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MDT Web Services Update

MDT Web Services Update. SEWG Jamie Lavas ERCOT. ***NOTE: All information contained in this presentation is as of 03/13/2009 and is subject to change at anytime. Original Web Services. The following Web Services were originally made available to the Market

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MDT Web Services Update

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  1. MDT Web Services Update SEWG Jamie Lavas ERCOT 03/16/2009 ***NOTE: All information contained in this presentation is as of 03/13/2009 and is subject to change at anytime.

  2. Original Web Services The following Web Services were originally made available to the Market • Provide CMZONE assignments for a trade date • Provide ESIIDs I own for a trade date • Provide ESIIDS where Non-IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date • Provide Non-IDR transaction data for ESIIDs I own • Provide Non-IDR usage data for a trade date • Provide Non-IDR usage data for ESIIDs I own • Provide ESIIDs where IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date • Provide ESIID extract records for Logical Keys • Provide IDR transaction data for ESIIDs I own • Provide IDR usage data for trade date • Provide IDR usage data for ESIIDs I own • Provide all ESIID extract records • Provide Public Data Extract • Provide ESIID account records

  3. Distributive Generation Changes to Web Services • Provide CMZONE assignments for a trade date • Provide ESIIDs I own for a trade date • Provide ESIIDs where Non-IDR transaction data not loaded for a trade date • Provide Non-IDR transaction data for ESIIDs I own • Provide Non-IDR transaction data for a trade date • Provide Non-IDR transaction data by meter type for ESIIDS I own • Provide ESIIDs where IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date • Provide ESIID extract records for Logical Keys • Provide IDR transaction data for ESIIDs I own • Provide IDR usage data for trade date • Provide IDR usage data for ESIIDs I own • Provide all ESIID extract records • Provide Public Data Extract • Provide ESIID account records

  4. AMIT Changes to Web Services • Provide AMS interval data for a trade date • Provide ESIIDs where AMS interval data not loaded for a trade date • Provide AMS Interval data for ESIIDs I own

  5. Questions?

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