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Learn about the functions, structure, and common disorders of the respiratory system, including the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and lungs.

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  1. The RESPIRATORY System Unit 3 Transportation Systems

  2. The Respiratory System

  3. Functions of the Respiratory System • Warm, moisten, and filter incoming air. • Nasal cavity warms, and moistens the air as it enters the body. • Resonating chambers for speech and sound production. • Larynx generates the sound, nose provides the resonating chamber. • Carbon dioxide gas exchange. • Alveoli serve as the site for gas exchange.

  4. Respiratory System Alveoli

  5. Air Flow Air enters through the nasal cavity Through the pharynx (nasopharynx then oropharynx and laryngopharynx) Epiglottis Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli Lungs

  6. Nose • Bony framework, cartilage, skin, and mucous membrane lining. • Nostrils provide openings. • Septum separates into right and left sides. • Warms, moistens, and filters incoming air, smell, and provides resonating chambers for speech and sound production.

  7. Nasal Cavity • Large, air-filled space above and behind the nose in the middle of the face. • Air is warmed, filtered, and humidified. • Holds nerve endings that provide the sense of smell.

  8. Deviated Septum Thin wall of the nasal cavity is displaced to one side

  9. Rhinitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose Stuffy, congestion, runny nose

  10. Nose Bleeds Tauma to the blood vessel at the anterior of the nose

  11. Broken Nose Fractures of the nasal bones

  12. Pharynx (Throat) • Funnel-shaped tube located behind the mouth and nasal cavity, above the larynx. • Walls composed of skeletal muscle and lined with mucous membranes. • Three sections: nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx. • Passageway for air and food. • Resonating chamber for speech sounds and assists in the formation of words.

  13. Tonsillitis Tonsils become infected, swell and inflame

  14. Pharyngitis Sore throat, swelling of the pharynx

  15. Epiglottis • Located below the pharynx, attached to the entrance of the larynx. • Large, leaf-shaped piece of cartilage that covers the larynx during swallowing to prevent food from entering the larynx and trachea. • Opening through the larynx for the passage of air.

  16. Larynx (voice box) • Located below the pharynx. • Contains vocal cords. • Short passageway connecting the pharynx and the trachea. • Contains the epiglottis.

  17. Laryngitis Inflammed Larynx, loss of voice

  18. Nodules Calluses on the vocal chords that occur with improper voice use or overuse

  19. Trachea (windpipe) • Passageway for air. • Located anterior to the esophagus. • Extends from the larynx to the center of the chest where the bronchi branch off. • Supported by cartilage rings to prevent collapse.

  20. Bronchi • Two large sets of branches that come off the trachea and enter the lungs. • The right primary bronchus is more vertical, wider, and shorter than the left. • Inhaled objects are more likely to lodge in the right bronchus. • Passageway for air.

  21. Bronchioles • Bronchi continue to divide to form smaller tubes called bronchioles. • Passageway for air.

  22. Alveoli • Located at the end of the bronchioles. • Small air sacs which are one-cell thick and surrounded by many blood capillaries. • Site of gas exchange between air and blood.

  23. Lungs • Organs where atmospheric oxygen and waste carbon dioxide take place.

  24. Check for Understanding! 1 2 3 4 7 5 8 6 9 10 11

  25. Check for Understanding! • List 2 functions of the respiratory system.

  26. Check for Understanding! 2. Where is your septum located and what does it do?

  27. Check for Understanding! 3. What are the 3 sections of the pharynx (throat)?

  28. Check for Understanding! • List the following in order how air enters for exchange: • Larynx Bronchi Nose Alveoli • Pharynx Bronchioles Trachea • Epiglottis

  29. Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fVoz4V75_E

  30. Diseases and Disordersuse chromebooksresearch 2-3 per grouppresent togetherSigns/Symptoms Causes Treatments Common Cold (Coryza) Pneumonia Lung Cancer Asthma Bronchitis Tuberculosis Influenza Emphysema

  31. Coryza (Common Cold) • Caused by one of many viruses. • Signs and symptoms include fatigue, sneezing, coughing, congestion, body aches and pains, and nasal secretions. • Can be treated by medication to reduce discomfort of signs and symptoms.

  32. Pneumonia • Inflammatory illness of the lung. • Lung inflammation and abnormal alveolar filling. • Infection of the alveoli • Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and chemical or physical injury to the lungs. • Symptoms include cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing. • Usually treated by antibiotics.

  33. Lung Cancer

  34. Lung Cancer • Disease of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. • Growth may lead to invasion of adjacent tissues and infiltration beyond the lungs. • Most common symptoms are shortness of breath, coughing, and weight loss. • Common cause is long term exposure to tobacco smoke. • Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

  35. Asthma • Reversible obstructive airway disease. • Characterized by periods of coughing, difficulty breathing, or wheezing. • Caused by spasms of the smooth muscle that line the wall of the smaller bronchi and bronchioles. • Treated by antibiotics or the use of an inhaler.

  36. Bronchitis • Inflammation of the bronchi. • Caused by genetics, air pollution, carbon monoxide, respiratory infection, and deficient antibody levels. • Treated by antibiotics.

  37. Tuberculosis • Infectious, communicable disease that destroys the lung tissue and pleura. • Inhaled respiratory droplets spread disease. • Treated by medications.

  38. Influenza • Contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. • Usually comes on suddenly and may include fever, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  39. Emphysema Alveoli become stretched out and cannot push carbon dioxide and other pollutants out of the lungs. Caused by smoking, frequent untreated respiratory infections, asthma, and abnormal stress on the lungs. Symptoms are anxiety, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, cough, cyanosis, unequal chest expansion, elevated body temperature. Treatment options are medications, oxygen, and the possibility of a lung transplant.

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