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Carbon Footprint and Tourism: An overview

Carbon Footprint and Tourism: An overview. Mahmoud Hewedi Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Fayoum University. Aims of this snapshot presentation. Is to high light and focus on the followings: 1- The concept and its definition

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Carbon Footprint and Tourism: An overview

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  1. Carbon Footprint and Tourism: An overview Mahmoud Hewedi Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Fayoum University

  2. Aims of this snapshot presentation Is to high light and focus on the followings: 1- The concept and its definition 2- The interrelationship among the different sustainability dimensions 3-Examples of carbon footprint of buildings, water, hotels, restaurants,

  3. Carbon Footprint Reduction

  4. Important to make it fact!! If you are in tour please make sure to • ‘take only photos, leave only footprints’

  5. Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) can be measured by recording emissions at source by continuous emissions monitoring or by estimating the amount emitted by multiplying activity data (such as the amount of fuel used) by relevant emissions conversion factors. These conversion factors allow activity data (e.g. litres of fuel used, number of miles driven, tonnes of waste sent to landfill) to be converted into kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). CO2e is a universal unit of measurement that allows the global warming potential of different GHGs to be compared

  6. What is a carbon footprint? • Carbon footprint (FP): is “the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product” (UK Carbon Trust 2008). • Everyone in this room has a FP

  7. Let’s determine your C-FP

  8. Carbon footprint • The concept of carbon footprint was put forward firstly by the Science and technology office of Parliament of Britain and British Sky Broadcasting, but different definitions to carbon footprint have been given by different organizations from their own angles. As for the corporation, carbon footprint are the • total greenhouse gases generated in the lifecycle of a product. It is very hard to calculate the carbon footprint of a product in our daily life. Properly, we can not do that, especially the whole lifecycle of the

  9. Conversion factor Greenhouse gas (GHG) conversion factors are used to calculate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by energy use. They are measured in units of kg carbon dioxide equivalent**. In order to convert 'energy consumed in kWh' to 'kg of carbon dioxide equivalent', the energy use should be multiplied by a conversion factor.

  10. Conversion factor examples • To convert from litres of petrol to kg CO2 emissions multiply by 2.331, so for example:200 litres petrol = 200 x 2.331 = 466.2 kgCO2e • Carbon emissions are usually quoted in kg CO2 / kWh.

  11. Carbon footprint and tourism • What the research shows is that in 2009, 7.9% of the total Dutch carbon footprint is attributed to tourism. Calculations in the report for domestic and international holidays (short and long-haul) raise many questions about the impact of these forms of travel on the environment in relation to the carbon emissions.

  12. Carbon footprint and holidays • Other innovative features of this report include the analysis of eco-efficiency (i.e. the carbon footprint of a holiday compared to holiday spending). The analysis by trip type and destination highlights the implications of eco-debates for domestic and outbound tourism (including modal travel type). The discussion of trends in the carbon footprint of holidaymakers 2002–2009 indicates that Dutch CO2 emissions have decreased by 3.1% while holiday emissions increased by 16.5%. This is alongside a growth in greater total travel distances and a small increase in the volume of holidays.

  13. Carbon Footprint – 3 Scopes Remember: there are three levels (scopes) to a green house gas/carbon footprint calculation. June 2, 2009 13

  14. Scope 1: Direct Emissions Relatively easy: Combustion Sources Site owned vehicles On site electrical generation CFC and HFC losses from refrigeration equipment Sulfur hexafluoride losses from electrical equipment June 2, 2009 14

  15. Scope 2: Indirect Emissions – Purchased Energy Emissions from consumption of purchased utilities: Typically electricity Could be steam or high temperature hot water Could be negative (ex: electricity from landfill gas) June 2, 2009 15

  16. Scope 3: Other Indirect Emissions Can be very difficult: Transportation of purchased material or goods Employee business travel Employee commuting impacts Outsourced work Emissions from finished products Transportation of waste Vegetation & Trees Scope 3 has various challenges Boundary issues Can be a magnitude higher than Scope 1 and 2 Costly value chain analysis June 2, 2009 16

  17. Food • The CO2 footprint, i.e. the climate change impact of food, is arguably one of the most important issues in improving the environmental responsibility of the food chain and also the most intensively discussed worldwide at the moment. • Farmers, industry, trade and consumers are all keen to reduce climate change impact but currently they lack the means to address the problem adequately.

  18. Food • Therefore, the primary challenge for science is to provide those involved in the food system with the necessary information and tools to understand and influence key issues suchas the potential for carbon sequestration and the mitigation of carbon footprints, including reducing the negative impacts of poor farming techniques and consumer choices.

