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How to Interpret the O*NET Ability Profiler Results

How to Interpret the O*NET Ability Profiler Results. An O*NET Academy Briefing. Dr. Janet E. Wall Senior Trainer, ONET Academy. Relax and Enjoy. Session will be recorded and archived Can listen to the session again at http://www.onetacademy.com Can download slides

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How to Interpret the O*NET Ability Profiler Results

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  1. How to Interpret the O*NET Ability Profiler Results An O*NET Academy Briefing Dr. Janet E. Wall Senior Trainer, ONET Academy

  2. Relax and Enjoy • Session will be recorded and archived • Can listen to the session again at http://www.onetacademy.com • Can download slides • Come in with questions as you have them

  3. Part 3 of 3 • 3 part series • Introduction to the O*NET Tools and the Ability Profiler (30 July) • How to Administer the Ability Profiler (31 July) • How to Interpret the Ability Profiler (1 August) • After attending all 3 sessions – certificate of completion • Any session stands on its own

  4. Session 3 - Learning Objectives • Overview the Ability Profiler (AP) • Describe contents of the AP Score Report • Review percentiles • Overview norms • Overview how AP results are matched to occupations • Review occupational information using O*NET Online • Discuss example profile

  5. Three Instruments • O*NET Interest Profiler • O*NET Work Importance Locator/Profiler • O*NET Ability Profiler

  6. O*NET Career Exploration Tools

  7. Proper Use • Developed only for career exploration, career counseling • Not for job selection or selection into job training programs • Administered to 1 or more persons • Paper/pencil only

  8. Computation Arithmetic Reasoning Vocabulary Name Comparison Object Matching Three Dimensional Space Mark Making Place Turn Assemble Disassemble Ability Profiler Overview – 11 tests

  9. Relationship Between Measured Constructs and AP Exercises

  10. Tests Administered and Scored

  11. Options • Hand data entry program can be downloaded from the www.onetcenter.org website • Scoring Program and User’s Guide found on www.onetcenter.org website

  12. Score Report (1) Person’s scores are compared to general working population – the norm group. graphic, numerical and verbal information

  13. Score Report (2) Percentiles Reports the Constructs Measured – not the subtests

  14. What is a Percentile?

  15. Score Report (3) Number Correct of Total Items No number correct; number attempted

  16. Score Report (4) Note

  17. Norms • Based on a sample of 4000 people selected to reflect the distributions of workers in five occupational categories as per the US Census Bureau • Professional and Semi-professional • Clerical, Sales, and Kindred Workers • Craftsmen, Foreman, and Kindred Workers • Operatives and Kindred Workers • Laborers (except farm and mine)

  18. General Working Population • Norms developed in 1950s • Studies show Means and SDs stable over time (USES Test Report No 148, 1984) • Sample called theGeneral Working Population

  19. General Working Population (2) • Sample selected to represent the percent of population by occupational groupings • Age Range = 18-54 years • Mean Education = 11 years • Males, 10.2 • Females, 11.7 • Gender • Males, 46% • Females, 54% • Supplemented by many additional studies to include high school students • See General Aptitude Test Battery, Development Report, Section III for details

  20. Linking GATB Norms to the AP • Equating study performed between GATB and AP • Results sufficiently similar between GATB and AP so that the general working population norms could be used (Segall and Monzon, 1995)

  21. Score Report (5)

  22. Score Report (6)

  23. Score Report (7)

  24. Selecting a Job Zone

  25. Occupational Reports • Five occupational listings are generated, one for each job zone

  26. Job Zone 1 Occupations

  27. Job Zone 2 Occupations

  28. Job Zone 3 Occupations

  29. Job Zone 4 Occupations

  30. Job Zone 5 Occupations

  31. Match Profile to Occupational Information (1) • Occupational Ability Profiles (OAPs) were created for each of the 950+ O*NET occupations (see available development report for more detail) • Ability scores of job incumbents (1000+ jobs) along with information from the DOT (e.g., data, people things; SVP) were used to estimate the 9 ability scores for each occupation • Occupation profiles were converted to the existing O*NET/SOC classification system

  32. Match Profile to Occupational Information (2) • Person’s ability profile is matched to occupational profile • Using index of similarity (correlation) • Shape of the profile matters, not the level or percentile • Minimum of 10 occupations are generated for each job zone • up to 25 if they are “strong matches” • correlation cutoff depends on number of AP subtests taken

  33. Score Report (8) Based on list of occupations, the client selects one job from Job Zone 1 and two from Job Zone 3 Fire Inspector 33-2021.01 Retail Salesperson 41-2031.00 41-3011.00 Advertising Sales Agent

  34. Exploring an Occupation • Select occupation to explore • Example: Fire Inspectors, Job Zone 3 • Go to O*NET ONLINE • http://online.onetcenter.org

  35. Sample Report - Joe Luwis

  36. Discussion – Joe Luwis

  37. Questions/Comments

  38. O*NET AP Administrators Training Tools available on O*NET Academy • OnlineSelf-Assessment Quiz! Gauge your understanding of what it takes to successfully administer the Ability Profiler . • DownloadableLunch and Learn Training Packet Includes PowerPoint Slides, FAQs, Administrator Checklist, and Scenarios for Group Discussion www.onetacademy.com • Check out www.onetcenter.org for more information

  39. Supporting Webinars • How to Download and Use the O*NET Interest Profiler and Work Importance Profiler • Overview of the O*NET Ability Profiler • How to Administer the O*NET Ability Profiler • How to Interpret the Ability Profiler • O*NET for Job Seekers and Students • New Enhancements to O*NET • O*NET Tools for School Counselors • O*NET Tools for Military in Transition • Links between Occupations, Education, and Pay

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