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FIFTH GRADE LEAP. NUTS AND BOLTS. EXCITING NEWS!. We officially, as of today, have a FANTASTIC Certified Teaching Assistant MRS. NANCY ARON GT Certified Worked with regular fifth grade at McCoy during 07-08 Graduated from TWU Parent of two sons. SCHEDULE.

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  2. EXCITING NEWS! • We officially, as of today, have a FANTASTIC Certified Teaching Assistant • MRS. NANCY ARON • GT Certified • Worked with regular fifth grade at McCoy during 07-08 • Graduated from TWU • Parent of two sons

  3. SCHEDULE • 7:50 – 9:40 Integrated Language Arts and Social Studies • 9:40 – 10:30 SPECIALS • 10:30-11:00 Complete Language Arts/Social Studies • 11:00-12:15 Science • 12:20-12:40 Lunch • 12:40-1:00 Recess • 1:00 – 1:20 ACT (Academic Choice Time) • 1:20 – 2:50 MATH • 2:50 – 3:00 Planner, organize to dismiss • 3:00 Dismissal * Library: Tuesdays, 11:30 – 12:15

  4. ARRIVAL • Students begin working promptly at 7:50 • Car riders and walkers must enter through front of school • Buses drop off on south side of building • No parent drop-off allowed outside the portable • May pick up outside the portable only after 3:45

  5. MESSAGES TO STUDENTS • Call the McCoy office to leave a message for your child (972/968-2300) • Office will call the classroom • Please no emails during school day • Emails read mainly after school or during evening hours

  6. PHYSICAL NEEDS • Water bottles highly recommended • Take home daily to wash and refill • Mid-morning snack recommended • Students can bring own individual snack or can bring a package twice a month for community snack • Students encouraged to go to restroom as we come and go to specials, lunch, recess

  7. PLANNERS • Important tool to help with organization • I model usage each day • Homework and other assignments and due dates are written in front of students • Responsibility of student to use • Parent signature required once each week • Encourage planner usage as a life skill • $4.50 cash for planners

  8. ACCOUNTABILITY FOLDER • Goes home on Tuesdays except for this week (went home today) • Has status sheet that stays in the folder for nine week grading period • Graded work goes in folder (if available) • Comments from teacher concerning late work, etc. • Parent initials required • Helps determine character ed grades • Look for carpool card in the folder

  9. HOMEWORK • Blogs will be used for reading logs, may be handwritten or typed if internet usage not available or allowed • Students will receive prompts for reading logs via email through Gaggle • Multiple assignments each day • Long-range assignments • May use ACT time to work on homework except for reading log • Late homework receives a grade of 50 • Detention will be served for homework not turned in by Wednesday

  10. DETENTION • K-5 participates • “Opportunity” to complete unfinished or late assignments • Parents will be given advance notice • May also be issued for behavior problems • Faculty takes turns monitoring • 3:00-5:00 Friday afternoons; parents pick up student in front of the school • Accountability folder will advise of late work • Detention notice goes home Wednesday if work not in • Student may bring work on Thursday, if not, detention will be served

  11. FIFTH GRADE ACTIVITIES • This year students will participate in several exciting activities: • 5th grade T shirts • Colonial Days • Holiday parties • Personal drums (w/ Mrs. Draves) • Silent Auction project • End of the year graduation and banquet • To cover these expenses (and not ask for $ many times throughout the year), room parents are collecting $30. Please send your $ to school with your child.

  12. MCCOY AND FIFTH GRADE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT At McCoy students are expected to: • Be prepared with their materials and assignments each day • Come to school everyday • Take care of the school property, including textbooks • Follow the Dress Code • Be respectful to all adults, other students, and themselves • Solve problems without using profanity or fighting

  13. POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF BEHAVIOR PROBLEMSVerbal warningLoss of recess time After school detentionParent conferenceParent sitting in the classroom with the studentIn school suspensionOut of school suspensionAlternative SchoolOther decided by Principal or Assistant Principal according to the CFB Code of Conduct

  14. CAMP GRADY SPRUCE • February 3-6th • Still in the planning stage • Information will be sent home in the next few weeks with specific information • Parent meeting will be scheduled; date will be announced soon

  15. CONFERENCES • Fall conferences—dates and appointment list will be sent home • Please email me anytime you have a question or concern and I will contact you by email or phone • whiten@cfbisd.edu

  16. MATH GRANT -Mrs. Runyon and I received in May, 2008 - $3,000 for Marcy Cook math materials • Involves problem solving • Highly engaging and challenging for all student • For all McCoy students, grades K-5 • Creates a library of materials for teachers

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