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Disaster Reduction & Challenges Ahead AU/NEPAD - UN/ISDR Africa

Disaster Reduction & Challenges Ahead AU/NEPAD - UN/ISDR Africa. Presentation overview. Trends in disasters & their impacts Progress in disaster reduction Challenges Ahead Expected support from the ISDR Task Force. Number of disasters in Africa by decade. 500. 498. 400. 378. 375.

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Disaster Reduction & Challenges Ahead AU/NEPAD - UN/ISDR Africa

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  1. Disaster Reduction &Challenges AheadAU/NEPAD - UN/ISDR Africa

  2. Presentation overview • Trends in disasters & their impacts • Progress in disaster reduction • Challenges Ahead • Expected support from the ISDR Task Force

  3. Number of disasters in Africa by decade 500 498 400 378 375 300 200 100 0 1980s 1990s 2000s

  4. Disaster affected populations in Africa by decade Millions 160 140 147.62 136.38 120 100 80 74.65 60 40 20 0 1980s 1990s 2000s

  5. Disaster fatalities in Africa by decade Thousands 600 591.32 500 400 300 200 100 73.08 21.92 0 1980s 1990s 2000s

  6. Major disaster impacts on Africans Disasters: • threaten Africans’ lives & livelihood • destroy crops and cultivated land • disrupt modest social services available • damage property & infrastructure • set back progress made in poverty alleviation and sustainable development

  7. Joint DR initiatives between African institutions & UN/ISDR Africa • Sub-regional reviews in IGAD, SADC, ECOWAS, IOC • Development of African regional strategy on DRM: AU/NEPAD/UN/ISDR. Process inclusive e.g ADB and IFRC • Development guidelines to mainstream DRM into development initatives: ADB and UN/ISDR Africa • Development ISDR national platforms with national government (3), more requests • Development of educational materials in disaster reduction for children and community leaders, in collaboration with pvt sector, universities, churches, and DMC in Nairobi • Promoting gender concerns and encourating women’s active participation in disaster reduction • All the above initiatives UN/ISDR Africa has carried out in collaboration with other UN Agencies: UNEP, UNDP... • All results of these initiatives will be used as input for the Regional Strtaegy on DRM

  8. Expected support from ISDR task force • Mobilize more human and financial support to UN/ISDR Africa and join the on-going initiatives led by AU/NEPAD, supported by UN/ISDR Africa • Advocate for linking disaster reduction with each UN agency’s development and humanitarian development activities in Africa such as water, food, agriculture, climate change, environment, poverty reduction and social economic development in AFRICA • Measure success of UN agency support in disaster reduction, poverty reduction, humanitarian assistance and sustainable development by actual cost/benefits relations as well as the actual impact on human security and socio-development in Africa

  9. Thank You For more detailed information please refer to the UN/ISDR Africa annual report which was prepared in Cooperation with AU/NEPAD /DMCN

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