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“e-Infrastructure Updates in Japan”

“e-Infrastructure Updates in Japan”. Satoshi Sekiguchi Director, Grid Technology Research Center, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Also, a Sub-leader of NAREGI, and a member of Business Grid Executive board.

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“e-Infrastructure Updates in Japan”

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  1. “e-Infrastructure Updates in Japan” Satoshi Sekiguchi Director, Grid Technology Research Center, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Also, a Sub-leader of NAREGI, and a member of Business Grid Executive board

  2. eInfrastructures has been driven in Europe by a strong cooperation between computation/network experts and eScience communities eScience experience will be further applied to eGovernment, eBusiness,… Application and Service Layer Middleware Layer Resource Layer eInfrastructures Network layer The global dimension of eInfrastructures Mario’s at ROME meeting

  3. “e-Infrastructure” Major projects in Japan Application and Service Layer Business Grid Nano NSF Middleware Layer eScience PKG Resource Layer Testbed Network layer Supercluster JGN II (’04- )

  4. Computer System for Grid Software Infrastructure R&D (at NII) (5 Tflops, 700GB)

  5. Computer System for Grid Software Infrastructure R&D (at IMS) (10 Tflops, 5TB)

  6. AIST Super Cluster (Appearance image) P32: IBM eServer325 Opteron 2.0GHz, 6GB 2way x 1074 node Myrinet 2000 8.59TFlops/peak 10,200mm Myrinet M64: Intel Tiger 4 Madison 1.3GHz, 16GB 4way x 131 node Myrinet 2000 2.72TFlops/peak 10,800mm F32: Linux Networx Xeon 3.06GHz, 2GB 2way x 256+ node GbE 3.13TFlops/peak P32 M64 total 14.44TFlops/peak, 2928 CPUs

  7. Objectives of the AIST Super cluster • Provide a common platform to accelerate grid research and development by collaboration with industries(産), universities(學), and international (国際)partners. • World Class cluster fully dedicated to the grid R&D • “Proof of concept” of grid cluster federation • Accommodate computational sciences primary in nanotech application and bio informatics. • Nurture grid-enabled applications • Demonstrate higher performance even in a large scale cluster with a reasonable TCO.

  8. AIST Super cluster Delivery plan Today 2002 2003 2004 Call for Proposal (July, 2002) Call for Comment (May, 2003) Call for Bids (Oct, 2003) Installation start (Dec, 2003) IBM – M64, P32 SGI – F32 (Linux Networx) Delivery Due (Mar, 2004) Regular operation (Oct, 2004)

  9. Europe CRL took over TransPAC from JST on Nov.1, 2003 and upgraded from 622Mx2 to 2.5Gx2, by sharing the link cost with Indiana Univ. funded by NSF

  10. Research organization etc. ForEurope APII Testbed Project Research organization etc. Soul IX For Asia and the countries in the Pacific Ocean KOREN Busan IX Tokyo IX Fukuoka (Kyushu) IX For the US and Europe ... KJCN 1Gbps - For Asia and the countries in the Pacific Ocean Rep. of Korea C band Japan C/Ku bandhub earth stations APII: Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure KJCN : Korea Japan Cable Network IX : Internet eXchange KOREN : KOrea Advanced REsearch Network Hong Kong Thailand Vietnam Philippines Malaysia Ku band Sri Lanka Singapore Indonesia Notes: The dotted lines corresponding satellite channels are under preparation now.

  11. JGN II Configuration Partially operational since Apr.2004 NW-A : NW運用管理技術の研究開発 金沢 大手町 福岡 10G (1G×8) 札幌 堂島 GMPLS相互接続技術 産学IT北九州 金沢 CRL鹿島 堂島 福岡 岡山 当初10Gベース 1G つくば CRLけいはんな NW-B : テラビットクラス実現のためのテストベッド 仙台 産学IT北九州 金沢 1G 10G 長野 CRL鹿島 10G (1G×8) 福岡 CRL神戸 1G 10G (1G×8) 10G (1G×8) 10G 10G 1G 10G 10G 10G つくば 堂島 CRL小金井 岡山 大手町 つくば Opt 10G×2 1G 10G 堂島 光 1G 高知 名古屋 1G 大手町 CRLけいはんな CRLけいはんな 沖縄 光NW : 物理的な検証も可能な光テストベッド

  12. Summary 126 JPY = 1 EURO • Grid projects are successfully underway • NAREGI – MEXT (1,950M JPY/FY’04) • Business Grid – METI (2,600M JPY/FY’04) • AIST own project at GTRC • More (super-) clusters for Grid (e-Infrastructure) • NAREGI Testbeds (7TFlops + 10TFlops) • AIST Superclusters (14TFlops+ ) • RIKEN cluster (14TFlops+ ) • Unfortunately  Japan government tends to have “e-Japan” rather than “e-Science/e-Infrastructure”, sigh • No similar program like “e-Science” or “Cyber Infra” • projects launched separately

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