lie Li .:r"'., .-.: .l; .. F' . :, (4.,,JJYI tbrlD q'' (.4tt" lt ; 6 jcJl,ekeii. t*'1* a$l'd:lid;{lCi ,r,.ll*-i'tiSi pfr*i{ Ci.+{ ) _";6.nr*rii{f#*{

  3. p+hidh a*{.,ill5.rlig a+o@XlerL{beJt:qtodt t*Sb 'I 4tabSrXlraLrbr{, 616 5ih&flt 6r1ltrril *inU 6lio SdiS ' py. ty/yr tI s.iUJI s-brlldhdlJ . , .JA&ll ' t . t v.s5$'. ki,,t+tl ' {utft'tl++lt : ct Yl 6ls.3Jl $Ls.+ll oeil,.ilt : .jt3Jl i.pJl '. i!,i,jyb gbEJl: &JtiI o{Jt i..,3!-:,all 4l+Jl # q.rl-,.ai!Y I irr6*d rirJi G',' o.t r odJi . iJgrJl rta ; tilEll6ei$t pY . I Vc.XlL.r f\ 1 \ q Ud : ltill.o.,,rJ! aF-E*Jl tlgliJl: .{Ul errgl , +S.d#,!t:t{g erqi.{ts ,f=-r pt4eY rlo ijailtdud, L-r!*.a:t lpU I i .:-..Y- i-. . . i . t+*rf'a-rlli &Ylprr.rl i {+*t*"tt ,:,tliitii f4gt ;s3tt idiLdt i'.;'. tl , qiHll 6r*9, dgrrldl Uflt 4l'll : fuYl ga;rJl 'o i.ptill o{Jl 4J.t-11.fu#ll . &r:,:Yll;.r-rHl : &JtiJl uuJf i".+rt+tl {t#11 # i;lt ailYl ir-lr +. r rhCl r;llif{o rrq* .pt"Ul ,JUn ofififi rtrr.*i'li Ci F{niil:Cr&.{ j 1

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