  19. Buildings • Buildings make a considerable contribution to global environmental impacts. The most significant burdens stem from primary energy consumption with consequent greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from different services and activities in operating a building over its long lifespan. The building sector produces 20 - 30% of the global carbon footprint, with a prediction for future growth.

  20. Buildings • The operational carbon footprint of a commercial building is predominantly associated with energy consumption in the form of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (activities known as HVAC2), use of elevators (activities known as vertical transportation), use of electric appliances and lighting the building.

  21. Buildings/Hotels • In the hotel sector these activities may account for up to 85% of the total energy use. Among these, air-conditioning often represents a significant share, especially as regards the building stock in warm climates. • Evidence shows that in hotels, air-conditioning systems may increase the annual energy use by 29% - 77%.

  22. Buildings /Hotels • Other operational burdens of the building stock arise from cooking in catering facilities, refrigeration, water supply, water heating, laundry, wastewater treatment and solid waste generation. • Due to the poor quality of data, waste issues are usually beyond the scope of analysis in environmental assessments of buildings, including hotels. As for other operational activities, there are different estimates of their contribution.

  23. Buildings/Hotels • The share of hot water production, for example, is estimated as high as 40% and as low as 3% - 3.5% of the total energy use and GHG emissions generated during the lifecycle operations of a hotel. This may be a result of variations in hotel organization. Laundry in hotels, for example, can be either in-house or outsourced; in-house laundry may significantly increase the final energy requirements of a hotel.

  24. Buildings/Hotels • The share of hot water production, for example, is estimated as high as 40% and as low as 3 - 3.5% of the total energy use and GHG emissions generated during the lifecycle operations of a hotel. This may be a result of variations in hotel organization. Laundry in hotels, for example, can be either in-house or outsourced; in-house laundry may significantly increase the final energy requirements of a hotel.

  25. Buildings/Hoels • Residential buildings in the existing building stock, are responsible for 2/3 of the total energy consumption and GHG emissions in the building. • Specific types of commercial buildings are often characterized by more intense energy use practices. Hotels, for example, are one of the most demanding energy consumers among all categories of the building stock. This is due to their 24-hour-based operation, the variety of facilities and functions provided and often reckless energy use habits of occupants

  26. Buildings/Hotels • In Greece and Spain hotels are the principal energy consumers among commercial buildings, being responsible for about 1/3 of their total energy demand; • In France, the UK and USA the share of hotels is lower, but yet significant, 18%, 16% and 14% respectively • It is believed that large portions of energy utilized in hotels are wasted, thus presenting opportunities for energy conservation • Given that energy use is closely linked to GHG emissions, energy conservation will result in a significant reduction in the carbon footprint from hotels

  27. LCEA (Life cycle energy analysis) of two hotels in Poole, Dorset (UK) • Evidence shows that energy and, consequently, environmental performance of hotels varies depending on their class, types of energy used, diversity of services and facilities provided to the hotel guests.

  28. Why it is important? • We are all consumers – of food and drink, personal travel, household products and travel tourism. As such, we are accountable to some degree for the pressures which our consumption puts on the environment. • CO2 emissions associated with imported goods and services consumed

  29. Greenhouses Gases Greenhouse gases are made out of: • Water vapour • Carbon dioxide • Methane • Nitrous oxide • Ozone • Chlorofluorocarbons They are all natural gases, but extra greenhouses gases can be made by humans polluting.

  30. How to calculate YOURS! There is many ways of how you can do this you can complete it by going onto websites. • Here it will ask you a series of questions about your lifestyle. • It will then give you a number or an answer to how bad your carbon footprint is. • It may then give you some tips of how to change • A good website for students to use is http://www.cooltheworld.com/kidscarboncalculator.php?

  31. What Is Your Water Footprint? • Take a water tour with us through your home, yard, diet, energy, and consumer choices then, pledge to cut your water footprint and help return more water to rivers, lakes, wetlands, underground aquifers, and freshwater species.

  32. Water and climate • Climate change and other stresses are limiting the availability of clean water and affordable energy. A large amount of energy is expended to supply, treat and use water, meaning that water-oriented strategies can result in significant reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

  33. Water and carbon footprint • In the UK, we use approximately 150 liters of water per person per day in our homes. Our previous research indicates that when household and water company emissions are considered together, around 90% of these emissions (35 million tons CO2 per year) can be attributed to ‘water in the home’. This includes energy for heating water but excludes space/central heating. The remaining 10% of emissions originate from abstracting, treating and supplying water, and subsequent wastewater treatment. For this reason, it's important to better understand the effects of water use on domestic CO2 emissions.

