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HAITI. Sunday 13 December 2009. Inauguration of the school of Saint Gerard in Port au Prínce. This work was financed by the Association “ Acoger y Compartir ”, with donations received from Granada, Madrid, Tornelloso y Tenerife.
ThisworkwasfinancedbytheAssociation“Acoger y Compartir”, withdonationsreceivedfrom Granada, Madrid, Tornelloso y Tenerife.
Pupils, parents and teachersorganised a celebrationtomarktheoccasion.
Pupilsthankthe“Acoger y Compartir” Associationforitsgenerosity.
Theyoungesttotheoldestsharedtheirtalents at a celebration full of joy.
THE LATEST NEWSEarthquake in HaitiSchoolcollapseswith 300 pupilsinside. The parents of the children, teachers and members of the Redemptorist community search through the rubble with their hands, trying to find the children.
Thesephotos of thecrucifix of theparish of St. Gerard and thepupils of theschooltelltheirownstory.
Thegreatestmistake is tobelievethat a person can serveGodwhileforgettinghumansuffering.
Cindy Terasme screams after seeing the feet of her 14 year old, brother Jean, buried in the rubble.
Theparishschoolcollapsedcompletelywithchildren and teachersinside, killingabout 300 people
Theparishchurchitselfitsalmostdestroyed. Only a fewwallsremain.
Wehavelosteverything in thedebris, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins.
Port au Prince has become a graveyard. No words can expresswhat has happened.
Thankyouforyoursolidarity. Thesuffering of thepeople is enormous. (From a letter of the head of theRedemptorists in Haiti)
Letusjoin in the prayer of theChurch of Haiti Godour hope, weentrustallthevictimsof theearthquaketoyou.Whilewe are puzzledbytheincomprehensiblesuffering of theinnocent, maythegoodness of othersgivewitnesstoyourcompassion. AMEN