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Smart Grid Communication Standards for Demand Response – Data Requirements Presentation to NAESB April 15, 2010. IRC’s Approach to Smart Grid Communication Standards for Demand Response. Create the business process models of interactions between system operator and market participants
Smart Grid Communication Standardsfor Demand Response –Data RequirementsPresentation to NAESBApril 15, 2010
IRC’s Approach to Smart Grid Communication Standards for Demand Response • Create the business process models of interactions between system operator and market participants • Aligns with PAP09 task for NAESB SGTF Phase 1 • Modeling process • Identify the data requirements • Aligns with PAP09 task for NAESB SGTF Phase 2 and supports PAP09 task for OASIS • Develop the information model • Aligns with PAP09 task for OASIS • Generate message profiles • Aligns with PAP09 task for OASIS
IRC Project Status • IRC has nearly completed the entire process for wholesale DR • Complete • Business process models • Data requirements • Finalizing • Information model • Message profiles • Estimated time to complete data requirements, model and profiles for 35 message flows • Over 2,000 person-hours with approximately 75% of the time on data requirements • Does not include work for message security
Sample Output – Data Requirements* * Partial list of one of 35 message flows
Started with a representative ISO/RTO data set Consolidated and categorized the final list of data elements Collaboratively developed operational definitions for each element Created worksheet with complete list of data elements, operational definitions and messages Each ISO/RTO identified which data elements used in each message flow Consolidated worksheet contains the standardized list of data elements for each wholesale message Identify Data Requirements
Data Element Categories 0 - Common Parameters Message information that is not related to the facility, resource, external entity, program or market product 1- General Resource Information Data that identifies the facility or resource 2 - Location Information Physical and logical location information 3 - Contact Information Contact information for the facility or resource 4 - General Resource Attributes Characteristics specific to the facility or resource 5 - External Entity Relationships External entities that relate to a facility or resource 6 - Device and Qualification Data Device information, such as meter and generator information
Data Element Categories, continued 7 - General Market/Program Enrollment Data Data elements that apply to enrollment in any market or demand response program 8 - Offer Parameters Data elements used in making an offer into a market 9 - Energy Market Data Data elements specific to energy market products/services 10 - Ancillary Service Market Data Data elements specific to ancillary service market products/services 11 - Capacity Market Data Data elements specific to capacity market products/services 12 - Event and Performance Demand response event data elements and information associated with measurement and verification
How the IRC process could be used for Phase 2 of NAESB SGTF • Identify the interactions for which data requirements are needed in PAP 03, PAP 04 and PAP 09-Retail • Update the Data Element Worksheet to capture the list of interactions in column headers • Use the sequence diagrams or extend wholesale business process models to identify data elements for each interaction • Specify the data elements in the Data Element Worksheet • Extend the list of data elements as necessary consistent with the established categories • Include the term and the operational definition for each new data element, as well as the category in which it belongs