  34. Water and carbon footprint • The study identifies a number of key findings both for existing households and new build dwellings as well as for our own water use behavior in the home. • In a report on the tool on the BBC website they mention that 89% of the footprint of domestic water use is caused by heating it. That leaves 11% of the impact from cleaning and supplying the water

  35. Water and carbon footprint • In the past few years, the EU has accelerated efforts to curb the level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy intensive firms. As of Jan. 1st, 2012, all commercial airline carriers flying in the European airspace will be obliged to incur charges for the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of their flights. The latter measure falls under the European Emissions Trading Scheme which constitutes the cornerstone of the EU climate policy intended to combat climate change. Other carbon demanding industries include shipping and power generation plants. Before devising strategies to lower their CO2 emissions, commercial organizations first need to accurately directly measure or estimate their carbon footprint. This step is a prerequisite for complying with the legislation

  36. Water and your carbon footprint • Everyone has a 'carbon footprint' - it is the measure of how much carbon dioxide (CO2) is created by your actions. • Many businesses are conscious of their carbon footprint and are actively trying to reduce it. While saving energy is an obvious strategy – saving water is also really effective. This is because of the energy that’s used in treating your water and other activities' • The following diagram represents how the demand for water has an impact on carbon dioxide emissions.

  37. Water and your carbon footprint • When we refer to carbon or carbon dioxide (CO2) we mean the six recognized greenhouse gases which are Carbon (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), Perfluorocarbons (PFC) and Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). • **Strong evidence shows that human emissions of greenhouse gases are changing the world's environment. The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2), produced when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas for energy.

  38. Saving water saves energy • There’s no question that energy and water are related. In the U.S., more than 13% of our electrical energy goes to heat, treat and pump water supplies. • On the flip side, our nation’s electrical production represents 49% of the withdrawals from our rivers, wetlands and fresh water resources.

  39. Saving Water Saves Energy • Additionally, carbon emissions related to our use of water is estimated at 290 million metric tons annually, or 5% of all carbon emissions in the U.S. This is equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions of 53 million passenger vehicles or emissions from the electricity use of over 40 million homes. • To start some of the work both mitigating and adapting to climate change,

  40. Saving Water Saves Energy

  41. Water is essential for many aspects of daily life including restaurant operations and is necessary for generation and service of properly produced, safe food. However, water is becoming more scarce and expensive due to climate change, infrastructure needs, governmental budget constraints, and shifting water source.

  42. Water usage in restaurants is an area that has not been studied academically Restaurants typically are a small segment of the population of water users in the commercial and industrial segment and are segmented into categories dependent upon the style of service, per-person check average, whether alcohol is available, what percentage of sales are derived from beverage sales, and other’s.

  43. In analyzing 87 operations from California, Colorado, and Florida, Dziegielewski et al. (found, on average, each restaurant used more than 2.8 million gallons of water annually. • This translated to 7,700 gallons daily and 16 gallons for each meal served. When only using indoor water sources, discounting water used for irrigation, Dziegielewski et al. (2000) established that 7.64 gallons of water were used for each meal served.

  44. The study found that Asian restaurantsconsumed more than 15,000 gallons per day and quick-service operations, 4,000 gallons per dayDziegielewski, et al., (2000).

  45. In a segmented analysis of water use throughout California it was found that 6% of totalwater usage in the commercial and industrial sectors took place in kitchens with restaurantsbeing the largest user (Gleick, et al., 2004). This is water designated only for preparation, cooking, and sanitation (Dziegielewski, 2000) and does not include water for serving tocustomers or bathrooms. • Dziegielewski et al. found the areas of largest use were sanitation, approximately half, followed by preparation, cooking, and ice machines (2000).

  46. Restaurants inCalifornia used 53.1 billion gallons (201 million cubic meters) of water in 2000 and the NRA’s Conserve website (2011b) estimated that energy is 30% of a building’s yearly operating costs and that restaurants used five times as much energy as a normal buildingand 25 times more when focusing on the kitchen area.

  47. Decreasing the amount of water used, whether it be through training or new equipment, is directly correlated with decreasing utilitycosts (AH&LA, 2001 and NRA, 2011).

  48. The final cost of water includes a direct correlation with the amount of energy an operation consumes (EPA, 2011k) and the hospitality industry is a large consumer of energyAH&LA, 2001; Alonso & Ogle, 2010; Paton, 2008; and Deng & Burnett, 2002).

  49. One segmentof the hospitality industry, restaurants, expended five times more energy per square foot than theaverage commercial business (NRA, 2011).

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