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Unit 6: The Civil War & Reconstruction Chapter 16: The Civil War Section 2: Early Years of the War

Unit 6: The Civil War & Reconstruction Chapter 16: The Civil War Section 2: Early Years of the War. Vocab & Art Smart Terms. Cavalry Casualty Ironclad. Why did the South think that they could win the war? Rank the top 5 advantages the North had over the South.

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Unit 6: The Civil War & Reconstruction Chapter 16: The Civil War Section 2: Early Years of the War

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  1. Unit 6: The Civil War & ReconstructionChapter 16: The Civil WarSection 2: Early Years of the War

  2. Vocab & Art Smart Terms • Cavalry • Casualty • Ironclad Why did the South think that they could win the war? Rank the top 5 advantages the North had over the South

  3. Did the North & South expect a long war? What does this picture represent?

  4. First Battle of Bull Run • Lincoln grows impatient for action. • North & South finally meet in Virginia. • July 21, 1861

  5. General Irvin McDowell • Led 30,000 inexperienced Union troops into Virginia. • Goal: Manassas Railroad Junction near Bull Run River • Why was the railroad junction important?

  6. General P.G.T. Beauregard • Confederate General meets McDowell’s troops at Bull Run.

  7. The Union was winning the Battle of Bull Run!

  8. Until they hit a stonewall…

  9. General Thomas Jackson • Confederate General • Saved the day for the South • Earned the nickname “Stonewall” “There stands Jackson like a stonewall! Rally behind the Virginians!”

  10. The North lost the Battle of Bull Run.

  11. As we neared the bridge the rebels opened a very destructive fire upon us, mowing down our men like grass, and caused even greater confusion than before. Our artillery and baggage wagons became fouled with each other, completely blocking the bridge, while the bomb shells bursting on the bridge made it "rather unhealthy" to be around. As I crossed on my hands and knees, Capt. Smith who was crossing by my side at the same time was struck by a round shot at the same time and completely cut in two. After I crossed I started up the hill as fast as my legs could carry and passed through Centreville and continued on to Fairfax where we arrived about 10 o'clock halting about 15 minutes, then kept on to Washington where we arrived about 2 o'clock Monday noon more dead than alive, having been on our feet 36 hours without a mouthful to eat, and traveled a distance of 60 miles without twenty minutes halt.

  12. Effect

  13. McDowell, you are FIRED! Awww……

  14. George McClellan, you are HIRED!

  15. 15 minute Art Activity In your notes, Draw a detailed picture of the First Battle of Bull Run: Be sure to include: -Bull Run River -Manassas Railroad Junction -Spectators -General McDowell (Union) vs. General Beauregard (Confederacy) -Union Advance stopped by General “Stonewall” Jackson -Union “Skedaddles” back to Washington -Mission to capture Richmond fails -Lincoln fires McDowell and hires McClellan

  16. War at SeaMonitor vs. Merrimack March, 1862 Merrimack – C.S.A Monitor - Union

  17. POP QUIZ STUDY GUIDE • Describe the success and failures for each part of the Union’s Anaconda Plan:

  18. War in the West

  19. Victories for the North • Ulysses S. Grant • The Union’s best General • Captured Fort Henry and Fort Donelson (TN River) • Won Battle of Shiloh (April 1862)

  20. “No terms except Unconditional Surrender!”

  21. New Orleans Falls • Union Captured New Orleans on April, 1862 • With these Union victories, the North controlled the Mississippi River and split the south! David Farragut Union Commander at New Orleans

  22. Union Controls the Miss. River Now, let’s head back east . . .

  23. War in the EastMcClellan’s Campaign • Union General of the Army of the Potomac • Drill, Drill, Drill! • Hesitated on the field • Goal: Capture Richmond (June, 1862) • Why Richmond?

  24. “I had a Sergeant Driscoll, a brave man, and one of the best shots in the Brigade. When charging up Malvern Hill, a company was posted in a clump of trees, who kept up a fierce fire on us. . . Their officer seemed to be a daring, reckless boy, and I said to Driscoll, ‘if that officer is not taken down, many of us will fall . . .’ ‘Leave that to me,’ said Driscoll; so he raised his rifle and the moment the officer exposed himself again bang went Driscoll, and over went the officer, his company at once breaking away. . . I stood looking on. Driscoll turned (the officer) over on his back. He (the officer) opened his eyes for a moment, and faintly murmured ‘Father,’ and closed them forever. I will forever recollect the frantic grief of Driscoll; it was harrowing to witness. He (the officer) was his son, who had gone South before the war.” -Battlefield Tragedy, 1862

  25. Who was waiting for McClellan in Richmond? June, 1862

  26. Robert E. Lee & J.E.B. Stuart • Confederate Commander • Confederate Cavalry Commander • Lee’s “eyes and ears”

  27. June 1862 Lee stopped McClellan from taking Richmond.

  28. 2nd Battle of Run

  29. Great victory! Now take full command and invade the North! Why did Jefferson Davis want Lee to invade the north?

  30. Battle of AntietamSeptember 17, 1862 • Lee invades Maryland • Lee & Stuart combine forces with “Stonewall” Jackson against McClellan vs.

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