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When or What do We Cite?

When or What do We Cite?. Jill, Erin, Josh, Jon. Verbatim Quotes. Quoting word for word, not changing anything from the original text.

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When or What do We Cite?

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  1. When or What do We Cite? Jill, Erin, Josh, Jon

  2. Verbatim Quotes • Quoting word for word, not changing anything from the original text. • “Bok explains, when studies are made of what patients desire to know, on the other hand, a large majority say that they would like to be told of such a diagnosis."

  3. Summaries/Paraphrase • Writing a short version of text, events or ideas so that the reader will know the content. • Summarizing the declaration of independence: We aren’t going to be British anymore.

  4. Facts and FiguresSources of Information • Using documented statistics that are not commonly known. • In Dr. Redfield’s last study, 100% of the population that have been exposed to oxygen have died.

  5. Authors IdeasWhich are Similar to Yours. • Self explanatory • The whole entire handout :)

  6. Works Cited  McShane, Katie. “How to Use Verbatim Quotes.” Philosophy 375 course home page. Spring 2007. North Carolina State U. 25 June 2008 <http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/~kmmcshan/375/375HandoutVerbatim.htm>. Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedofrd, 2000.

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