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Japanese Geography

Japanese Geography. Week 1. Sea of Okhotsk. Sea of Japan. Pacific Ocean. The East China Sea. The Frigid Zone. Cold. Cold. The Tropical Zone. The Temperate Zone. Niigata. Nagano. Hiroshima. Sapporo. Naha. Tokyo. Kochi. Osaka. Winter Seasonal Wind. Summer Seasonal Wind.

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Japanese Geography

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Japanese Geography Week 1

  2. Sea of Okhotsk Sea of Japan Pacific Ocean The East China Sea

  3. The Frigid Zone Cold Cold The Tropical Zone The Temperate Zone

  4. Niigata Nagano Hiroshima Sapporo Naha Tokyo Kochi Osaka

  5. Winter Seasonal Wind Summer Seasonal Wind

  6. Winter Moisture Air Dry Air Sea of JapanTsushima Stream Pacific OceanKuroshio Stream

  7. Summer Sea of JapanTsushima Stream Pacific OceanKuroshio Stream

  8. Hokkaido 北海道 Kyusyu九州 Honsyu 本州 Shikoku四国

  9. Hokkaido Tohoku Cyubu Cyugoku Kanto Kinki Kyusyu Shikoku

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