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English. Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter's bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter— that would make my batter better.“ So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter,

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  1. English Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter's bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter— that would make my batter better.“ So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.

  2. Taiwanese 樹上一隻猴, 樹下一隻狗, 猴跋落去樹下撞到狗, 猴亦走,狗亦走, 不知是猴驚狗還是狗驚猴。

  3. Taiwanese 有一隻猴帶一群猴仔去溝仔邊玩, 猴仔跋落去溝仔裡, 猴叫猴仔轉去拿勾子來勾猴子。

  4. Taiwanese 一陣北管坐舺板, 去北港拍北管。

  5. Taiwanese 有一個人挵破鼓, 提布來補鼓, 不知是布補鼓抑是鼓補布。

  6. Portuguese Em um ninho de mafagafos haviam sete mafagafinhos; Quem amafagafar mais mafagafinhos, Bom amafaganhador será.

  7. Portuguese O sabiá não sabia que o sábio sabia que o sabiá não sabia assobiar. (The thrush didn’t know that the wise knew that the thrush didn’t know how to whistle)

  8. Spanish Pedro Pablo Pérez Pereira, Pobre pintor portugués, Pinta pinturas por poca plata Para poder pasar por París (Peter Paul Pérez Pereira, Poor Portuguese painter Paints paintings for little money So we can pass by Paris)

  9. Spanish Tres tristes tigres tragan trigo en un trigal (Three sad tigers swallow wheat in a wheat field)

  10. Taiwanese 西北雨,直直落, 鯽仔魚,欲娶某。 鮕玳兄,打鑼鼓, 媒人婆,土虱嫂。 日頭暗,找無路, 趕緊來,火金姑, 做好心,來照路。

  11. Taiwanese 嬰嬰睏,嬰嬰睏,一暝大一寸。 呼呼睏,呼呼睏,一日大一寸。 嬰仔扂扂睏,一暝大一寸。

  12. Taiwanese 儂插花,你插草, 儂騎馬,你騎狗, 儂坐椅,你坐斗, 儂用行,你用走, 儂得笑,你得哮, 儂跋一倒,你△(手車)畚斗, 儂睏眠床,你睏巷仔口。

  13. Japanese 隣(となり)の客(きゃく)は よく柿食(か きく)う客(きゃく)だ ( The customer who sits next to me eats persimmon very often )

  14. Japanese とうきょうととっきょきょかきゃくちょ うきょうきゅうきょとっきょきょかきゃ か (東京都特許許可局長今日急遽特許許可却 下)

  15. Japanese あおまきがみあかまきがみきまきがみ (青巻紙赤巻紙黄巻紙)

  16. Cantonese 姨 媽 而 家 去 宜 家 傢 俬 買 而 家 岩 用 既 宜 家 傢 俬。 (Aunt goes to the “Yi Jia Furnishing Store” to buy furniture which is suitable for her.) (Note taken from http://hk.geocities.com/aronald1234567890/w.htm )

  17. Cantonese 麥 當 娜 約 左 麥 當 雄 去 麥 當 勞 道 個 間 麥 當 勞 食 麥 皮 撈 當 歸。 (麥 當 娜 (Madonna) == Female name) (麥當雄 == Male name) (They eat oat and Chinese angelica at McDonalds on McDonalds’ Road.) (Note taken from http://hk.geocities.com/aronald1234567890/w.htm )

  18. Cantonese 東 門 東 家 , 南 門 董 家 。 東 董 兩 家 , 同 種 冬 瓜 。 有 人 說 : 東 門 東 家 的 冬 瓜 大 。 誰 知 南 門 董 家 的 冬 瓜 大 過 東 門 東 家 的 大 冬 瓜。 (Note taken from http://hk.geocities.com/aronald1234567890/w.htm )

  19. Cantonese 肯 德 龜 同 肯 德 雞 去 肯 德 基 食 肯 德 基 最 出 名 既 巴 辣 香 雞。 (肯 德 龜 and肯 德 雞 == People Names) (They eat famous spicy chicken burgers at Kentucky Fried Chicken.) (Note taken from http://hk.geocities.com/aronald1234567890/w.htm )

  20. Cantonese 抱 著 灰 雞 上 飛 機 ﹐ 飛 機 起 飛 ﹐ 灰 雞 要 飛。 (Note taken from http://hk.geocities.com/aronald1234567890/w.htm )

  21. Malay Lori lalu lalang layu. (The lallang whithered when the lorry passed by. ) (Note taken from http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/ms.htm)

  22. Malay Buaya biawak, buaya biawak, buaya biawak. (Crocodile lizard.) (Note taken from http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/ms.htm)

  23. Malay Kambing Kerbau, Kambing Kerbau, Kambing Kerbau. (Goat buffalo.) (Note taken from http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/ms.htm)

  24. Malay Pokok kopi, pokok kopi, pokok kopi. (Coffee tree.) (Note taken from http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/ms.htm)

  25. Malay Cuka, kicap, cuka, kicap, cuka , kicap. (Cuka vinegar.) (Kicap soy sauce.) (Note taken from http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/ms.htm)

  26. Indonesian Ular melingkar-lingkar di pagar ruman pak Amir. (The snake is going round and round on the hedge of Mr. Amir’s house.)

  27. German Der Zweck hat den Zweck den Zweck zu bezwecken; wenn der Zweck seinen Zweck Nicht bezweckt, hat der Zweck keinen Zweck! (The purpose of the purpose is to serve as purpose. If the purpose doesn't serve as purpose to its purpose, the purpose has no purpose!)

  28. German In einem Schokolodenladen laden Ladenmädchen Schokolade aus. Ladenmädchen laden in einem Schokoladenladen Schokolade aus. (In a chocolate store girls are unloading chocolates . . . .)

  29. German Wir Wiener Wäscherweiber wollen weiße Wäschewaschen, wenn wir wüßten wo warmes Wasser wäre. Warmes Wasser wissen wir, weiße Wäsche waschen wir. (We Viennese washerwomen want to wash white clothing, if we knew where warm water was. Warm water we know, white clothing we wash.)

  30. German Fischers Fristze fischt frische Frische; Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze. (Fisher's errand boy is fishing fresh fish, ...)

  31. English How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

  32. Korean 간장 공장 공장장는 안 공장장인가 강 공장장인가! 醬油工廠的工廠長是安工廠長還是江工廠 長

  33. Korean 내가 그린 그림은 긴 기긴인가 안 긴 기린인가! 我畫的是長脖子長頸鹿還是短脖子長頸鹿

  34. Chinese 我從伯爹伯媽門前過, 看見伯爹伯媽門前種著百十百棵百果樹, 那百十百棵百果樹站著百十百個白斑鳩, 我就撿了百十百塊白石頭, 打那百十百個白斑鳩 。

  35. Chinese 山前有個崔粗腿, 山後有個崔腿粗, 二人出腿比腿粗。 不知道是山前崔粗腿的腿粗過山後崔腿粗, 還是山後崔腿粗的腿粗過山前崔粗腿。

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