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Beyond Buses and Taxis Beyond Travel Training Beyond The ADA. MOBILITY MANAGEMENT. Mobility Management. Redefine roles and responsibilities on the basis of customer’s needs instead of modes of operation Focus changes from routes and groups to individuals and destinations.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beyond Buses and Taxis Beyond Travel Training Beyond The ADA MOBILITY MANAGEMENT

  2. Mobility Management Redefine roles and responsibilities on the basis of customer’s needs instead of modes of operation Focus changes from routes and groups to individuals and destinations

  3. Encourage staff to actively look for opportunities instead of only reacting to problems By making better use of existing resources, new transportation resources will become available Mobility Management

  4. Mobility Management Coordinate transportation services with multiple programs and providers Assist service agencies in meeting consumer needs

  5. Mobility Management Provide a reliable and consistent customer service experience, thereby increasing ridership satisfaction Educate the customer about their travel options and encourage them to self-select the most appropriate mode

  6. Seizing the Day Getting The Most With The Least Expenditure There Is Always Plenty To Do — So Be Selective Mobility Management

  7. Some Examples

  8. Fare - Free Program Approximately 80% of RIDES customers are ambulatory and can ride fixed-transit under some conditions Savings: >$150,000 per year Questions: Is this comparable? Is it fair to non-paratransit cusumers?

  9. Taxi Service Can greatly reduce wasted travel Can provide same-day service Can get help from municipalities

  10. Travel Training & Bus Buddies Divert paratransit customers to fixed-route buses Provide same-day service Redistribute resources Provide a “main-stream” service Integrate with Accessible Taxi Program

  11. Monterey Mobility Management Center • Travel Training • Tickets sales • ID badges • Community presence • Convenience for travelers and community • Provides “bricks and mortar” face for Mobility Management

  12. 211 Transportation Component Integration of transportation component in social service referral system Educate social service providers about public transportation options

  13. Special Senior Specialized fixed-route defined by coalition members of senior communities • Fewer stops and less travel time • No transfers or waiting in elements • Cost-effective due to more passengers per mile than ADA and fixed-route

  14. Removal of Bureaucratic Barriers Currently the biggest obstacle to coordination and consolidation Stone walls between transit agencies, schools, social services and private providers

  15. CONTACT Tom Hicks, CTSA Manager Monterey –Salinas Transit 150 Del Monte Ave • Monterey • 93940-2444 Tel: (831) 393-8166 Fax: (831) 641-0907 Email: thicks@mst.org

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