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Age of Revolution 1750-1914

Age of Revolution 1750-1914. Warm up: American Revolution Video & Quiz PowerPoint and notes: American Revolution. Age of Revolution 1750-1914: Warm up. Age of Revolution 1750-1914. Origins of the American Revolution Jamestown (1607) 1 st Colony in America Colonist were subject to:

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Age of Revolution 1750-1914

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  1. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Warm up: American Revolution Video & Quiz • PowerPoint and notes: American Revolution

  2. Age of Revolution 1750-1914: Warm up

  3. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Origins of the American Revolution • Jamestown (1607) 1st Colony in America • Colonist were subject to: • British Rule • Constant threat of attack of Indians and French • British protected the colonist

  4. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Origins of the American Revolution • French and Indian War (1754-1763) • British defeated the French and Indians • British ran up a huge debt paying for the war • Colonist no longer feared attacks

  5. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Origins of the American Revolution • British Government • Introduced new taxes to pay off debt • Colonist felt the taxes were imposed without their consent (TAXATION Without REPRESENTATION) • Colonist favored self government

  6. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Enlightenment and Revolution • Glorious Revolution of 1688 • Demonstrated that English pe0ple could justify over throwing an oppressive ruler

  7. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Enlightenment and Revolution • Religious Beliefs • Churches were often meeting places for Colonists • Ministers delivered sermons critical of British control

  8. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Enlightenment and Revolution • John Locke • His ideals made the colonist think it was unjust to be taxed without consent

  9. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Enlightenment and Revolution • Thomas Paine • Published a pamphlet titled “Common Sense” • Applied Enlightenment ideas of reason • Argued that the colonist had the right to revolt and become independent

  10. Age of Revolution 1750-1914 • Enlightenment and Revolution • Won Independence in 1783 • U.S. Constitution • Created a system in which power is shared between state and federal governments • Separation of Powers: Legislative, executive & judicial • Checks & Balances: each branch of government can ensure that the other doesn’t get to powerful • Popular Sovereignty: a system of government in which ultimate power rest on the consent of the people being governed

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