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The New York State Invasive Species Task Force

The New York State Invasive Species Task Force. Past, Present & Future Steven Jay Sanford Chief, Bureau of Habitat, NYSDEC. What is the ISTF?. Laws of New York, 2003 Chapter 324. Task Force Members. Government agencies Conservation organizations Trade groups Academia.

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The New York State Invasive Species Task Force

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  1. TheNew York StateInvasive Species Task Force Past, Present & Future Steven Jay Sanford Chief, Bureau of Habitat, NYSDEC

  2. What is the ISTF? Laws of New York, 2003 Chapter 324

  3. Task Force Members Government agencies Conservation organizations Trade groups Academia

  4. Task Force Members DEC Ag & Markets DOS DOT OPRHP Thruway & Canals APA BRI Sea Grant Cornell Farm Bureau TNC NHP Invasive Plant Council Marine Trades Nursery & Landscape

  5. ISTF Charge Assess impacts, identify existing actions, and report recommendations to Governor and Legislature by 30 November 2005

  6. Invasive species cause problems across many facets of our lives…

  7. Ecosystems Natural Systems

  8. Ecosystems Managed Systems

  9. Food Supply Agriculture

  10. Food Supply Harvested Fish, Shellfish & Wildlife

  11. Built Environs Industry & Transportation

  12. Built Environs Gardens, Landscaping, Pets

  13. Recreation Angling

  14. Recreation Boating

  15. Recreation Parks

  16. Timeline

  17. New York invasions since ISTF established… European Crane Fly Southern Bacterial Wilt Swede Midge Brown Fir Longhorn Beetle Chronic Wasting Disease European Wood Wasp Northern Snakehead Fish Bloody Red Shrimp

  18. Implementation Recommendations SFY 2006-07 Budget Spending Plan SFY 2007-08 Budget

  19. Strategic Elements Coordination Prevention Education Early detection Rapid response Control or management Research

  20. Overarching Principles Deliver program primarily through partners Allocate EPF resources primarily to partners PRISMs for “on-the-ground” delivery NYSIS Council supported by NYS staff NYSISC and Advisory Committee by E. O.

  21. Regional Partnerships PRISMs – partnerships for regional invasive species management Principal means of delivering IS programs throughout NYS

  22. Core Functions Coordination (among partners) Volunteers (recruit & train) Education (identify & meet needs) Early Detection (monitoring network) Rapid Response Eradication (implement projects) Research (citizen science) Planning (integrate existing plans)

  23. Recommendations # 1 Establish a permanent leadership structure to coordinate IS efforts. Federal model

  24. New Structure Council (10 agency reps) Advisory Committee (~30 groups) Office of Coordination (4-5 agency staff)

  25. Core Functions(NYSISC, NYSISAC, Office of Coordination) Coordinate with all stakeholders Communicate Identify program needs Identify resource needs Develop programs Pursue resources

  26. Recommendations # 2 Prepare and implement a comprehensive IS management plan. Contract

  27. Plan Outline Roles Responsibilities Authorities Resources Integration Gaps Strategies

  28. Recommendations # 3 Allocate appropriate resources to invasive species efforts. $ 3.25 million EPF

  29. Recommendations # 4 Establish a comprehensive education and outreach effort. Cornell Cooperative Extension ?

  30. Outreach & Education Identify needs Catalog what’s available Develop new materials Develop new training Deliver training Coordinate with PRISMs Integrate with research Integrate with Clearinghouse

  31. Recommendations # 5 Integrate databases and information clearinghouses. Natural Heritage Program ? Sea Grant ?

  32. Locational Database The invasive “map” for NYS Available on www GIS for all species Link to others Identify/meet needs Integrate with Clearinghouse

  33. Information Clearinghouse The invasive “library” for NYS Available on www Info about all species Link to others Identify/meet needs Integrate with Database

  34. Recommendations # 6 Convene a regular invasive species conference. Invasive Plant Council February 7 & 8 in Albany American Wildlife Conservation Foundation March 24 in Syracuse

  35. Recommendations # 7 Formalize NYS IS policy and practices. # 9 Coordinate and streamline regulatory processes. DEFERRED

  36. Recommendations # 8 Establish a center for invasive species research. Coordinate, prioritize, fund

  37. Research Coordination Establish IS Research Advisory Board Catalog existing research Identify research needs Prioritize research needs Identify researchers Catalog available funding Recommend research priorities to NYSISC Track progress/report to NYSISC

  38. Public Enemy # 2

  39. Applied Research Supplement NYSDOT research funds to complete Phragmites biocontrol Priority based on existing information Future priorities guided by Council and Institute

  40. Recommendations # 10 Encourage non-regulatory approaches to prevention. Clean Stock Pilot

  41. Small Fruits

  42. Clean Stock Pilot NYS Ag Experiment Station (Geneva) Virus-free before propagation or distribution Grapes, small fruits (Currants), tree fruits Protocol for voluntary self-certification

  43. Recommendations # 11 Influence Federal actions to support invasive species prevention, eradication and control. DEFER (agencies & organizations)

  44. Recommendations # 12 Recognize and fund demonstration projects. PRISMs Eradication Grants

  45. $ 1 million in FY 05-06 • Eradication only • Aquatic (and wetland) species • $ 1 million • $ 100,000 cap, 1:2 match • Municipalities and not-for-profits • Grants awarded June 2006

  46. $ 1 million in FY 06-07 • Eradication only • Aquatic and Terrestrial species • $ 1 million • $ 100,000 cap, 1:1 match • Municipalities, NFPs, agencies • Applications early 2007

  47. Thank you.

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