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Beyond Word Webs: Using Graphic Organizers in the ABE Math Classroom

Beyond Word Webs: Using Graphic Organizers in the ABE Math Classroom. Laura Prettyman AEOA Laura.prettyman@aeoa.org. What are graphic organizers?. Diagrams organizing or highlighting key information Clearly labeled main branch and sub-branches Numbers, arrows, or lines showing sequence.

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Beyond Word Webs: Using Graphic Organizers in the ABE Math Classroom

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  1. Beyond Word Webs:Using Graphic Organizers in the ABE Math Classroom Laura Prettyman AEOA Laura.prettyman@aeoa.org

  2. What are graphic organizers? • Diagrams organizing or highlighting key information • Clearly labeled main branch and sub-branches • Numbers, arrows, or lines showing sequence

  3. Why use graphic organizers? • Help students develop a problem-solving plan • Help students identify key information • Good for students with disabilities • Can be with low-levels through transitions

  4. Introducing graphic organizers • Direct Instruction • Review prior knowledge • Present organizer • Guided practice • Corrections and/or feedback • Independent practice • Weekly and monthly reviews

  5. Teacher-Directed Student-Directed • Provide partially completed organizer • Have students read information or problems • Provide direct teacher instruction of readings while completing identical organizer • Fill out organizer with class • Students complete organizer using prompts. • Teacher acts as facilitator. • Students may check answers on teacher copy.

  6. What to organize? • Choose passages that: • Are 1500 words or less • Fit the organizer you are teaching • May be difficult for students to understand

  7. Webs

  8. Story Problems

  9. Jon and his two brothers split the cost of renting a hunting shack for a deer hunting trip. Daily rental was $89.50. If they rent the shack for six days, how much is each brothers’ share of the rental cost? Re-Say

  10. How many hours will a car travelling at 65 miles per hour take to catch up to a car travelling at 55 miles per hour if the slower car leaves one hour before the faster car?

  11. Ben scored 7 more points than Jack in a basketball game. Paul scored 2 points less than Jack in the same game. If the three boys scored a total of 38 points, how many points did Jack score?

  12. Math Sorts • Hands on • Good for low-level learner • Develops critical thinking/categorizing skills needed for new GED

  13. Math Matches

  14. Rule of Four Link • Helps students • Visualize multiple approaches to problem-solving • Make connections between representations • Understand the connections • Communicate understanding

  15. http://www.umassmed.edu/MathGraphicOrganizers.aspx

  16. http://www.umassmed.edu/MathGraphicOrganizers.aspx

  17. Splashes • Often used in conjunction with Rule of Four Link • Different way to review information • Great for small groups

  18. http://www.umassmed.edu/MathGraphicOrganizers.aspx

  19. Math Vocabulary & Note Taking Students need • Explicit instruction • Repeated practice • Opportunities to explore examples

  20. Frayer Model or Information Frame Wor Words: Changing the order of addends does not change the sum. Numbers: 4+3 = 3+4 Commutative Property of Addition Algebra: a + b = b + a Example: Use for mental math calculations 23 + 19 + 7 = 23 + 7 + 19

  21. Term Box Term: ________________ Examples Sketch or give two examples of _____________________. Definition from math book: Definition in your own words: Non-Examples Extension Sketch or give two non-examples of _________________. Give two examples of how _________ is used in the real world.

  22. Vocab Note Box Slope is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change in a line. Slope = m m = change in y change in x y = mx + b m = slope b = y intercept y = -3x-2 m = -3 1 b = (0, -2) Where a given line crosses the y axis http://usablealgebra.landmark.edu/instructor-training/beneficial-practices/

  23. References • University of Massachusetts Regional Resource Center • http://www.umassmed.edu/MathGraphicOrganizers.aspx • Math Graphics Organizers for Students with Disabilities • http://www.k8accesscenter.org/training_resources/mathgraphicorganizers.asp • Think Literacy: Cross Curriculum Approaches • http://oame.on.ca/main/files/thinklit/FrayerModel.pdf • Association for Middle Level Education • http://www.amle.org/Publications/MiddleSchoolJournal/Articles/November2009/Article4/tabid/2083/Default.aspx • Center for Urban Education • http://teacher.depaul.edu/ • Teacher Vision • http://www.teachervision.fen.com/math/problem-solving/48897.html?for_printing=1&detoured=1 • Universal Design of College Algebra • http://usablealgebra.landmark.edu/instructor-training/beneficial-practices/

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