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Immunity. State of protection against foreign organisms or substances ('antigens') Defence against disease Defence against tumours. Figure 1. Immune responses are directed at our barriers with the environment. Innate Immunity.

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  1. Immunity • State of protection against foreign organisms or substances ('antigens') • Defence against disease • Defence against tumours

  2. Figure 1 Immune responses are directed at our barriers with the environment

  3. Innate Immunity • Non specific immune responses which include anatomic, physiologic, phagocytic and inflammatory barriers that help prevent the entrance and establishment of infectious agents. • These keep the invading pathogen at bay until a specific response can be made.

  4. Acquired Immune responses • Specific response made against a particular pathogen or ‘agent’ • Diverse - responses can potentially be made against any pathogen etc. • Memory - the immune system can remember a pathogen that has previously infected the body • Escalating response - and generates a faster more effective response next time!

  5. How is this achieved? • 2 inter-related events: • recognition of ‘antigen’ • response to ‘antigen’

  6. Figure 2 The immune system is compartmentalised to enable lymphocytes to come into contact with pathogens/antigens.

  7. Antigen Presentation • Antigen presenting cells (dendritic cells, macrophages), B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes are involved in the generation of immune responses. • Both B and T lymphocytes possess antigen receptors in their cell membrane.

  8. B lymphocyte receptors (BCR) • Antibody molecules bound to the cell membrane form the B cell receptor (BCR) • BCR can recognise and internalise intact 'antigen'. (antigen here can be a 3-dimensional structure)

  9. Figures 3 and 4 Structure of the B cell receptor

  10. T lymphocyte receptors (TCR) • T lymphocytes only recognise 'antigen' associated with MHC class I and class II molecules • antigen here is a short linear peptide - primary structure

  11. Figures 5, 6 and 7 Structure of the TCR and it’s interaction with MHC/peptide complexes

  12. How are immune responses DIVERSE? • Each T and B lymphocyte has a DIFFERENT antigen receptor • Clonal expansion of a single cell results when the lymphocyte receptor meets its specific antigen. • Expanded lymphocytes then develop different effector and memory functions

  13. Function of T lymphocytes I • There are 2 major sub-populations. Helper T cells (Th) and cytotoxic T cells (Tc). • Th cells express CD4 and recognise 'antigen'+ class II MHC(on antigen presenting cells). • 'Antigen' is a peptide of 18-22 amino acids, and is derived from proteins from outside the cell.  fight extracellular pathogens. (can produce soluble mediators = cytokines….)

  14. ‘Helper’ CD4 T lymphocytes

  15. Functions of T lymphocytes II • Tc cells express CD8 and recognise 'antigen' + class I MHC (on all body cells). • 'Antigen' is a peptide of 9 amino acids, and is derived from proteins synthesised inside the cell. Normally self peptides are expressed in class I MHC.  fight intracellular pathogens. (can lyse body cells!!!)

  16. Cytotoxic CD8 T lymphocytes

  17. Functions of B lymphocytes • B cell antigen receptor - membrane bound antibody molecule • Activated B cells become plasma cells and secrete antibody - potent soluble effector molecues (IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, IgD) • Need T cell help to become activated • Express class II MHC and can activate CD4+ T cells

  18. Functions of B lymphocytes

  19. Where do immune response take place? • Specific lymphocytes need to come into contact with specific pathogen/antigen to make an immune response • This occurs in the specialised micro-environment of the lymph node • Figure 8. Structure of a lymph node

  20. Where do pathogens enter the body? • Barriers - skin, nasopharynx, gut, lungs (mucosa) a) recognise pathogen b) make an immune response • The mucosa contains organised lymphoid tissue (eg peyers patches in the gut) and many lymphocytes

  21. Class exercise • What happens if I vaccinate you? • Why do I do this? • How does it work? • Why is it effective • What happens when you eat food? • What happens to food? • Where does it go? • Do you make an immune response to food? • Why might you have rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis • what are the symptoms? • what is happening? • what is the cause?

  22. So why don't you respond to self antigen?

  23. Tolerance • T and B lymphocytes have unique antigen receptors • The T cell receptor (TCR) is produced by the genetic organisation germ-line DNA • There are approximately 10 17 different TCRs!!!! • During development, TCRs go through 2 selection procedures

  24. Thymic education Pre- T cell  into the thymus: Positive selection: TCR binds to MHC= GROW  Negative selection: TCR has high affinity for MHC+self peptide = DIE mature T cell

  25. Figure 9 Structure and function of the thymus

  26. What happens if I vaccinate you? • Intentional administration of a harmless or less harmful form of a pathogen to induce a specific immune response that protects the individual against later exposure to the same pathogen. Stimulate specific adaptive immune response (antibodies; T cells) Memory

  27. Figures 10, 11 and 12 Vaccination protocols, effect on disease prevalence and immune response

  28. What happens when you eat food? • Ingest kilogram quantities of foreign 'antigen' • Digest and absorb nutrients etc • Do not make an immune response against food (except in disease eg) • coeliac disease - respond to gluten • The mucosal immune system functions to switch off responses to ingested / inhaled 'antigens'.


  30. Why might you have rheumatoid arthritis? • Immune mediated destruction of joints. • Inflammatory disease, and it is thought that T cells are recognising self-antigens. • THIS IS AN AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE • Current theories suggest that 'molecular mimicry' may be responsible for the disease.

  31. Why might you have multiple sclerosis • MS is an auto-immune disease affecting the central nervous system. • Auto-reactive T cells participate in the formation of inflammatory lesions along the myelin sheaths of the nerve fibres. • Myelin is destroyed, nerve fibres lose insulation and this results in numerous neurological dysfunctions.

  32. fight disease  destroy self Immune responses

  33. Fight Disease eradicate pathogens response immunity Don’t fight your ‘natural’ environment ignore food / commensals non-response tolerance Healthy balancing act

  34. Balance vs Dysregulation • Both requires a functional immune system • Auto-immunity is caused by T cell responses to self antigen (egs) • Pathogenic T cell responses vs Benign T cell responses

  35. Immune regulation • There are clearly physiological mechansims of response and non-response. • Can these be switched on and off to resolve disease….?

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